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 Методическая разработка по выполнению практических
работ в рамках внеурочной деятельности

Технический английский

Смолякова Алена Алексеевна,
учитель ГБОУ СОШ № 600
Методические рекомендации по выполнению практических занятий предназначены для закрепления теоретических знаний и приобретение необходимых практических навыков и умений по программе учебной дисциплины составлены в соответствии с учебным планом и рабочей программой учебной дисциплины для 6 классов.
Пояснительная записка
Цель проведения практических занятий: формирование практических умений, необходимых в последующей профессиональной и учебной деятельности.
- обобщение, систематизация, углубление, закрепление полученных теоретические знания по конкретным темам;
- формирование умения применять полученные знания на практике;
- выработка при решении поставленных задач таких профессионально значимых качеств, как самостоятельность, ответственность, точность, творческая инициатива.

Перечень практических занятий.
Наименование раздела (темы) Практическая работа Содержание практической работы Кол-во часов
Раздел 1. Знакомство с лексикой для инженеров.
Тема 1.1. История становления профессии инженер.
Практическое занятие 1 Работа с новой лексикой и текстом 45 минут
Тема 1.2. Представление основных понятий и терминов на английском языке. Практическое занятие 2 Работа с текстом, перевод предложений 45 минут
Раздел 2. Основные элементы здания
Тема 2.1. Баланс конструкций.
Практическое занятие 3 Найти ответы на вопросы по заданной тематике, работа с текстом 45 минут
Тема 2.2. Виды крепежа. Практическое занятие 4 Работа с новой лексикой 45 минут
Раздел 3. Город, в котором я живу.
Тема 3.1. Городской пейзаж.
Практическое занятие 5 Работа с текстом по указанной тематике, написание сочинения 45 минут
Тема 3.2. Введение основных терминов и понятий по теме на английском языке.
Практическое занятие 6
 Работа с лексикой, перевод предложений 45 минут
Тема 3.3. Проект «Город, в котором я живу!» Презентация проекта на английском языке. Практическое занятие 7 Перевод текста и предложений 45 минут
Раздел 4. Школа.
Тема 4.1. Школьный двор. Школа. Введение основных терминов и понятий по теме на английском языке.
Практическое занятие 8 Работа с новой лексикой 45 минут

