Урок-путешествие «Across the USA»
Цель:развитие интереса кпредмету, контроль знаний учащихся по теме, межпредметные связи (география, история).
Задачи: - познакомить учащихся с географическим положением США;
-познакомить с политической системой Америки.
Оборудование:набор картинок, ребусы и кроссворды, портреты, фотографии городов, магнитофон, фишки, карта США.
I.Вступительное слово учителя.
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear friends. Today I've received an invitation to visit America. My friends invite me to visit them. Do you want to travel with me? What country will we visit? Let's look at the map attentively.
II. Teacher: So, the first task is to gather the map together. Let's try
(учащиеся собирают карту США из 4 частей). Who is the fastest? (Фишки.) You are ready to go traveling. But what kind of transport do you choose? (В конверте карточки rocket.) Oh, a rocket. I agree. It is the fastest kind of traveling. Sit down comfortably. Close your eyes. Let's go! {Музыка.)
III. Teacher: Oh, we have landed! Where are we? What do you think? We are at Florida's Cape Canaveral. That's right. And what do you know about this place? (Рассказ о штате по газете"English") Let's see what you know about the other states.
1. Where are these portraits? (На скале изображения 4-х президентов.)
- What states are written here?
- Where was there a gold rush?
- Which states were the last to join the USA?
Итог: ответившие правильно получают фишки.
IV. Teacher: Well. Let's go across the USA and now we'll change our transport. (Учащиеся достают из конверта карточку airplane.) Wonderful. We'll see all we want from it. We can see all the towns and cities of the country. You are welcome. (Музыка)
Can you name the town from the photo? (Чикаго, Нью-Йорк, Хьюстон,
Вашингтон.) -
This town was one of the first towns built on the North Atlantic coast.
It is famous for its "Tea Party". (Boston) -
This town is situated on the Great Lakes and it is one of the biggest
centres of the automobile industry. (Detroit) - Hollywood is located near this city. (Los Angeles)
Which towns in the USA have the same names as cities in Europe?
(Афины, Кембридж, Оксфорд, Берлин, Лиссабон, Москва, Лондон, Мадрид, Неаполь, Рим, Одесса) - Identify two cities on the map, talk about them. (Представители команд рассказывают о городах США)
Фишки тем, кто правильно отвечал на вопросы.
V. Teacher: We have seen many towns and now I invite you to continue our travel. One kind of transport is (учащиеся вынимают из конверта карточку со словом ship). You are welcome on board! Your task is to show your knowledge of rivers, lakes and seas.
1. This river includes two notes and one math symbol. (Mississippi)
- What rivers are named the same as states? (Colorado, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas)
- Which is the longest river in the USA? (Mississippi)
What are the lakes' names? (Учащиеся собирают контур озер из
кусочков) - What is this lake? (Контур Мичигана)
- Can you point out these rivers and states on the map?
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VI. Teacher: Well, we have traveled by ship and now it's your turn to
choose the transport. Oh, it's the bus! (Учащиеся вынимают из конверта карточку со словом bus.) We'll see many people. We'll make many friends.
Do you know who were the first inhabitants of the USA? (Апачи, ирокезы,
семинолы, сиу, чироки, ...) - Who are these men? (Портреты, высеченные на скале)
Do you know these American writers? (Портреты Д. Лондона, М. Твена,
Т. Драйзера) - Who are these women? (Элизабет Тейлор, Барбара Буш, Нэнси Рейган)
Tell us about famous people of the USA. (Слушаем рассказы
представителей обеих команд)
VII. Teacher: Well it's time to return. What is our result? How well do you
know the USA? Your team has won. How clever you are! Let's -sing a song! Now you are ready to travel across the USA.