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Методическая разработка по курсу внеурочной
деятельности по английскому языку к мультфильму
«Peter Pan» для 6 класса

Сипакова Оксана Сергеевна
Аннотация опыта
Ведущая идея опыта: использование видеофильма, основанного на произведении художественной литературы, как средства формирования коммуникативной компетенции и усиления практики иноязычного общения учащихся по курсу внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку в 6 классе.
  1. формирование такого уровня коммуникативной компетенции и всех ее составляющих, который был бы достаточным для перехода из учебного контекста в реальную ситуацию устного общения с носителем языка
  2. формирование самостоятельного эстетического отношения к окружающему миру, критического творческого мышления, гуманистических ценностных ориентаций в процессе знакомства посредством видео с одним из лучших произведений зарубежной литературы
  3. развитие общеобразовательной культуры учащихся средствами художественного компонента, предполагающего доступ к иной национальной культуре и тем самым к культуре мировой
Технология использования аутентичного видеоматериала, созданного по произведению художественной литературы, предполагает наличие 3 ступенчатой модели обучения.
I ступень  (3 занятия продолжительностью 45 минут каждое). На основе заранее подготовленного раздаточного материала учащиеся знакомятся с биографией и творчеством Дж. Барри.
II ступень (количество занятий зависит от количества сегментов, на которые поделен видеофильм. Работа над каждым сегментом проводится в течение 3 занятий продолжительностью 45 минут). Данный видеофильм делится на 8 ситуативных смысловых сегментов. Работа  ведется на основе каждого сегмента поэтапно, используя специально разработанные и подобранные виды упражнений и коммуникативных заданий. Работа на данной ступени предполагает наличие нескольких этапов:
- подготовительного
- рецептивного
- репродуктивного
- продуктивного
 Подготовительный этап
 Задача данного этапа – снять трудности при восприятии видеоматериала. Для реализации этой задачи необходимо выполнить языковые и условно-речевые упражнения, которые предусматривают введение и активизацию новых лексических единиц.
- прочитайте и запомните словосочетания; заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя данные словосочетания;
- соотнесите слово с его объяснением;
- соедините слова так, чтобы получилось словосочетание, и употребите его в речи;
Рецептивный этап
Задача данного этапа – выделить из просмотренного фрагмента основную информацию и выполнить упражнения,  направленные на понимание и запоминание этой информации.
- посмотрите и ответьте на следующие вопросы;
- посмотрите, выскажите свое согласие или несогласие со следующими высказываниями
- посмотрите и расставьте следующие предложения в порядке их следования в видеофрагменте;
- расскажите сюжет увиденного;
Репродуктивный этап
Задача данного этапа – формирование собственно монологических и диалогических умений.  На этом этапе видеоматериал функционирует в качестве содержательной опоры. Комплекс условно-речевых упражнений направлен на пересказ просмотренного сюжета, частичное изменение монологов и диалогов с соблюдением их структуры.
- перескажите сюжет от лица …;
- воспроизведите диалоги из данного эпизода;
- придумайте ещё по 2-3 реплики к диалогам, прозвучавшим в видеофрагменте;
Продуктивный этап
 Задача данного этапа – создание условий для свободного общения, обмена мнениями по содержанию видеофрагмента. На этом этапе видеосюжеты выступают как смысловая опора и стимул к говорению. Упражнения предполагают неподготовленную речь, импровизацию. Задания нацелены на умение комментировать и формулировать собственную оценку событий в форме дискуссий, ролевых игр и иллюстраций к данному фрагменту.
- докажите, что главный герой …;
- поделитесь своими впечатлениями о просмотренном видеофильме;
- посмотрите фрагмент видеофильма; считаете ли вы, что герой был прав в данной ситуации; почему вы так полагаете; что бы сделали вы на месте главного героя; предположите, что с главным героем произойдет дальше; посмотрите; сравните;
- нарисуйте один из эпизодов, опишите рисунок;
- составьте диалог или сценку, проиграв просмотренный сюжет и развив его;
III ступень  (3 занятия продолжительностью 45 минут). Цель обучения на данной ступени – повторение и проверка изученного материала в форме сочинения «Мои впечатления о просмотренном  мультфильме».
I ступень:   Знакомство с биографией и творчеством Дж. Барри
                              James Matthew Barrie (1860-1937)
    He was a successful novelist and playwright in his time. His best-known story is “Peter Pan”.