Практическое занятие 1
1. Название темы: История становления профессии инженер.
2. Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: учебники, таблицы.
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Теоретические сведения
The concept of engineering has existed since ancient times as humans thought up fundamental inventions such as a wheel. Each of these inventions is consistent with the modern definition of engineering, exploiting basic mechanical principles to develop useful tools and objects.
The term engineering itself has a much more recent etymology, deriving from the word engineer, which itself dates back to 1325, when an engineer (literally, one who operates an engine) originally referred to “a constructor of military engines.” The word “engine” itself is of even older origin, deriving from the Latin “ingenium”, meaning “innate quality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention.”
Nowadays engineering is a large field which deals with problem solving process for the good of mankind. It is closely connected with the science, but it’s not the same. It is in close interaction with such disciplines as medicine, biology, art, computing and many other social areas of life.
Задание 1. Translate the text 
Задание 2. Translate from English into Russian
  1. Unskilled work of an engineer leads to the discharge of industrial run-off into rivers, negative precipitation to the atmosphere after production at the factory, excessive noise, radiation from ionizing sources, and contamination from radioactive substances.
  2. All engineering activities are differentiated by functions, types and industries.
  3. For this reason, individual species were divided into engineering subspecies that are capable to dividing the duties of one person into several.  
Практическое занятие 2 
1. Название темы: Представление основных понятий и терминов на английском языке.
2. Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: плакат, учебники, таблицы.
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Теоретические сведения
Engineering is a science which deals with design, construction and operation of structures, machines, engines and other devices used in industry and everyday life. Engineering applies scientific and technical knowledge to solve human problems. Engineering is divided into many branches. The most important of them are civil engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, sanitary engineering, materials engineering, etc. The field of engineering includes a wide variety of activities. Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering. Civil engineers cooperate with architects to design and erect all types of buildings. They plan and supervise large construction projects such as bridges, canals, dams, tunnels and water supply systems. A number of civil engineers focus on the management of water resources, including the construction of flood control and irrigation systems, hydroelectric power plants, water supply and sewerage systems. Water-supply engineering is a branch of civil engineering. It is a complex of activities concerned with the supply of water to its various consumers – community, industrial enterprises, transport, etc. This discipline based on various branches of technical sciences has a complex character. The complex character is determined by the necessity of solving a complex of complicated engineering tasks connected with design, construction and operation of water supply systems. These systems include various facilities providing acquisition, treatment and delivery of water in demanded quantities and of adequate quality to water consumers. So, a water supply system is a complex of engineering structures carrying out the supply of water including acquisition of water from a variety of natural water sources, its treatment, transmission, storage, and distribution to the water consumers. The study of the course in water-supply engineering is based on the knowledge of a number of general technical and specialized disciplines:
1. hydrology, hydrogeology (groundwater hydrology), hydrotechnics (hydraulic engineering) and drilling technology;
2. water chemistry and hydrobiology;
3. hydraulics;
4. building disciplines.
Sewage disposal (also called waste disposal) is a complex of sanitary activities as well as a complex of engineering structures and facilities intended for the collection of wastewater, its disposal outside the city limits or industrial enterprises, its delivery to wastewater treatment plants, as well as its treatment, sanitation and disinfection before recycling or discharge into a body of water.
Задание 1. Translate the text 
Задание 2. Translate from English into Russian
  1. The technologist can be forge-pressing equipment, aircraft designer, foundry, sewing production.
  2. The building is being built on an equipped and separately allocated place according to a previously created town development plan with an attached territory map.
  3. The capital intensity of the work reaches a high level when large lump-sum investments of personal investment funds are necessary, which in turn leads to the use of companies of expensive borrowed resources.
Практическое занятие 3 
1. Название темы: Баланс конструкций.
2. Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: плакат, учебники, таблицы.
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Теоретические сведения
Most of the time of a modern man is spent within the walls of some buildings. Houses are built for dwelling. Large buildings are constructed for industrial purposes. Theatres, museums, public and scientific institutions are built for cultural activities of the people. The purpose of modern buildings differs widely but all of them originate from the efforts of primitive men to protect themselves from stormy weather, wild animals and human enemies. Protection was looked for everywhere. In prehistoric times men looked for protection under the branches of trees. Some covered themselves with skins of animals to protect themselves from cold and rain but others settled in caves. When the Ice Age had passed, Europe remained very cold, at least in winter, and so the people of the Old Stone Age had to find some warm and dry place to shelter from bad weather. They chose caves, dwelling places that storm and cold could not destroy. On the walls of their caves ancient people painted pictures. Such decorated caves are found in Europe, Asia and Africa. When man began to build a home for himself, caves were imitated in stone structures. Trees were taken as a model for huts built of branches. Skins were raised on poles and formed tents. Primitive stone structures, huts and tents are the earliest types of human dwellings. They were lost in the prehistoric past but serve as prototypes for structures of later historic times. In the country ordinary people lived in simple one-storey cottages which did not differ much from the mud and stone huts of an earlier age. The rich people in the country, on the other hand, built huge castles with thick walls and narrow windows. These castles were built not only as dwellings, but also to stand up to enemy attack and to be strong bases in time of war. In the days of early civilization, when men had learnt how to build simple houses for their families, they began to feel a need to have a number of different kinds of houses in one place. At first, the difference was mainly in size: the chief or leader had a larger hut or tent than the rest of the people.
Much later, when men began to build towns, there grew up a difference between town houses and country houses. The streets in towns were very narrow and there was not much place for building within the town walls, and therefore houses had to be built 20 higher than they were in the country. A typical town house consisted of a shop opening on the street where the man did his work or sold his goods, with a kitchen behind and a bedroom above. The earliest houses of which something is known are those of ancient Egypt. They were built of bricks dried in the sun. Some of them were built around a courtyard or garden with rooms opening into it. Greek houses, too, had a courtyard in the middle and round their courtyard ran a covered walk, its ceiling supported by pillars. There were special women’s quarters, usually upstairs on the second storey. In Rome bricks were used for building and houses were often finished with plaster over bricks on both inside and outside walls. The centre of family life was a garden-courtyard, surrounded by columns and with rooms opening out into it. The earliest houses in Britain were round, built of wood or wicker basket work plastered over with clay. In the centre of the house there was the hearth and light came in through the hole in the roof above it and through the door because there were no windows.
Задание 1. Translate the text 
Задание 2. Answer the following questions.
1. What is engineering?
2. What are the proper Russian equivalents for “engineering”?
3. What are the main branches of engineering?
4. Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering, isn’t it?
5. Who do civil engineers cooperate with to design and erect all types of buildings?
6. What does the work of civil engineers include?
7. What is water-supply engineering?
8. Does this discipline have a complex character? What is it determined by?
9. What facilities do water supply systems include?
10. What is a water supply system? 

