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Конспект открытого урока для 3-го класса общеобразовательной школы
по английскому языку по программе Ю.А.Комаровой

Where are you going to go on holiday and what are you going to do?

Образцова Наталья Ивановна

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 3 «А»

Уровень класса: Elementary/ A2 upwards

Время: 45 мин.

Языковые средства: to be going to, months, countries, Sochi, the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, colors, sun cream, a sun hat, sun glasses, flippers, a lilo, a towel, armbands, sand set, fish, salad, ice cream, a castle, volleyball, an island, a dress, a little girl, a postcard, to take, to make, to wear.

Цель: обобщение и закрепление знаний, умений и навыков учащихся по теме «We're going to go…» 9 раздела учебника  Ю.А. Комаровой  «Английский язык. 3 класс» MACMILLAN 2014

Формируемые УУД:


Обучающийся научится:

-формировать умения самостоятельно выделять и формулировать познавательную цель всего урока и отдельного задания;

-  произносить правильно звуки [l], [w], [d], [t]; находить местоположение звука [l] в словах;

-строить логическое рассуждение.

Обучающийся получит возможность научиться:

-проявлять познавательную инициативу в учебном сотрудничестве.


формировать умение работать самостоятельно, в группе,  находить общее решение, умение аргументировать своё предложение;

-развивать способность сохранять доброжелательное отношение друг к другу, взаимоконтроль и взаимопомощь по ходу выполнения задания;

Обучающийся получит возможность научиться:

- строить понятные для партнера высказывания и аргументировать свою позицию;

-проявлять инициативу в учебно-познавательной деятельности.


Обучающийся научится:

-планировать свои действия в соответствии с  учебными задачами и инструкциями учителя:

Обучающийся получит возможность научиться:

-понимать смысл инструкций учителя на английском языке.


-формировать внутреннюю позицию школьника на уровне положительного отношения к урокам английского языка;

-формировать  понимание необходимости владения английским языком  в жизни человека и желание общаться на английском языке с широким кругом лиц;

Ход урока:

  1. Вводная часть.

The bell is ringing, let's start our lesson.  First, let's greet each other!

«Hello, hello, hello to you,

Hello, dear pupils, I'm glad to see you!

Hello, hello, hello to you,

Hello, dear teacher, we’re glad to see you! »

Thank you very much!  Now, my dear friends answer my questions, please!


Warm up         (Игра – речевка «Short answers»).

-         Are you ready for the lesson?

-         Yes, we are!

-         Are you merry, bright and clever?

-         Yes, we are!

-         Have you got your books and pens?

-         Yes, we have!

-         Have you got your dictionaries?

-         Yes, we have!

-         Do you study English well?

-         Yes, we do!

-         Do you speak it every day?

-         Yes, we do!

-         Can you sing the English songs?

-         Yes, we can!

-         Can you show me your tongues?

-         Yes, we can!

  1. Фонетическая игра.

OK, I can see your Mr. Tongue! As you know, Mr. Tongue likes to play!

Now, let's play the game «Merry sound»!

So, look at the screen, please! You must name the picture, then, if you hear the sound [l] in the beginning of the word, you must clap your hands! (Clap your hands, please!). If you hear the sound [l] in the middle of the word, you must raise your hands! (Raise your hands, please!). Good! And, if you hear the sound [l] in the end of the word, you must stamp your feet! (Stamp your feet, please!)

На экране демонстрируются слайды с изображением, дети весело играют:

Holiday, island, England (London), towel, Spain (children are keeping silence). OK, you are very attentive! That's right, there's no sound [l] in this word! Let's continue!

Слайды: lilo, volleyball, Turkey (children are keeping silence), flippers, Italy, little girl, ice cream (children are keeping silence), July, France (children are keeping silence), sun glasses, castle, Australia, salad, Sochi (children are keeping silence). What is Sochi? That's right, it is a very lovely city in the South of Russia. What do you know about Sochi? Good, you are really bright and clever! Sochi is the host city of the twenty second Winter Olympic Games in 2014! (Далее демонстрируется слайд с изображением символов Олимпиады) These are the symbols of the Olympic Games: the Bear, the Snow leopard and the Hair.  Good! Let's continue!

Слайды: Thailand, April. My dear friends, what is April?  Of course, it's a month! By the way, what day is it today? (Today is the eighth of April).  Let's say it together! My dear pupils, what other months do you know?  If I'm not mistaken, you're going to sing the song about the months, so, let's sing it! Звучит мелодия песни «В лесу родилась елочка», дети пропевают названия месяцев. Good, very good!

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

Teacher:  Oh, what's that noise?  Do you hear it? (достает куклу) Oh, my dear little girl! Anny! Wake up, please, and say "Hello" to children!

Anny: hello, boys and girls, I am very glad to see you!

Pupils: hello, Anny, we are glad to see you too!

Teacher: What the matter, Anny? What are you going to say? (прикладывает куклу к своему уху). You see, my friends, Anny has got a letter from her sister Katy. (показывает письмо). But, you know, Anny is a little girl, she can't read or write! How can we help Anny?

Pupils: Let's read the letter!

