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Проект по английскому языку с элементами исследовательской  деятельности «Word»


Шулёва Анна Владимировна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 121
Калининского района Санкт-Петербурга


Класс 8 «А»: Кнодель Юлия, Батюк Дарья, Буравцева Ольга, Витухновский Роман

Проект проводился с целью выявления и поддержки талантливых и творчески активных учащихся.

Цель: Формирование творческой личности, обладающей навыками самостоятельной исследовательской работы.

Задачи: Расширения кругозора  учащихся в области английского языка.

Мотивация учащихся к изучению языка.



Результат исследовательской деятельности:  (эссе)


Our live is full of all colors of the rainbow. But it was not always. Among the ancient people palette was more monotonous than now. We do not say about natural palette. Today people have learned to take different colors and the shades of colors. Let’s come back to antiquity. We can see that the ancient people had only natural palette. There were only red, black and white. These colors could be   taken from natural materials such as white clay, soot, the blood of animals…

In our days we can see such palette on the rock paintings, in the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

We are all curious. We want to know what comes from where. In the essay we would like to explore the origin and different meanings the word “red”.

About the origin of the English word is told in “A Comprehensive Etymological  Dictionary of the English language” which was composed by  F.C. Klein. This etymological dictionary contains information about the origin of different words  and their derivatives. According to F.C. Klein as an adjective “red’’ formed from the middle  English ‘red, read, reed’. You can meet in some sentences:‘with red eyes, The Red Army, red flag, red ribbon, red telephone box.   The word ‘red’ can be formed to nouns: ‘redden, reddish, reddishness….’. You can meet in phrases: ‘to be in the red, red tape…’.

In Russian ‘red’ can be changed in different adjectives of colors. For example: red hair.

Sometimes we can use ‘red’ in proverbs, for example: ‘Red sky at night shepherds delight’,‘neither fish not good red herring’, ‘It’s like a red rag to a bull.’ We can say phrases using to ‘red’ for example: The Red Cross, red cent, to be in red, red tape.

In each country red color has got different symbolism. In our country ‘Red’ means beautiful and blood. In China ‘red’ is symbol of lucky. In Britain it means victory and bravery.

To draw the conclusion one can say that, we use the word “Red” everywhere in different  meanings in the English language. But in Russian “red’ forms different adjectives. It’s very important how we say and what words we use.




Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
образования «АНЭКС»

191119, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Звенигородская, д. 28 лит. А

Главный редактор:
Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»