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                         Конспект урока английского языка в 6 - 7 классах

Saint Valentine’s Day

(День Св. Валентина)



Образовательная: совершенствование навыков аудирования и говорения, развитие навыков самостоятельного поиска и подбора информации.



Развивающая: продолжение знакомства детей с обычаями и традициями англоязычных стран, развитие умения общаться на английском языке. 


Воспитательная: расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языка, воспитывание

уважения к иноязычной культуре, развитие доброжелательности, умения работать в команде.


Оборудование: проектор, компьютер, экран, презентация,карточки.


Форма урока: урок - ролевая игра






Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you today.


Сообщение темы:


Today we are going to have an interesting lesson. We are going to speak about St.Valentine’s Day, read your postcards, guess thеauthor  and do some quizes.




But at first let’s sing our song  “My Bonnie” together.


My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,  bring back my Bonnie to me!
Bring back, bring back,  bring back my Bonnie to me, to me;
Bring back, bring back, bring back my Bonnie to me.

The winds will blow over the ocean, the winds will blow over the sea,
The winds will blow over the ocean and bring back my Bonnie to me.

Bring back, bring back,  bring back my Bonnie to me, to me;
Bring back, bring back,  bring back my Bonnie to me.




Student 1:February 14th. It’s the day when people tell each other nice things, give presents, speak and sing about love. There are many different stories about the origin of St. Valentine’s Day. We know that Valentine was a priest in Rome a long time ago. He was a very good priest and many people loved him.

Student 2:At that time the Emperor of Rome was Claudius. He wasn’t very popular because he was trying to get more people for his army.

Valentine secretly married people who were in love. One night the Emperor’s soldiers caught him and put him into prison. Claudius killed Valentine on February,14th.

Student 3:Two hundred years later, the church made February,14th a special day to remember St. Valentine.

Valentine became the patron saint of lovers.

Student 4:Most European countries and the USA celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. First of all it’s celebrated in families. Husbands and wives make little presents to each other, they go out for dinner or have a celebration at home.

Student 5:It’s a good time to show your love to your Mum, Granny, little sister, or relatives and friends. (Слайд1)

People write postcards to each other. As for me I wrote to my Granny:


                                            I love your cakes,

                                            I love your  stew,

                                            But most of all

                                             I love you!!


Postcards has become a specific symbol of this day. Whoops!!! There’s a knock on the door.

Please, come in. Oh, it’s a postman! (Слайд2)


Postman:I have brought a lot of love letters and funny postcards. Here, look at this one.


               Roses are red

               Violets are blue

               Honey’s sweet

              And so are you.


Let’s see, who gets this one. It’s for Jane.


Jane:Thank you very much. But I don’t know who sent this card. It isn’t signed. What shall I do withit?

Postman:You have to guess who sent it.


Jane:Oh, yes. I read: “I’m tall, slim with dark, curly hair. I love jokes. I hate a soap opera.”

I know, it is Kate.



Postman:And I have a card saying:


                              I know that friendship reaches

                              Far across the miles,

                              I’d still be glad to see one of

                              Your warm and friendly smiles.


This card is for Mike. But who sent it. This person has short, dark hair. He is plump. He has freckles.


Students:We guess!! It’s Roma.


Postman:I’ve got a card saying:


                                 A friend like you…

                                Is a dream come  true.



This postcard is for Helen. The person who sent this card has fair hair. He enjoys music and he is good at playing the guitar.


Students:It’s Misha. Weguesshim!


(игра продолжается до тех пор пока все открытки не найдут своих адресатов, а

 дети угадывают кто их писал. На открытке с одной стороны написано обращение

к другу или подруге, с другой автор описывает себя, чтобы можно было угадать

кто писал)


Student 6: Boysandgirls! You should use the code key to read this secret message.

Who’ll be the first will get a chocolate heart.


Далее детям раздается «Секретное сообщение» и   первые  ученики, прочитавшие сообщение, получают призы-шоколадное сердце.




Student 7 : Why do girls like boys? Why do boys like girls? (Слайд 3,4 )

           (на столе лежат карточки с ответами. Дети поднимают их и соглашаются с высказыванием либо не соглашаются с ним.)




Student 8:At the end of our lesson I want to give you a test “How romantic are you?”

Read the questions, please and say “Yes” or “No”


На экране появляются вопросы, дети отвечают. (Слайд 5 )


How many times did you say “Yes”? Check your score. (Слайд 6 )


Teacher:Our party is coming to the end. I hope you enjoy it. Let’s sing our song.













Вконцеурокадетипоютпесню:  “If you are happy and you know it… ”


1.If you are happy and you know it, 
Clap your hands. 
If you are happy and you know it, 
Clap your hands. 
If you are happy and you know it, 
And you really want to show it, 
If you are happy and you know it, 
Clap your hands!
2.If  you are happy and you know it stamp your feet.
3. If  you are happy and you know it turn aroud.
4. If  you are happy and you know it wiggle your hips.
5. If  you are happy and you know it stretch your arms.
6. If  you are happy and you know it pat your head.
7. If  you are happy and you know it touch your nose.
8. If  you are happy and you know it point your toes.
9. If  you are happy and you know it shout  “hello!”
























They саn carry your school-bag.



They look good no matter they wear.



They often smile.



 They like doing something nice for them.



They are kind.



They are funny.



They hold you close when you are cold.



They can fight with your enemy.



They look at you when you’re mad about them and all your anger melts away.



They never cry.



They kiss you.



They never smile at you.



They know what to say to make you feel better.



They can make a cake for you if you visit her at home.



They fish for the compliments even if you both know that you think she is the most beautiful girl in the world.



































Варианты открыток-поздравлений:


1.I hope that Valentine’s Day                                2 Sending a basket of Valentine wishes

Will bring you lots of fun!                                         Filled with lots of love and kisses!


3.What a world needs now….                               4.It’s such a treat to know

 Is more special people like you!                              Someone so sweet!


5.You’ve tuned my world                                     6.   Be my honey!

      Upside down!                                                                


7. Happiness is never far behind                           8.  Could search and search and never find

   When thoughts of you come into mind!                 A nicer Valentine than you!


9. Afriend like you                                               10.  I know that friendship reaches

    Is a dream come true.                                                                                  Far across the miles,

                                                                                     I’d still be glad to see one of

                                                                                     Your warm and friendly smiles.







Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


Для обучающихся 8 классов, педагогов, репетиторов. Подробнее...



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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
образования «АНЭКС»

191119, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Звенигородская, д. 28 лит. А

Главный редактор:
Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»