Практическое занятие 4 
1. Название темы Виды крепежа. Введение основных терминов и понятий по теме на английском языке.
2.Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: плакат, учебники, таблицы.
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Задание 1. Translate the following sentences.
  1. The name "screws" speaks for itself - this kind of fasteners do not require any additional drilling.
  2. Despite the fact that it is traditionally called "wrench", it can be used to tighten not only nuts, but also bolts, as well as other types of fasteners.
  3. The main thing is to choose boards of the required class and size, as well as choose the right type of fasteners.
  4. The disadvantage of this type is the difficulty of removing the remnants of the extracted fasteners from the tool.  
Практическое занятие 5 
1. Название темы: Городской пейзаж.
2. Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: плакат, учебники, таблицы.
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Теоретические сведения
Hello! My name is Olga and I am 17 years old. I want to tell you about my native city.
I live in Pskov city, which lies in the north-west of Russia. It is one of the oldest Russian cities, because it was founded in 903. Pskov is located on the Velikaya river. It has a significant historic importance: the river provided Pskov with access to the sea, via Lake Peipus and the Narva River. By the 14th century, the city became the capital of the sovereign Pskov Republic and was a trading post of the Hanseatic League. Later Pskov came under the control of Moscow and Russian Empire. So it is a very old place, with rich and fascinating history.
The population of Pskov is slightly more than 210 000 people. My native city is not big, but it is very comfortable. The climate is mild in my city, although closeness the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland influences greatly the weather conditions. Winter is long and mild, summer is warm, but not long. Fall and summer we have more precipitation than winter and spring.
Many attractions of my city are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. So, Pskov is a world-known as the city of ancient churches and buildings. Of course, a lot of beautiful new houses and shops are built there every year, but most central streets have preserved their historical look. Ancient churches are the most remarkable part of the architectural heritage of Pskov. My home town has a lot of unique churches of the 12th-16th centuries. The most popular places of interest in Pskov are the Krom (Kremlin), Trinity Cathedral, Mirozhsky Monastery, Snetogorsky monastery, St. Basil’s on the Hill and the Pskov Monastery.
Задание 1. Translate the text.
Задание 2. Write a composition “My native city“
Практическое занятие 6 
1. Название темы Введение основных терминов и понятий по теме на английском языке.
2. Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 2 часа.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: плакат, учебники, таблицы.
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Теоретические сведения
cooling            охлаждение
heating             обогрев
fan   operation вентиляция
humidity control         регуляция влажности, контроль влажности воздуха
an ionizer         очистка воздуха
sleep mode       режим энергосбережения
swing direct     направление воздушного потока
Задание 1. Write down the new words and learn them by heart  
Задание 2. Translate from English into Russian
  1. For this position they are looking for someone who is a good mixer, reliable and practical
  2. Robert enjoyed being the toast of Hollywood because such fame is always flattering
  3. She got freezer burn just looking at a sparkling diamond ring.
  4. I want a vacation. I’m sick and tired of being a slave over a hot stove.   
Практическое занятие 7 
1. Название темы: «Город, в котором я живу!» Презентация проекта на английском языке.
2. Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: плакат, учебники, таблицы..
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Теоретические сведения
