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Конспект открытого мероприятия по английскому языку
среди учащихся 10-11-х классов

Викторина по истории и культуре Санкт-Петербурга

(на основе учебного пособия «Санкт-Петербург: тексты и упражнения. Книга II». Автор: Гацкевич М.А.)


Логинова Ольга Анатольевна,
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ №180 Санкт-Петербурга



Познакомить учеников с историей города Санкт-Петербурга и с его достопримечательностями.

Учиться самостоятельно искать необходимую информацию с использованием различных источников.

Развивать речь, память, наблюдательность, внимание обучающихся.

Воспитывать бережное отношение к достопримечательностям страны, патриотизм, уважение к одноклассникам.




 развивать творческую активность;

 развивать умение работать в группе;



 проконтролировать степень усвоения знаний

 развивать умение выделять главное, обобщать имеющиеся факты, логически излагать мысли,          отстаивать свое мнение



 расширение кругозора;

 развивать внимание, память, сообразительность


Оборудование и реквизит:компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал



Предварительная подготовка:Ученикам было дано задание подготовить  сообщение по одной из предложенных тем, придумать название команде, изготовить  эмблему команды.


Ход викторины


Орг. момент.

Готовность класса к уроку, посадка учащихся.

Вступительное слово учителя.


  1. Introduction.

Today we’ve gathered together to find out which of you knows your home city better and can rememberthe most important facts and dates of its history. You will be given several tasks, we are going to evaluate each task and give you points for correct answers. If a team fails to fulfil a task, another team gets a chance to fulfil it and to get a point. Every task has its own rules, you must listen carefully to my instructions.

In the end of the quiz we will count your points.


First of all, the teams must introduce themselves. Give the name of your team and present your emblem.

(one person from each team introduces the name and the emblem of the team)


 2. Warming-up.

Let’s do the warming-up. I will ask you short questions and you are to give me short answers. You can get a point only if you raise your hand and I give you the permission to answer. You get a point for every correct answer.


  1. What was the first building erected on the Strelka of Vasilievsky Island? (The Stock Exchange)
  2. What do the words “kunst” and “kammer” mean? (kunst – art, kammer – chamber or room)
  3. Who founded the Admiralty shipyards? (Peter I)
  4. Which monument can we see in the northern part of the Field of Mars, near the Neva? (Suvorov)
  5. Who suppressed the Decembrists uprising? (Nicholas I)
  6. Which building was partially destroyed by fire in 1747? (the Kunstkammer)
  7. Who was the bearer of the following orders: Danish Elephant Order, Prussian Black Eagle Order and Polish White Eagle Order? (Menshikov)
  8. Where can you see allegorical figures of great Russian waterways? (at the base of each Rostral Column)
  9. Give the name of the authоr of “The Last Day of Pompei” (Karl Brullov)
  10. For whom was the Mariinsky Palace built? (Maria, the daughter of Nicholas I)
  11. Why was Menshikov sent to Siberia? (he lost the struggle for power)
  12. Which palace was considered to be reminiscent of the Louvre? (the Mikhailovsky Palace)
  13. Which monument can we see in the St.Isaac’s Square? (to Nicholas I)
  14. Who was the President of the Academy of Arts at the end of the 18th century? (Alexander Stroganov)
  15. Where can we see a weathervane in the shape of a ship? (on the gilded spire of the Admiralty)
  16. Where did Mendeleev live and work? (at the St.Petersburg University)
  17.  Who was the founder of the Academy of Sciences? (Lomonosov)
  18. What was originally built on the site of the Mariinski Theatre? (the circus theatre)
  19. Who was the 1st general governor of St.Petersburg? (Menshikov)
  20. Which building was created for the famous horse-guard regiment? (the Manege)
  21. Who signed his verses with the initials K.R.? (Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov)
  22. Which monument can we see in front of the Mikhailovsky Palace? (Pushkin)


3. Hometask

Now I would like to check your hometask. I asked you to prepare a report on one of the topics we had studied, giving us interesting facts and information which hadn’t been mentioned at our lessons. The team which has less points so far will be the first. The other team must listen carefully and be ready to answer 3 questions. We are going to evaluate your reports taking into consideration the information you’ve given, the amount of the information and the way of presentation. You can get 5 points for your report. Your opponents can get 1 point for every correct answer.


