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Методическая разработка урока с применением игровой технологии

Сильное звено

Беляева Ирина Ивановна,
преподаватель высшей категории;
Питковская Инна Борисовна,
преподаватель высшей категории
ГБОУ Гимназия №52 Санкт-Петербурга

Цель урока: Активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся.

Развить коммуникативные способности учащихся.

Задачи: Повторить страноведческий материал.

Научить высказывать своё мнение и обосновывать свой выбор.

Игра является неотъемлемой частью современного урока английского языка и активно используется во внеурочной деятельности. Использование именно игровой технология мотивирует учеников, способствует расширению кругозора, позволяет сочетать индивидуальную работу с работой в команде.

Игра «Сильное звено» строится на основе изученного страноведческого материла по истории и культуре англоязычных стран. Представляется важным отметить, что данную игру можно использовать, как на уроках на этапе закрепления материала, так и во внеклассных мероприятиях, например, в рамках тематических недель английского языка.

Игра «Сильное звено» направлена на то, чтобы приобщить учеников к культуре и истории стран изучаемого языка. Материал для игры подобран таким образом, чтобы стимулировать поисковую деятельность учащихся, развить исследовательские навыки и раскрыть интеллектуальные способности. Важным представляется заметить, что данная игровая технология может успешно применяться при изучении любых других тем в рамках программы по английскому языку и других предметов

Ход игры:

Класс делится на 8 пар (остальные составляют жюри).

Игра состоит из 6-ти кругов и финала.

Ведущий задаёт вопросы по кругу каждой паре. Игроки должны дать краткий быстрый ответ. После окончания каждого круга идёт голосование. Каждая пара на листке пишет имена той пары, которая должна покинуть игру. Каждый участник объясняет свой выбор. Жюри называет «самое сильное звено» круга. Это та пара, которая быстро дала наибольшее число правильных ответов. Если при голосовании счёт равный, то «самое сильное звено» выбирает того, кто должен уйти. Выбывшая пара имеет право прокомментировать решение команды. Следующий круг начинается с «самого сильного звена» предыдущего круга.


В финале играют две пары. Каждая из них по очереди отвечает на пять пар вопросов. Если счёт равный, то следует ещё пять пар вопросов. «Сильное звено» шестого круга имеет право выбрать первыми или вторыми отвечать на вопросы.

Выигравшая пара становится «самым сильным звеном» игры.


I round

  1. Who was the first President of the U.S.A?
  2. Who is the President of the U.S.A. now?
  3. What English king had 6 wives?
  4. Who is the head of the U.K. now?
  5. What is the name of the most famous English clock?
  6. How long did Queen Victoria reign? (64 years)
  7. What river flows in London?
  8. Who said: ”I have a body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king”?
  9. Who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”?
  10. What is the name of the tradition when the keeper marks the royal swans?
  11. What do Americans celebrate on the 31 of October? (Halloween)
  12. What book did Joan Rowling write?
  13. When does Santa Clause come?
  14. What is the capital of Scotland?
  15. What country is called “the upside down world”?
  16. Where do kangaroos live?
  17. How is American Parliament called? (The Congress)
  18. How many states are there in the USA?
  19. How many birthdays does the English Queen have?
  20. What is the name of the greatest American river? (The Mississippi)
  21. What country is called “the big melting pot of countries”?
  22. How many judges are there in the Supreme Court?
  23. Which language has more words English or French?
  24. What is the first language of New Zealand?



II round

  1. What palace does the Queen live in in London?
  2. What do people breathe in?
  3. What is Union Jack?
  4. Who discovered America?
  5. Where does the Prime Minister live? (10 Downing Street)
  6. What happened in London in 1666? (Great Fire)
  7. What did Sir Christopher Wren build?
  8. Monument to what dog can you see in Edinburg.
  9. What Palace did the Russian tsars live in in St. Petersburg?
  10. Who founded St. Petersburg?
  11. Who composed music to the world famous ballet “Swan Lake”?
  12. What American President was killed in “Ford’s Theatre” in Washington D.C. in 1865? (Lincoln)
  13. What is the national symbol of the U.S.A.?
  14. Is Wales the part of the U.K.? (yes)
  15. Who was the best friend of Christopher Robin?
  16. Are the Rocky Mountains situated in Great Britain or the U.S.A.?
  17. Did Americans or the British win the war for Independence?
  18. What birds live in the Tower of London? (ravens)
  19. Who lives in the White House in Washington D.C.?
  20. Can you become the American President? (no)
  21. What is the symbol of Scotland? (thistle)