     James Matthew Barrie was born on May 9, 1860 in Kirriemuir, Scotland. He was a son of a weaver David Barrie and his wife Margaret. They were a large family and James had three brothers and six sisters. His brother David died at the age of fourteen in a skating accident, and the profound sadness of his mother deeply affected young James. An active and theatrical boy, he loved to entertain and at a very early age was organizing plays and acting in them with his friends and siblings. He wanted to be a writer and loved to read the works of Jules Verne and James Fenimore Cooper.
     James attended school in Kirriemuir before entering Edinburgh University. He graduated from the University in 1882. Then he started working as a journalist first for the Nottingham Journal. Later he moved to London, where he published several collections of stories and novels.
 Barrie attracted the attention of such notable writers as Bernard Shaw and Robert Louis Stevenson, whose adventure stories his mother Margaret had read to Barrie as a child.
     In 1894 Barrie married an actress Mary Ansell, and they honeymooned in Switzerland where they got a St. Bernard puppy, which would later inspire the character Nana. They would have no children of their own, but a few years later Barrie met and became good friends with the Davies family while out strolling in Kensington Gardens. He entertained their five sons with stories. After the death of his friend Arthur Davies and his wife, their children started living with Barrie.
     The idea of “Peter Pan” came from stories he made up for them. “Peter Pan’ was first performed in 1904. It was such a success that it became an annual Christmas event for the next sixty years. Barrie wrote “Peter Pan” in novel form in 1911.
     Barrie was knighted in 1913 and the same year he became rector of St. Andrews University. In 1922 he received the Order of Merit, and in 1928 became President of the Society of Authors. 
      Sir James Matthew Barrie died on June 19, 1937 and was buried in the Kirriemuir cemetery alongside his parents, sisters, and brother David.
     James M. Barrie tried to help children all his life. And his best present was the story of “Peter Pan”.
Задания к тексту

1. Who is who in the text?

James M. Barrie                                                     Barrie’s friend
Peter Pan                                                               a successful novelist and playwright
David Barrie                                      is                   Barrie’s wife
Mary Ansell                                                             the main character of the story
Arthur Davies                                                          Barrie’s father
  2. Say whether the statement is true or false. Correct the false one.
1) James Matthew Barrie was a successful poet.
2) James M. Barrie was born on May 19, 1861.
3) James Barrie’s father was a lifeguard.
4) James M. Barrie was fond of reading the works of Jules Verne and James Fenimore Cooper.
5) James M. Barrie received the Noble Prize for Literature in 1922.
6) James M. Barrie died on June 19, 1937.
7) James M. Barrie was buried in Poet’s Corner at Westminster Abbey.
  3. Answer the following questions.
1) Where and when was Barrie born?
2) What is known about his mother and father?
3) What happened to his brother David? How did it influence him?
4) Where did Barrie study?
5) What was his occupation?
6) Whom and when did he marry?
7) Where did they settle?
8) What is known about the Davies family?
9) When did James Barrie write his famous “Peter Pan”?
10) What Order did he receive in 1922?
11) When did James M. Barrie die? Where was he buried?
12) What is James M. Barrie famous for?
 II ступень:  Работа над видеофрагментом

Part I

 I. Vocabulary
to believe in sb/sth                                                     the spirit of youth
cuff link                                                                      the supreme authority on sth/sb
adventure                                                                    nursemaid
buried treasure                                                            to stuff one’s head with sth
poppycock                                                                  nursery
to judge sb harshly                                                     shadow
nothing personal                                                         sooner or later
                                  This is the last straw.
George Darling   Mary Darling   John   Michael   Wendy   Nana   Captain Hook   Peter Pan
 II. Who said it?
1. All this has happened before. And it will happen again. But this time it happened in London.
2. Mrs. Darling believed that Peter Pan was the spirit of youth.
3. Mary, unless I find my cuff links we don’t go to the party. And if we don’t go to the party, I can  never show my face in the office again.
4. Michael, the buried treasure. Where is it?
5. Mary, the child’s growing up. It’s high time she had a room of her own.
6. Oh! Poor Nana!
7. No more tears, Michael. It’s a warm night. She’ll be all right.
8. Oh, don’t lock it, mother. He might come back.
9. But, George, do you think the children will be safe without Nana?
 III. Say who:
1. lived in Bloomsbury
2. was the spirit of youth
3. was a practical man
4. made Peter Pan the hero of all their nursery games
5. was the supreme authority on Peter Pan and all his adventures  
6. was a nursemaid
7. tied Nana up in the backyard
8. didn’t want to grow up
9. lost his shadow
 IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.