[each speaker presents a report and asks 3 questions]


4. Buildings and architects

Now I will examine your knowledge of architects who worked in our city and designed famous constructions. You will get the names of the constructions and the names of the architects. They will be mixed up. Your task is to match the buildings and the architects. You’ve got 2 minutes.


[students get the names on separate sheets of paper, they match them by placing the names in the correct order]


Your time is up. Let’s check your matchings. I will check one team and my assistant the other. You must give the answers by turns. One team gives one construction and architect,  then the other team gives the second pair, and so on. If you give the wrong answer, the other team can answer instead of you.


[students give their answers and get 1 point for every correct answer]


  1. Domenico Trezzini – the project of construction of the Twelve Collegiums Building
  2. Antonio Rinaldi – the Marble Palace
  3. Giacomo Quarenghi – the Manege
  4. Auguste Monferrand – designed the monument to Nicholas I
  5. Andreyan Zakharov – the present building of the Admiralty
  6. Pyotr Klodt – the author of the frieze “The service of horse to man”
  7. Andrey Voronikhin – the granite pedestal of the monument to Alexander Suvorov
  8. Carlo Rossi – the Mikhailovsky Palace
  9. Bartolomeo Rastrelli – the Stroganov Palace
  10. Andrey Stakenschneider – the Mariinsky Palace




5. The Map

It’s time for you to show your knowledge of the map of St.Petersburg. You will get a map of the city with the numbers denoting certain buildings and constructions. And you will get the list of these objects. Your task is to match the numbers on the map with the objects in the list. Write the corresponding number opposite the construction in the list. We are going to check your answers the same way as in the previous task. You have 3 minutes.




[students match the places on the map with the constructions in the list]


  1. the Admiralty
  2. the Monument to Peter I
  3. the Manege
  4. the Monument to Nicholas I
  5. the Mariinsky Theatre
  6. the Mariinsky Palace
  7. the Menshikov Palace
  8. the Marble Palace
  9. the Monument to Alexander Suvorov
  10. the Academy of Arts
  11. the Twelve Collegiums Building
  12. the Kunstkammer
  13. the Stroganov Palace
  14. the Mikhailovsky Palace (the Russian Museum)
  15. the Field of Mars


6. Pictures and dates

In the next task you’ll have to recognize a certain construction (a building or a monument) in a picture and match the construction with the date it was erected. You must arrange the constructions in chronological order. You will be given 4 pictures and 4 dates and you will have 2 minutes to do this task. Every team gets different pictures. You can get 1 point for every construction.


[students try to remember the names of the constructions and match them with the dates. When the time is up each team presents the pictures giving their names and dates of construction]




  1. the Admiralty – 1704
  2. the Monument to Alexander Suvorov – 1799-1801
  3. the  Rostral columns – 1805 – 1810
  4. the Monument to Alexander III – 1908


  1. the Menshikov Palace - 1714
  2. the Manege – 1804
  3. the Monument to Nicholas I – 1859
  4. the Monument to Alexander Pushkin – 1957




7. What is situated in the building now?

Many of the architectural masterpieces of St.Petersburg have survived to the present day. Some of them are still functioning and house certain organizations. We offer you to remember what is now situated in the buildings we will give you. You will have to match the building and the organization located in it. You are given 2 minutes. After the time is up you will answer in turns. You can get 1 point for every correct answer.


[students match the buildings with the organizations]

[checking up]


8. Counting the points

That was the last task and now we are going to count your points and get to know which team is more aware of the history and architecture of St.Petersburg.


[the quizmaster counts the points and names the winner]



Congratulations to the winner and thank you to every member of the both teams for taking an active part in our quiz.



Гацкевич М.А. «Санкт-Петербург: тексты и упражнения. Книга II»





Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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