Teacher: OK, it's very kind of you! Look at the board, please! This is the letter from Katy. Let's read it. But it has got a secret: some words are not written. You must take away the picture and write the necessary word. Well, if I'm not mistaken, it was your home task, wasn't it? Let's check it up!  Nikita, read the first sentence, please! Good! Lena, read the second sentence, please! Sofia, come up to the board, take away the picture of the island and write the word, please! Good! Kristina, read the next sentence, please! Daniel, come up to the board, please!

Текст письма:

Hello, Anny!

I'm going to go on holiday! I'm going to go to a lovely (island). I'm going to take my (flippers) and (sun cream), my (lilo) and my (sand set). I'm not going to take my (armbands). I can swim!

We're going to eat (fish) and (salad) and (ice cream).

I'm going to make a big (castle) and play (volleyball) on the beach!

Love, Katy

Слова, данные в скобках, записываются детьми мелом на доске взамен картинок, их обозначающих.

  1. Применение полученных ЗУН в нестандартной ситуации. Говорение.

Teacher: Good! You are very bright and clever! My dear friends, what do you think, what's the topic of our lesson? What do you think about it? Good! Let's say it together!  "Where are you going to go on holiday and what are you going to do?"  Anny! What are you going to say? (прикладывает куклу к уху). My friends, Anny is going to play volleyball and talk to you, so, what should we do?

Pupils: Let's play and talk!

Teacher: OK, stand up and form a circle, please! Where's the ball? Oh, here it is! Let's play and talk!

Anny: Katya, Where are you going to go on holiday in June? (Бросает мяч Кате)

Katya: In June I'm going to go on holiday to Egypt. Dima, what are you going to do in January? (Бросает мяч Диме)

Dima: In January I'm going to make a snowman. Julia, where are you going to go on holiday in August?

Julia: In August I'm going to go on holiday to Spain. Nikita, what are you going to do in May?

Ni kita: In May I'm going to ride a bike. Masha, what are you going to do in September?

Masha : In September  I'm going to do my homework. Anny, where are you going to go on holiday in July?


Anny: In July I'm going to go on holiday to Sochi.

Pupils: what are you going to do?

Anny: Oh, I'm going to eat ten ice creams, I'm going to play in the sea!

Let's sing it together! (исполняется песня 82, диск к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой  и др. Английский язык 3 класс 2014 г.). Дети поют и «изображают» действия:

I'm going to eat ten ice creams!

I'm going to play in the sea!

I'm going to go

And catch some fish!

Do you want to come with me?

I'm going to make a castle!

I'm going to swim in the sea!

I'm going to go on my lilo!

Do you want to come with me?

Teacher: Oh, thank you!  Anny is happy now! Please, take your seats! Well, my friends, you know, in July Anny is going to go on holiday to Sochi. What's the matter, Anny? (прикладывает куклу к уху). Oh, I see. Children, Anny is going to send three postcards to her friends from Sochi. And she asks you to help her. Well, what do you think about it?

Pupils: Let's help Anny!

  1. Аудирование.

Teacher: Good. Now, let’s divide into three groups. (дети делятся на три команды и садятся за столы). So, the first team is "Merry», the second team is "Bright" and the third one is "Clever". Listen to me very attentively. I have got three postcards, look at them, please! (демонстрирует три одинаковые  заготовки открытки)



But they are not ready yet! We must complete them! You’ve got some glue sticks and pictures in the envelopes. You must listen to Anny's story and stick the necessary picture on the postcard. So, let's start!

Anny's story:

In July I'm going to go on holiday to Sochi. I'm going to take my favorite purple beach bag, the yellow and green towel, the pink lilo, orange and red armbands and blue flippers.

I'm going to wear my red and yellow dress, my favorite blue sun hat and white sun glasses.

On the beach I’m going to make a big sand castle, eat ice cream and play beach volleyball.

I'm going to have a brilliant holiday!

Teacher: OK, my friends, let's have a look at your postcards! (размещает открытки на доске). I think they're very nice! Now, let's have a look       , if they are correct! "Merry"! Check up the postcard of "Bright", please! "Bright"! I would like you to check up the postcard of "Clever". And your team, "Clever", must check up the postcard of «Merry".  Who wants to be a translator? OK, Daniel, translate  Anny's story, please! (учитель читает рассказ Энни, ученик переводит на русский язык. Команды проверяют картинки друг друга). So, my friends, you must give the marks for the postcards. (учитель предлагает каждой команде на выбор три смайлика).


You must stick the necessary "smile" on the postcard. (дети оценивают работу другой команды). Good! Anny is happy now! She can send these postcards to her friends! She says: Thank you very much, my dear friends!

Pupils: You are welcome!

  1. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Teacher: What are you going to say, Anny? (прикладывает куклу к уху). Oh, I see. Anny wants to get postcards from you, my friends! At home you must make your own postcard and describe it with five sentences minimum. You must write the description in your copybooks. This is your homework. Open your diaries and write down the home task, please!

  1. Рефлексия.

Teacher: You know, my dear friends, I'm so proud of you! You are very kind children, you helped Anny! Anny is happy now. And, of course, you are really merry, bright and clever pupils! Today you have got two marks for the lesson: one mark is for your homework, another is for group working. Your marks are excellent! So, the lesson is over. Good-bye!

Pupils: Good-bye, teacher!



Учитель: Образцова Наталья Ивановна

ГБОУ школа 645 Пушкинского района

Санкт – Петербург


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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