1. All this happened in New York.
2. The Darling family lived at number 11 Downing Street.
3. Nobody believed in Peter Pan in this family.
4. One night Mr. and Mrs. Darling wanted to go to a café.
5. Mr. Darling couldn’t find his cuff links.
6. The children were playing hide-and-seek when their father came into the room.
7. Wendy didn’t want to live in the nurse so Mr. Darling promised it would be her last night there.
8. Captain Hook lost his shadow.
9. Wendy asked her mother to close the window because she was afraid of Peter Pan.
 V. Answer the questions.
1. Where did this story take place?
2. Where did the Darling family live?
3. How many children did Mr. and Mrs. Darling have?
4. Why did Peter Pan choose this house?
5. Did Mrs. Darling believe in Peter Pan? What did she think?
6. Who made Peter Pan the hero of their nursery games?
7. Wendy was the supreme authority on Peter pan and all his adventures wasn’t she?
8. Did the children have a nursemaid? What nurse did they have?
9. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Darling want to go one night?
10. What did Mr. Darling try to find?
11. Why did he get angry when he saw his shirt?
12. How did Mr. Darling call Peter Pan?
13.  Why did Mr. Darling shout at Wendy?
14. Did Wendy want to grow up? Why?
15. Why did Mr. Darling tie Nana up in the backyard?
16. Who tried to calm the children down?
17. Why was Michael in tears?
18. Why did Mrs. Darling ask her children not to judge their father harshly?
19. Why did Wendy ask her mother not to close the window? What had she found?
20. What did Mrs. Darling tell her husband?
21. How did Mr. Darling react?
 VI. Match the words and their definitions.
1. adventure                                       a) an area of darkness that is created when sth blocks light
2. treasure                                          b) the time in your life when you are young
3. youth                                              c) a collection of valuable things, for example jewels, gold etc.
4. shadow                                           d) an expert on a particular subject
5. authority                                         e) an exciting, unusual and sometime                                                                                   dangerous experience
 VII. Match the words then use them to describe the events from the story.
marvelous                                            treasure
cuff                                                      youth
buried                                                  harshly
the spirit of                                          one’s head with sth
to stuff                                                 adventures
to judge                                               link 
 VIII. Explain why:
  1. Peter Pan chose the house of the Darling family
  2. John and Michael liked to play Peter Pan
  3. Mr. Darling got angry with Wendy
  4. Mr. Darling tied Nana in the backyard
  5. Wendy asked her mother not to close the window
 IX. Prove that:
  1. Peter Pan was the spirit of youth
  2. Mr. Darling didn’t believe in Peter Pan
  3. John and Michael admired Peter Pan
  4. Wendy was the supreme authority on Peter Pan
  5. Nana was a good nurse
 X. Put the sentences in the right order.
  1. Mr. Darling couldn’t find his cuff links.
  2. Peter Pan chose the house of the Darling family because there were people here who believed in him.
  3. This story happened in London.
  4. One evening Mr. and Mrs. Darling wanted to go to the party.
  5. Mr. Darling got angry with his wife.
  6. When Mr. Darling came into the nursery his children were playing Peter Pan.
  7. Mrs. Darling thought her children wouldn’t be safe without Nana.
  8. Mr. Darling got angry with Wendy because he thought Wendy stuffed the boys’ heads with absolute poppycock.
  9. Wendy asked her mother not to close the window because she was waiting for Peter Pan.
  10. The children were upset and Mrs. Darling tried to calm them down.
  11. Mr. Darling shouted at Wendy because she didn’t want to grow up.
 XI. Draw.
  1. Draw a picture of the Darling family.
  2. Draw a picture of Nana.
  3. Draw a picture of John and Michael playing Peter Pan.
  4. Draw a picture of Wendy sleeping in her bed.
 XII. What is your opinion?
  1. “All this has happened before. And it will all happen again. But this time it happened in London.” Do you agree with it? Why? Why not?