III round

  1. What animal east only the leaves of eucalyptus trees? (koala)
  2. Is Sydney the capital of Australia? (no)
  3. Is Australia the world’s largest or smallest continent?
  4. What city is St. Basil’s cathedral situated in?
  5. What is the name of the most famous British University?
  6. What city is the largest and the busiest in Scotland? (Glasgow)
  7. What do Americans celebrate on the 4lh of July? (Independence Day)
  8. Name the holiday when people send Valentines of each other?
  9. Where does the British Parliament seat in London?
  10. Name the most famous British detective who lived in Baker Street.
  11. What is the capital of France?
  12. Name the boy from Kipling’s book who lived in the Jungles?
  13. What was the name of Queen Victoria’s husband?
  14. What doctor do you go to when you have a toothache?
  15. Who was the first Russian cosmonaut?
  16. Is Thanksgiving Day a British or an American holiday?
  17. Have the Vikings even visited the British Islands?
  18. What language is called an international one?
  19. What is the political Centre of London? (Westminster)
  20. Who created Mickey Mouse?
  21. Is Africa a country or a continent?
  22. How many stars are on American flag? (50)
  23. Will you call Wales an agricultural or an industrial country?
  24. What do children hang at the end of their beds on Christmas night? (stocking)



IV round

  1. What do people of Norway give to the people of London every year?
  2. Which animal has the longest neck?
  3. What Channel separates the British Isles from the Continent? (British channel)
  4. What Russian poet was killed on the duel in 1837?
  5. What was the name of Shakespeare’s theatre? (the Globe)
  6. Name the most famous shop in London? (Harrods)
  7. What ocean doesn’t wash Russia? (Indian)
  8. Who wrote Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defore or R. Kipling?
  9. What country was Napoleon from?
  10. What are the colors of the Russian flag?
  11. Who wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament & kill King James I in 1605? (Guy Fawkes)
  12. What monument can you see in the Centre of Trafalgar square? (Admiral Nelson)
  13. What British top secret agent has number 007? (James Bond)
  14. Does the sun travel round the Earth? (no)
  15. Has the man ever landed on the moon?
  16. Name the country where you can find Ice Hotel? (Sweden?
  17. What kind of books did Agatha Christie write? (detective stories)
  18. What song do British people sing on Christmas? (carols)
  19. Name the country where people have elephant football matches on their favorite holiday Surin? (Thailand)
  20. How many parts does the U.K. consist of? (4)



V round

  1. Where is Cairo? (In Egypt)
  2. Is the statue of Liberty in Washington? (in New York)
  3. What does an artist do? (he paints (draws))
  4. Where does a doctor work? (in a hospital)
  5. What tense do we use to describe daily routines? (present simple)
  6. Can sharks swim? (yes, they can)
  7. What color are penguins? (black and white)
  8. What do penguins eat? (fish)
  9. Where do koalas live? (in the tops of eucalyptus trees, in eastern Australia)
  10. What killed the cat? (curiosity)
  11. What is there in the envelope? (a letter, A card)
  12. Where is Loch Ness situated? (in Scotland)
  13. What animal eat plankton and plants that live in the sea? (blue whales)
  14. What can you see in a garage? (cars)
  15. What color are our fields in summer? (green)
  16. Where did Princess Diana die? (in Paris)
  17. What are Diana and Charles’ sons’ names? (William and Harry)
  18. How old was Princess Diana when she died? (36)
  19. Where are the Backstreet Boys from? (from America)
  20. How many boys are there in the band? (5)
  21. Who was Antonio Vivaldi? (a composer and violinist)
  22. Where was Shakespeare bom? (Stratford-upon-Avon)
  23. What is the longest river in Africa? (The River Nile)
  24. When is Independence Day in the USA? (on the 4lh of July)
  25. What bird is the emblem of New Zealand? (kiwi)



VI round

  1. Where does a dolphin trainer work? (in a swimming pool)
  2. How many children did D&C have? (2)
  3. What do tourists hope to see in Loch Ness? (Nessie)
  4. What does a “kiwi” mean for Russians? (fruit)
  5. Who wrote “My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here”? (Robert Bums) f
  6. What parts does Great Britain consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales)
  7. What popular characters did Disney Studio create? (Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck)
  8. Who or what usually wakes you up in the morning?
  9. What do people get on St. Valentine’s Day? (presents and cards)
  10. Are dolphins fish? (mammals)
  11. What is the oldest university in England? (Oxford University 12lh century)
  12. What square is the heart of Moscow? (Red square)
  13. When did the invasion of the French Army begin in Moscow?
  14. Can the emu fly? (no)
  15. Who invented telephone Alexander Bell or Popov? (Bell)
  16. What is Heathrow? (an airport)
  17. What clothes did cowboys wear in the “Wild West”? (Jeans)
  18. What is the hottest season in Australia? (winter)
  19. Which park is the home of London Zoo? (Regent’s Park)
  20. Who was Oliver Cromwell? (general, Politician, Lord Protector)
  21. How are the first 10 amendments to the American Constitution called? (Bil of Rights)





  1. Who wrote the book about Winnie-the-Pooh?
  2. Who wrote the book about Carlson?


  1. What is the capital of Denmark? (Copenhagen)
  2. What is the capital of Sweden? (Shockholm)


  1. Who built St. Isaac’s Cathedral? (Monferan)
  2. Who built Kazan Cathedral? (Voronihin)


  1. Who was the last Russian tsar? (Nicolas II)
  2. Which tsar was killed in Mihailovsky (Inzenemy) castle in St. Petersburg? (P


  1. How many senators are there in American Parliament? (100)
  2. How many congressmen are there in American Parliament? (435)















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образования «АНЭКС»

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