Saint Petersburg is the north capital of Russia. It is known as one of the biggest and most beautiful cities of the country. People often call St Petersburg the Venice of the North, because it has as many canals as Venice.           St Petersburg is also the former capital of Russia. It has then moved to Moscow. Millions of people every year visit this city. It happens because of the city’s rich history, amazing architecture and numerous places of interest.       The most famous place which everybody wishes to see is the Hermitage. It’s a huge museum, which houses more than 3 million art items, and is situated in the building of Winter Palace. The first person who started collecting paintings and sculptures of famous European artists was the Empress Catherine II.
Another big and often visited museum in St Petersburg is the Russian Museum. It holds the biggest collection of Russian art, including paintings, sculptures, items of applied and folk arts.           
The main architectural sights of St Petersburg are the Savior on the Blood Church, St. Isaac’s and Kazan Cathedrals, Alexander Nevsky Monastery, Peter and Paul Fortress and many others. Many buildings in the city were put up by Peter the Great’s order, who was one of the best rulers of the country. 
Some attractive sights can be found in the suburbs, such as Peterhof, Pavlovsk, Tsarskoe selo. All these places have once served as the official residences for Russian tsars. And, it goes without saying that there are many magnificent palaces to be seen, such as the Great Yekaterininsky Palace, the Aleksandrovsky Palace, the Bolshoi Palace and some others. Tsarskoe selo was also the place where famous Russian writer, Pushkin, grew up.
Задание 1. Translate the text  
Задание 2. Translate from English into Russian
  1. Clay based buildings usually come in two distinct types.
  2. One being when the walls are made directly with the mud mixture, and the other being walls built by stacking air-dried building blocks called mud bricks.
  3. Other uses of clay in building is combined with straws to create light clay, wattle and daub, and mud plaster.
  4. Falls are one of the most common causes of fatal and non-fatal injuries among construction workers. 
  5. Proper safety equipment such as harnesses and guardrails and procedures such as securing ladders and inspecting scaffolding can curtail the risk of occupational injuries in the construction industry.   
Практическое занятие 8
1. Название темы: Школьный двор. Школа. Введение основных терминов и понятий по теме на английском языке.
2. Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материальное обеспечение: учебник.
5.Литература, информационное обеспечение: Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Задание 1. (Запишите новые слова в тетрадь)
Pre-School Education - дошкольное образование
nursery (school) –  ясли
kindergarten – садик
play group (playschool) – дошкольная группа в садике 
School Education - школьное образование
school – школа
primary school – начальная школа
secondary school – средняя школа
gymnasium – гимназия
lyceum – лицей
an English language school – школа с углубленным изучением английского языка
boarding school – школа-интернат
state (maintained) school – государственная школа (финансируется с государственного бюджета)
private school частная школа – (финансируется частными лицами или организациями)
headmaster (headmistress) – (так говорят британцы) директор школы
Principal – (так говорят американцы) директор школы
(school) teacher – учитель (учительница)
class (form) teacher – классный руководитель
staff meeting – педагогическая рада
schoolchildren – школьники
school boy (girl) – школьник, школьница
pupil – ученик
grade – (все параллельные классы) класс
class, lesson – урок (занятие)
creche – продленка
10А form (class) – класс 10 “А”
to go to school – учится в школе
to leave school / graduate from – заканчивать школу
school-leaving certificate – аттестат зрелости
to attend school – посещать уроки
to miss school – прогуливать уроки
truant (from school) – пропуск
truancy – пропуск уроков
curriculum – программа обучения
eleven-plus – государственная аттестация после 4-го класса
GCSE (General Certificate ) – Аттестат о среднем образовании
of Secondary Education) school- leaving exams – выпускные экзамены
school- leaving party-  выпускной вечер
to call the roll – вызывать по списку
to explain – объяснять
to ask – спрашивать
to make a mistake указать на ошибку
to correct a mistake – исправить ошибку
to test – контролировать
to give a mark – поставить оценку