  2. If you found the shadow of Peter Pan what would you do with it?
 XIII. Talking points.
Retell this story as if it were told by:
    1. Mrs. Darling
    2. Wendy
    3. Mr. Darling
Part II

I. Vocabulary

to stick sth on sth/ with sth                                    pixie
soap                                                                        to cross swords with sb
to sew (sewed, sewn)                                             real buccaneers
to pack                                                                    to fight (fought, fought) pirates 
to leave (left, left) a note                                        pixie dust
to give sb a kiss                                                      to think (thought, thought) of the happiest things
         Tinker Bell (Tink)           The Lost Boys                   Neverland
 II. Who said it?
1. Peter Pan! Oh, Peter! I knew you’d come back. I saved your shadow for you.
2. Girls talk too much.
3. I came to listen to the stories.
4. Because I have to grow up tomorrow.
5. You’ll never grow up there.
6. Why, Peter, a mother is someone who loves and cares for you and tells you stories.
7. But, Peter, how do we get to Neverland?
8. Yep, just a little bit of pixie dust! Now, think of the happiest things. It’s the same as having wings.
9. There is, Wendy. Second star to the right and straight on till morning.
 III. Say who:
1. came to find his shadow
2. sewed Peter’s shadow
3. often came to listen to Wendy’s stories
4. had to grow up
5. asked Wendy to go to Neverland
6. wanted to give Peter Pan a kiss
7. got angry with Wendy
8. couldn’t go to Neverland without Michael and John
9. taught the children to fly
 IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.
1. Nana came to the nursery to find her shadow.
2. Peter Pan didn’t want Wendy to sew his shadow.
3. Tinker Bell talked too much.
4. Peter Pan came to listen to Wendy’s stories every day.
5. It took Wendy two hours to tell all the stories about Peter Pan.
6. Peter Pan had to grow up.
7. Wendy was afraid of flying.
8. John and Michael didn’t want to fly to Neverland.
9. Peter Pan taught the children to fly and they went to Neverland.
V. Answer the questions.
1. Who came into the room after Mr. and Mrs. Darling had left the house?
2. What did Peter Pan try to find in the nursery? Did he find his shadow?
3. How did Peter Pan try to stick his shadow on?
4. Was Wendy surprised to see Peter Pan in the room? Why?
5. Did Wendy help Peter Pan? In what way?
6. Why did Peter Pan often come to this house? Did he like to listen to Wendy’s stories? Why?
7. Why was Wendy happy to see Peter Pan?
8. Why did Peter Pan ask Wendy to go to Neverland?
9. Did Wendy agree to go with Peter Pan? Why? What did she want to do before leaving?
10. What words didn’t Peter Pan know? Why?
11. Did Peter Pan want Wendy to be his mother?
12. Why did Tink get angry? Did she like Wendy? Why not?
13. Why did Wendy’s brothers want to fly to Neverland?
14. Did Peter Pan teach the children to fly? What should you do if you want to fly?
15. What address did Peter Pan give to Wendy?
 VI. Match the words and their definitions.
1. soap                                        a) a substance that you use with water in order to                                                                wash your body or an object
2. kiss                                         b) an imaginary creature with magic powers that looks
                                                        like a small person with wings
3. pixie                                       c) very small pieces of dirt or another substance that                                                           form a layer on a surface or a cloud in the air
4. pirate                                      d) an act of kissing someone
5. dust                                         e) someone who steals things from ships while they
                                                        are sailing
6. sword                                      f) a weapon with a short handle and a long sharp
