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ОТКРЫТЫЙ УРОК «Игра по станциям по теме «День Святого Валентина» 8 класс

Гладущик Инга Юрьевна, учитель английского языка

ГБОУ школа  № 655, Санкт-Петербург


Цели:   закрепление лексического материала по теме «День Святого Валентина», повторение страноведческой информации, формирование словообразовательных навыков в рамках определенного контекста.

Задачи: привитие интереса к предмету; совершенствование интеллектуальных способностей; развитие коммуникабельности и толерантности.








1.     Приветствие  (1 минута)

Good morning children.

Good morning teacher.

Today we are going to play in teams. Please take out one of the colored cards and team up with your classmates according to the colour you’ve got.


2.Учащиеся делятся на 4 команды  и выбирают капитана,  в маршрутные листы вписывается название команд.  (2 минуты)


3.Станция №1 – Кроссворд (5 минут) - присвоение баллов за кол-во правильных ответов. (ссылка http://www.dltk-kids.com/t_template.asp?t=http://www.dltk-holidays.com/valentines/images/c-crossword.gif)


4.Станция № 2 – Блиц-опрос письменно (5 минут)- присвоение баллов за кол-во правильных ответов. Содержание:


Q: Legend has it that St. Valentine was a Priest during third century Rome. Who was the emperor at that time?


Claudius II


Q: The emperor outlawed marriage for young men in hopes of building a stronger military base. What did Valentine do about it?

 He chose to marry young couples secretly.
 He left the military to get married.

 He remained single all his life.


Q: What did the Emperor do when he found out what Valentine did?

He sent him a Valentine card.
He had him put to death.
He changed the law.


Q: Another legend is that Valentine was an imprisoned man who...

Escaped on February 14th to get married.
Fell in love with his jailor's daughter.
Sent a box of chocolates to his mother.

Q: Who is Cupid?

The jailer
The son of Venus, goddess of love
Eros, god of love


Q:  In which century was the first valentine’s card sent?




Q: What fruit was sacred to Venus – the goddess of Love?





Q: In which European city is St Valentine buried?




Q: In Italy February 14th has another name besides Saint Valentine’s Day





Q: What do people in France call an apple of love?







4.      Станция № 3 - Лексическая лестница от слова ROSE  к слову DOVE– можно менять только одну букву на каждом этапе. Подсказка дана в виде объяснения значения слова (5 минут) - баллы присваиваются за количество правильных ответов.



•         ROSE

•         _____   (Dose) an amount of a drug (a____of aspirin).

•         _____ (Done) past participle of the verb “do”

•         _____  (Dine) to eat dinner

•         _____ (Line)long thin mark

•         _____(Live)  to exist

•         _____  (Love) to care very much about smb

•         DOVE


5.     4 станция № 4 - Команды встречаются в одном помещении и продолжают зарабатывать баллы на следующих конкурсах:


-  Составление любых слов из  фразы HAPPYVALENTINE’ SDAY– перевод слов обязателен  (5 минут)

-  Конкурс «СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ» с опорой на текст.  (5 минут)


Valentine's Day History and Legends

The __________ festival of Valentine's Day is said to have originated in pagan times in Rome when people celebrated annual fertility festivalcalled Feast of Lupercalia in mid-February. A unique custom of the festival was the mating of young boys and girls for a year through a lottery system. Quite often the couple would fall in love and marry.

Strongly associated with the festival of Valentine's Day are the legendsof three or more Saint Valentine of Rome. One of the most popular legends says, Valentine or Valentinus lived in Rome when the country was under the reign of Emperor Claudius II. It is said that Claudius engaged Rome in several unpopular and __________ campaigns. To maintain a strong army, Claudius continuously needed to recruit soldiers. But to his _____________ Claudius found that most men were unwilling to join army because of their strong ______________ with their wives and their families. To get rid of the problem, Claudius banned all ____________ and engagements in Rome. A romantic at heart priest, Valentine, secretly arranged marriages of _______ boys and girls and defied this unjustified and callous order of Claudius. When the Emperor _____________ this defiance, he put Valentine behind bars and he was finally executed on February 14, about 270 AD. For his great service, Valentine was named a saint after his ___________.

By Middle Ages, Saint Valentine became the patron saint of love and lovers in ______________ and France. In 498 AD, when Pope Gelasius decided to put an end to pagan __________ of Feast of Lupercalia, he declared that 14th February be celebrated as St Valentine's Day.

Some scholars however, say, romance was linked with Valentine's Day because of the popular belief in England and France during the Middle Ages that birds began to start looking for their mate from 14th February.










































6.     Станция № 5-пересказ текста всей командой. У кого это лучше получится. (10 минут) – 5 бальная система оценки

7.     станция № 6- Конкурс капитанов «Кто быстрее сформирует рифму на заданные слова» (для каждой команды свой набор заданий)  (5 минут)



Для первой команды

A Valentine’s color that rhymes with bed. RED

A Valentine’s symbol that rhymes with art. HEART

The archer of love that rhymes with stupid. CUPID

A way to hold someone that rhymes with bug. HUG


Для второй команды


What couples go on that rhymes with late. HATE

Something you give that rhymes with lift. GIFT

Something you give that rhymes with yard. CARD

What cupid shoots that rhymes with go. BOW


Для третьей команды



An emotion that rhymes with glove. LOVE

A Valentine’s color that rhymes with sink. PINK

Something sweet that rhymes with dandy. CANDY

Strong emotion that rhymes with fashion. PASSION




What couples do that rhymes with miss. KISS

A feeling of happiness that rhymes with toy. JOY

A long, long time that rhymes with clever. EVER

The taste of chocolate that rhymes with heat. SWEET


8.     Подведение итогов, объявление победителей. (2 минуты)























The name of the TEAM_________________________________________________






Happy Valentine’s Day

Word building





























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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
образования «АНЭКС»

191119, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Звенигородская, д. 28 лит. А

Главный редактор:
Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»