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Разработка урока английского языка в 5 классе
с использованием электронной доски

School subjects

Миненкова Марина Юрьевна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназия №586
Василеостровского района Санкт-Петербурга


ТИП УРОКА: закрепляющий




1. Совершенствовать навыки говорения;

2. Закрепить лексические навыки;



1. Формировать умение применять знания в альтернативных ситуациях;

2. Развивать навыки работы на электронной доске;



1. Воспитывать уважительное отношение к английскому языку;

2. Формировать способность воспринимать предметный мир;



1. Развивать речевые и языковые компетенции;

2. Интеллектуально развивать учащихся;

3. Повысить мотивацию к изучению языка за счет использования ИКТ.



  1. Закрепить лексику по теме;
  2. Совершенствовать навыки монологической речи на материале темы School Subjects;
  3. Совершенствовать навыки работы на электронной доске.




  1. Электронная доска Smart-board с программным обеспечением Smart Notebook 2014
  2. Презентация



Ход урока:


Hello, everybody. Before discussing today’s topic let’s have a talk. Imagine, I’m your pen-friend from UK, I want to know about your school life. So, answer my questions.

-What school do you go to?

-What form are you in?

-How many peoples are there in your class?

-What do you put on the desk before the beginning of the lesson?

-Is your school bag heavy?

-How many lessons a day do you usually have?

Основная часть урока:

Thank you. Today we are going to continue speaking about    school life. At the previous lessons we  learnt about school subjects. Today I’d like to see if you know this theme well.

Look at the white board. In the first slide you see pictures which will help you to guess the name of the subject/ Come up to the white board one by one, give your idea about this or that picture, then clean the note below the picture and see, if you are right.

I see this task wasn’t difficult for you. Now look at the second slide. The task here is to complete the words about school. At the top of the screen I offer you parts of the words. You have to pull each of them to the correspond word. Be very attentive, please.

Well, I see this task is much more difficult than the first one.

Look at the white board again. This time you have to work as Sherlock Holmes. Read a secret message. It has some gaps. Guess what words are missed in this note. You can check your ideas up with the help of a magnifying glass. Pull it by the handle to the gap and see if you are right.  Great! You can investigate any mystery not worse than Sherlock Holmes.

But the last task is the most difficult one. Before doing it on the board do it in your exercise-books.  Open them. What date is it today? Put it down, Classwork. Think over a time table for one of the week days. Choose the day, create a schedule for this day. What is more, you have to explain where this or that lesson will be held. At the board  you have to speak of the schedule, explain your choice, mention the time of the beginning and ending of each lesson, study where the lesson is held.

You have made  very creative, convenient time-tables. We can offer them to our principal.

Заключительная часть урока:

Our lesson is almost over. Today we have  seen that you can speak about your school life, your time table. You do it very well.

Take your daybooks and put down the home task.  Make up crosswords about school life. It must consist of ten words.

The lesson is over. See you tomorrow.


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


Для обучающихся 8 классов, педагогов, репетиторов. Подробнее...



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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
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