 VII. Match the words then use them to describe the events from the story.
stick                                                dust
leave                                               a kiss
give                                                of the happiest things
fight                                                a note
think                                               with a soap
pixie                                                pirates
 VIII. Explain why:
  1. Peter Pan came back to Wendy’s house.
  2. Peter Pan listened to Wendy’s stories.
  3. Wendy had to grow up.
  4. Wendy wanted to give Peter Pan a kiss.
  5. Tink got angry with Wendy.
  6. Wendy couldn’t go to Neverland without Michael and John.
 IX. Prove that:
  1. Peter Pan often came to Wendy’s house.
  2. Wendy knew Peter Pan would come to her.
  3. Wendy could do a lot of things.
  4. Tink loved Peter Pan.
  5. Peter Pan wanted Wendy to go to Neverland with him.
  6. John and Michael were fond of Peter Pan and his adventures.
 X. Put the sentences in the right order.
  1. Peter Pan asked Wendy to go to Neverland with him.
  2. The children flew to Neverland.
  3. Wendy was happy but she couldn’t go to Neverland without Michael and John.
  4. Peter Pan taught the children to fly.
  5. Peter Pan tried to stick his shadow with a piece of soap.
  6. It was not easy to learn to fly but they could do it.
  7. Peter Pan agreed to take Michael and John with them.
  8. Peter Pan and Tink came to the nursery after Mr. and Mrs. Darling had left the house.
  9. Wendy helped Peter to sew his shadow.
  10. Tink found Peter’s shadow.
  11. Wendy woke up and saw Peter Pan.
 XI. Draw.
  1. Draw a picture of Peter pan looking for his shadow.
  2. Draw a picture of Tink.
  3. Draw a picture of Wendy giving peter pan a kiss.
  4. Draw a picture of the children flying to Neverland.
 XII. What is your opinion?
     If Peter Pan came to you, would you fly to Neverland with him? Why? Why not?
XIII. Talking points.
  1. Retell this story as if it were told by:
    • Wendy
    • Peter Pan
    • Tink
  2. Act out the talk between Wendy and Peter Pan.
   Part III

I. Vocabulary

to blast sb                                                                        to draw one’s fire
to find (found, found) one’s hideout                                 to keep up with sb
to trap sb                                                                          Look out!
to hide (hid, hidden)                                                        childish prank
to cut off (cut off, cut off)                                                  to worry about sb
to be pleased with sb                                                       to shy at sb/sth
        Mr. Smee                         Captain Hook                             Mermaid Lagoon
 II. Who said it?
1. Oh, a pirate’s life is a wonderful life.
2. Blast that Peter Pan! If I could only find his hideout, I’d trap him in his lair. But where is it?
3. The Chief’s daughter! She’ll know where Pan is hiding.
4. Why, Captain, cutting your hand off was only a childish prank, you might say.
5. Smee? Smee? Oh, save me, Smee! Please, don’t let him get me, Smee! Smee!
6. Aye, Captain, all clear. Nothing to worry about.
7. Oh, Peter, it’s just as I’ve always dreamed it would be. Oh, look, John, there is Mermaid Lagoon.
8. Oh, look, there is Captain Hook and the pirates.
9. Look out. Quick. Tink, take Wendy and the boys to the island. I’ll stay here and draw Hook’s fire.
 III. Say who:
1. was not pleased with Captain Hook
2. wanted to find Peter’s hideout
3. wanted to catch the Chief’s daughter to find out where Peter Pan was
4. had cut Hook’s hand off and thrown it to the crocodile
5. followed Captain Hook
6. came to Captain Hook and frightened him
7. saved Captain Hook and tried to calm him down
8. saw Peter Pan in the sky
9. had to take Wendy and the boys to the island
 IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.
1. Everyone on the island wanted to be a buccaneer.
2. All the pirates were fond of this wonderful island.
3. It took Captain Hook 3 weeks to find Peter’s hideout.
4. Captain Hook wanted to invite the Chief’s daughter to his birthday party.
5. Peter Pan had cut off Hook’s hand and thrown it to the crocodile.
6. The crocodile came to Captain Hook to give him a kiss.
7. Captain Hook was afraid of the crocodile.
8. Mr. Smee asked the crocodile to go away.
9. One of the pirates saw Peter Pan and his friends in the sky.
 V. Answer the questions.
1. What did the pirates do near the island? Were the pirates pleased with staying there? Why not?
2. Who wanted to catch Peter Pan? Why?
3. How did Captain Hook want to find out about Pan’s hideout? What plan did he have?
4. Why did Hook want to kill Peter Pan?
5. What had Hook instead of his right hand? Why?
6. What was the only thing Hook shied at?
7. Was Captain Hook afraid of the crocodile? Why? Why not?
8. Why couldn’t the crocodile reach Captain Hook?
9. Who saved Captain Hook from the crocodile? In what way?
10. Did Mr. Smee try to calm Captain Hook down?
11. Who saw Peter Pan and his friends in the sky?
12. Why did Peter Pan try to draw Hook’s fire?
13. Who had to take Wendy and the boys to the island?
14. Could Wendy and the boys keep up with Tink? Why?
15. Why did Tink fly so fast?
 VI. Use the words to describe the events from the story.
to find one’s hideout                                   to be pleased with sb
to draw one’s fire                                        to shy at sb
to cut off                                                      to keep up with sb 
