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Методическая разработка урока

Coloured Lesson (Разноцветный урок)

Ахматова Светлана Хизировна,
учитель английского языка
МКОУ «Гимназия №29»

Тема урока: Coloured Lesson

Цель: создать условия для осознания и осмысления новой учебной информации, её применения в новой учебной ситуации через проектную деятельность.


Образовательные – создать условия для:

  • активизации лексики
  • формирования навыков работы со словарём
  • расширения лингвистического кругозора
  • совершенствования коммуникативной компетенции в таких видах речевой деятельности, как чтение (с извлечением конкретной информации), устная речь.


  • развивать умение работать в группе (компетентности: социальная)

Развивающие – создать условия для развития:

  • умения творчески мыслить, использовать полученные знания в новых ситуациях
  • критического мышления через составление синквейна
  • коммуникативных способностей

Используемые технологии:

  • ИКТ,
  • проектная деятельность.

Средства обучения: интерактивная доска, презентация в программе Power Point (ссылка на презентацию https://yadi.sk/i/PRPIMZ2LemDAG).

Ход урока

    I. Организационный момент.

T.      What date is it today?

What season is it now?

What is the weather like today?

What was the weather like yesterday?

    II. Грамматическая разминка.

Round-up 1 (работа с интерактивной доской)

16 - 2

17 - 2, 3

    III. Погружение в языковую атмосферу. Выдвижение идеи урока.

Слайд 1

T.      Look at the topic of our lesson. What are we going to speak about?

Ps I think we are going to speak about colours.

T. What things can we discuss speaking about colours? Слайд 2

Ps Colour: nature, feeling, seasons, pictures etc.

    IV. Основная часть урока.
    1. Речевая разминка.

T. Well, now I want to train your tongues. Listen to a tongue-twister: Слайд 3

If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard,

Will a black chalk chalk on a white blackboard?

T. Read after me line by line.

T. Try to read it yourself. Who wants to be the first?

T. Well done. Could you tell me what your favourite colours are? Слайд 4

Ps My favourite colour is…

T.      The Russian language is very rich in proverbs, sayings and expressions. You know this from your lessons on the Russian language. There are many of them in the English language too. Match English proverbs and Russian versions of them.

Слайд 5

  • You cannot wash charcoal white.
  • A black hen lays a white egg.
  • To angle with a silver hook.
  • All cats are grey in the dark.
  • Every white has its black, and every sweet its sour.
  • The devil is not so black as he is painted.
  • Чёрную душу и мылом не отмоешь.
  • От чёрной курочки, да белое яичко.
  • Удить золотым ключиком.
  • Ночью все кошки серы.
  • Нет сладкого без горького.
  • Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют

T. Can you imagine that there are no colours in the world? Слайд 6

T. Well, I agree with you. Can you guess these objects if you don’t know their colour?

T. Do you know that there are only three primary colours? Слайд 7

T. Can you name them?

T. How can we get secondary colours?

Ps If we mix yellow and red we get …

T. Now, I’m sure you know that colours can warm and cold. Слайд 8

Can you name warn colours? Red, yellow, orange

Can you name cold colours? Blue, green, violet

    2. Reading

Фонетическая отработка новой и трудной лексики.

  • Now we are going to read the text about colours of autumn leaves. But before reading let’s learn and remember some new and difficult words you can meet in the text. Look at the blackboard.



fade away


  • Repeat the words all together after me.
  • Now, read the text one by one.

Why do Leaves Change Colours in Autumn?

In spring and summer, most leaves are green. A special colouring called chlorophyll gives them green colour.

When autumn comes, the leaves are ready to fall from the trees. Their stems begin to break away from the branches. Then the leaves cannot get much of the water that comes up from the roots of the trees. Without water, the leaves’ green colour fades away.

Then other special colours, or pigments, hidden in the leaves can be seen. Oak leaves change from green to brown. Leaves on a sweet gum turn a bright red colour. Maple leaves turn different shades of yellow or red.

Guess the word. Слайд 9

  1. The leaves of this tree turn different shades of yellow or red. Maple
  2. The leaves of this tree turn a bright red colour. Gum
  3. The leaves of this tree change from green to brown. Oak
  4. Special colouring. Pigment
  5. The colour of the leaves in autumn. Brown, red, yellow

Answer the question on the text. Слайд 10

  1. Why are leaves green in summer?
  2. What is the name of a special green colouring?
  3. Why are the leaves ready to fall from the trees in autumn?
  4. Why does the leaves’ green colour fade away?
  5. What can we see in the leaves after disappearing of chlorophyll?
  6. How do oak leaves change?
  7. How do leaves from gum-tree change?
  8. What are the shades of maple leaves in autumn?
  9. 3. Audition

T. Sunlight has many colours. Sometimes when the sun shines and it rains at the same time we see all the colours of the sunlight — red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet — in a beautiful bridge across the sky. We call that a . You are right, it’s time for you to listen to the text about it and then you are to agree or disagree with the statements from the board.

The Rainbow and the Sun.

One day in June there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It is a rainy day, but the sun shines. The boys and girls say, "Look at the beautiful rainbow".

The rainbow is very proud. It says to the clouds, "Dull things!" And to the sun, "You are not so beautiful as I am. You shine, but you have only one colour. Look at my colours!"

“I like your colours, pretty rainbow!”  says the sun with a smile.

Then the sun goes away behind the clouds. At once the rainbow goes out of the sight. The rainbow does not know that it gets its colours from the sun. There can be no rainbow without the sun.

  1. One day in August there is a beautiful rainbow in the sky. - Слайд 11
  2. It is a rainy day, but the sun shines. +
  3. The rainbow is very angry. -
  4. It says to the clouds, “Ugly things!” -
  5. The sun goes away behind the clouds. +
  6. The rainbow becomes brighter. -
  7. The rainbow gets its colours from the sun. +
  8. There can be a rainbow without the sun. -

T. When we see different colours we feel different, don’t we? Слайд 12

What do feel when you see red? – exciting, warm, active, energetic, alarm

What do feel when you see orange? – cheerful, joyful, passionate, kind

What do feel when you see yellow? – joyful, bright, cheerful, friendly, light, radiant

What do feel when you see green? – calm, nice, peaceful

What do feel when you see blue? – serious, sad, dull, sentimental, calm

What do feel when you see violet? – cool, romantic, silent, mysterious, attractive

    4. Творческая работа

T.      Give your associations connected with the word rainbow. Divide into three groups and make up a cinquain. Do you remember that A cinquain is a five line poem. Слайд 13

Childish, sunny
Laughing, lighting, sparkling 
Crayons are in the blue sky.

Line 1:

one word (subject or noun)

Line 2:

two words (adjectives) that describe line 1

Line 3:

three words (action verbs) that relate to line 1

Line 4:

four words (feelings or a complete sentence)

that relates to line 1

Line 5:

one word (synonym of line 1 or a word that sums it up)

T. Last lesson we learnt to describe pictures. Your hometask was to give your own description of some picture using the following pharases: Слайд 14 or to find and learn by heart a poem about rainbow.

the picture belongs to the brush of …

to be executed with great skill…

one could feel the painter’s palette…

it’s hard to take one’s eyes away from the picture..

the color of the landscape (picture) is…

in the foreground one can see…

in the background there are…

Ответы учащихся.

V. Заключительная часть урока. Оценочная деятельность учащихся.


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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