Здание и двор школы
Теперь слова, которые относятся непосредственно к зданию школы — названия кабинетов и комнат, а также то, что есть на её территории. 
schoolyard — школьный двор
playground — игровая площадка
Principal’s office — кабинет директора
classroom — кабинет, класс
music room — музыкальный класс
art room — художественный класс
computer room — компьютерный кабинет
library — библиотека
toilet — туалет
school canteen/cafeteria — школьная столовая 

Практическое занятие 9
1. Название темы: Диалог «На школьном дворе» на английском языке.
2.Учебные цели: Закрепление теоретических знаний и приобретение практических навыков по теме.
3. Продолжительность занятия: 45 минут.
4. Материалы, оборудование, ТСО, программное обеспечение, оснащение, раздаточный материал: схемы, таблицы.
5. Литература, информационное обеспечение  Голубев А. П., Коржавый А. П., Смирнова И. Б. Английский язык для технических специальностей.
Теоретические сведения

Betty: Hi, Irene. How are you? Haven’t seen you for ages!
Irene: Hi, Betty. I’m fine, thank you. It’s good to see you. We have moved to a new apartment and I now go to another school.
Betty: I see. And, how is your new school? Do you like it?
Irene: It’s ok. I quite like it, although I miss my old classmates and teachers.
Betty: You can always come and visit them, you know.
Irene: Yes, I know. I’ll do that soon.
Betty: Tell me a little bit more about your new school. Is it large or small? How many floors are there?
Irene: It is a newly built three-stored building right behind our block of flats. So it takes five minutes to get there.
Betty: That’s a real advantage. Is the school well-equipped?
Irene: The classrooms are large and light and they are situated on each floor. However, the ground floor is mostly occupied with the gym. The equipment is up-to-date. There are new and comfortable chairs with desks. This school also has a number if laboratories in different subjects, such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics. There are even language labiratories there.
Betty: I see. Sounds like you’re getting used to your new school. What is your favourite place at school?
Irene: I have a few. Firstly, I really like the school swimming-pool. Secondly, I enjoy being at the PE ground, which is outside. And, thirdly, I like the library.
Betty: Does this school have a large library?
Irene: Yes, it does. It has a huge library with a good choice of books. I often stay there after the lessons. You can find even foreign literature there.
Betty: That’s great, Irene! Does your new school have any computer classes?
Irene: Yes, there is a modern classroom for Informatics. Each student gets a computer of his own there. I enjoy these lessons.
Betty: Sounds good. And, have you already made friends with somebody from your new class?
Irene: No, I still haven’t made any close friends there. However, there are several pupils who I often talk to. We sometimes go for a walk after school and I enjoy their company.
Betty: I wonder if it’s hard to study at your new school. Do teachers set lots of home work there?
Irene: It’s just the same as in my old school. It depends on a teacher. Some of them set lots of home work, some not. In general I like the teachers in this school. They manage to explain everything well and they put just marks.
Betty: I’m glad that you are enjoying your new school. May I visit you sometimes?
Irene: Of course, you may. I’ll be happy to see you. Here is my new address and phone number. Call anytime.
Задание 1. Чтение и перевод диалога. 
Задание 2. Составьте диалог по указанной тематике.

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