 VII. Match the words with their definitions.
1. hideout                                                    a) to move or develop at the same speed                                                                         as someone or something
2. prank                                                       b) to catch someone such as a criminal                                                                                especially by forcing  them into a place                                                                            that they can’t escape from                      3. to trap                                                      c) to feel nervous and upset because you
                                                                        keep thinking about your problems or                                                                              about bad things that could happen
4. to hide                                                     d) a place where someone can hide
5. to cut off                                                  e) to go somewhere or be somewhere
                                                                        where no one can find you or see you
6. to keep up                                                f) to remove something by cutting it
7. to worry                                                   g) a silly trick that you play on someone in                                                                            order to surprise them
 VIII. Explain why:
1. a pirate’s life is a wonderful life     
 2. Captain Hook wanted to find Peter’s hideout
3. Captain Hook hated Peter Pan
4. The crocodile came to Captain Hook
5. Wendy couldn’t keep up with Tinker Bell
6. Peter Pan wanted to draw Hook’s fire 
IX. Prove that:
  1. Captain Hook was cruel.
  2. Hook’s pirates were not pleased with him.
  3. Captain Hook wanted to kill Peter Pan.
  4. The crocodile thought that Captain Hook was tasty.
  5. Tinker Bell didn’t like Wendy.
  6. Peter Pan was responsible for Wendy and her brothers.
 X. Put the sentences in the right order.
  1. The crocodile came to visit Captain Hook.
  2. Tinker Bell flew so fast that the children couldn’t keep up with her.
  3. Mr. Smee brought Hook’s breakfast.
  4. One of the pirates saw Peter Pan in the sky.
  5. Captain Hook was planning how to catch Peter Pan and his boys.
  6. Mr. Smee saved Captain Hook from the crocodile.
  7. Peter Pan tried to draw Hook’s fire.
  8. Captain Hook was afraid of the crocodile because the crocodile had eaten his right hand.
  9. Peter Pan asked Tink to take Wendy and the boys to the island.
  10. Mr. Smee tried to calm Captain Hook down.
 XI. Draw.
  1. Draw a picture of Neverland.
  2. Draw a picture of the crocodile looking at Captain Hook.
  3. Draw a picture of Peter Pan flying in the sky.
 XII. Talking points.
  1. Retell this story as if it were told by:
    • Captain Hook
    • Mr. Smee
    • the crocodile
2. Compare Captain Hook with the other pirates. Prove that he was their real leader. 
3. Try to imagine Neverland. Is it inhabited? What is the weather like there? Are there dangerous animals and birds on it? What trees and flowers are there on the island? 
4. Try to imagine a pirate’s life. Use the following words:children/ sea/ to lose one’s way/ to go to bad/ to rob ships/ to kill/ to bathe in blood/ to get a lot of money/ to chuck money away
 Part Four
 I. Vocabulary
to follow the orders                              to turn sb loose                        to head for sth
to shoot (shot, shot) sb/sth down         mermaid                                  to miss sb    
to save one’s life                                   to drown                                   aborigine
to charge sb with sth                            to burn at stake                         to banish
treason                                                 to be guilty of sth   
to be on friendly terms with sb
to go (went, gone) hunting                   to punish sb for sth                   Skull Rocks 
 II. Who said it?
1. Oh, Peter, you saved my life.
2. We followed your orders, Peter.
3. All right, men. Go and capture a few Indians. John, you’ll be the leader.
4. Come on, Wendy. I’ll show you the mermaids.
5. For many moons red men fight paleface Lost Boys. Sometimes you win. Sometimes we win.
6. Hello, girls! I’m so glad to see you.
7. Why did you stay away so long? Did you miss me?
8. We were only trying to drown her.
9. They’ve captured Tiger Lily. Looks like they’re heading for Skull Rocks. Come on, Wendy. Let’s see what they’re up to.
 III. Say who:
1. brought the orders from Peter Pan
2. wanted to shoot Wendy down
3. saved Wendy’s life
4. was charged with high treason
5. wanted to banish Tink forever
6. went hunting the aborigines
7. wanted to burn the Lost Boys at stake
8. was glad to see Peter Pan
9. was heading for Skull Rocks 
 IV. Say true, false or I don’t know.
1. Tinker Bell brought Peter’s orders.
2. The Lost Boys wanted to shoot Wendy down.
3. John saved Wendy’s life.
4. Wendy got angry with Tinker Bell and asked Peter to punish her.
5. Wendy wanted to go hunting the aborigines.
6. It took Peter and Wendy 3 hours to get to the lagoon.
7. The Lost Boys caught the Indians.
8. The Lost Boys knew where Tiger Lily was.
9. The mermaids were glad to see Wendy and Peter.
10. Peter saw Captain Hook, Mr. Smee and Tiger Lily in the pirate’s boat.
 V. Answer the questions.
1. Where did Tink go?
2. What was the home under the ground like?
3. How many boys were there on the island?
4. What orders did Tink bring? What did she suggest to do with Wendy? Why?
5. Did the Lost Boys follow these orders?
6. Who saved Wendy’s life?
7. Why was Peter Pan angry with the Lost Boys?
8. What did Peter say to Tinker Bell?
9. Did Peter punish Tink? Who asked Peter not to banish Tink forever? Did Peter agree with Wendy?
10. What did John suggest the boys to do? Did the boys like his idea?
11. Did they find and catch the Indians? Why not?
12. Did the Indians turn the boys loose? Why not?
13. What did the Chief promise to do with the boys?
14. Did the Lost Boys know where Tiger Lily was?
15. What did Peter Pan want to show Wendy?
16. How did the mermaids spend long summer days on the lagoon?
17. Were the mermaids on friendly terms with Peter Pan? Did they like Peter’s adventures?
18. Were the mermaids glad to see Wendy? What did they want to do with her? Did they drown Wendy?
19. Who was in the pirate’s boat?
20. What did Captain Hook want to do with Tiger Lily?
21. What idea did Peter get? Why did they fly to the rocks?
 VI. Use the words to describe the events from the story.
to shoot down                                                   to turn sb loose
to save one’s life                                               to drown
to charge sb with sth                                         to punish sb for sth
 VII. Match the words with their definitions.
1. order                                      a) to order someone to leave a place as a punishment
2. guilty                                      b) an imaginary sea creature that has the body of                                                                  woman and the tail of a fish
3. capture                                  c) an instruction that is given by someone in a position
                                                       of authority
4. mermaid                                 d) ashamed and sorry because you have done st                                                                   wrong
5. banish                                    e) to catch a person or animal and stop them from
6. drown                                     f) to kill someone by pushing them under water
 VIII. Explain why:
  1. the Lost Boys tried to shoot Wendy down
  2. Peter Pan saved Wendy’s life
  3. Peter Pan banished Tink for a week
  4. the Chief of the Indians didn’t turn the Lost boys loose
  5. the mermaids wanted to drown Wendy
  6. Tiger Lily was in the pirate’s boat
  IX. Prove that:
  1. Tink didn’t love Wendy
  2. Peter Pan took care of Wendy
  3. Wendy wanted to see the mermaids
  4. the Indians were angry with the Lost Boys
  5. the mermaids were jealous
  6. Peter Pan wanted to help Tiger Lily
 X. Add more details to the following:
  1. Huh? Orders from Pan? Hold it, men!
  2. All right, men. Go and capture a few Indians. John, you’ll be the leader.
  3. - Who’s she?
           - Huh? Her? Oh, that’s Wendy.
           - A girl?
 XI. Put the sentences in the right order.
  1. Peter and Wendy followed the pirate’s boat because they wanted to help Tiger Lily.
  2. The mermaids tried to drown Wendy.
  3. Wendy asked Peter Pan to show her the mermaids.
  4. The Indians caught the Lost Boys.
  5. Peter Pan punished Tinker Bell for a week.
  6. Peter saved Wendy’s life.
  7. Tink suggested to shoot Wendy down.
  8. Tinker Bell came to the Lost Boys and brought the orders from   Peter Pan.
  9. The Lost Boys followed Tink’s advice and tried to kill Wendy.
  10. Peter got angry with Tink and the Lost Boys.
  11. The boys went hunting the Indians.
  12. The Chief of the Indians was angry with the Lost Boys and didn’t want to turn them loose. He thought they had captured Tiger Lily.
  13. The mermaids were glad to see Peter but they didn’t like Wendy.
  14. Peter Pan saw Hook’s boat which was heading for Skull Rocks.
 XII. Draw.
  1. Draw a picture of the Lost Boys trying to shoot Wendy down.
  2. Draw a picture of the Lost Boys hunting the Indians.
  3. Draw a picture of the mermaids trying to drown Wendy.
  4. Draw a picture of the pirate’s boat heading for Skull Rocks.
 XIII. Talking points.
  1. Retell this story as if it were told by:
    • Peter Pan
    • Wend

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