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Григорьева Людмила Васильевна

     Компетентностный подход в современном образовании предполагает формирование способности человека использовать имеющиеся знания и умения для решения конкретных практических задач. Владение письменной речью позволяет реально использовать знание иностранного языка, находясь вне языковой среды, общаясь с носителями языка с помощью современных средств коммуникации. Возможность писать личные и официальные письма, необходимость заполнять анкеты, бланки документов, т.е. владение различными функциональными стилями деловой и личной переписки, мотивирует обучающихся к активному овладению письменной коммуникацией на изучаемом языке для использования, как в дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности, так и в дальнейшей самостоятельной жизни в обществе.
     Более того, сдавая экзамен по английскому языку в режиме ЕГЭ, обучающиеся обязаны выполнить задания из раздела «Письмо», показав знание правил различных видов иноязычного письма.
     Основной целью системы упражнений  является развитие у обучающихся практических навыков использования базовых жанров и стилей иноязычной письменной формы языка для решения учебных (подготовка к ЕГЭ), личностных и, в дальнейшем, профессиональных задач обучающихся.
     Для достижения поставленной  цели  решаются следующие задачи:
  1. Научить обучающихся различным видам иноязычного письма.
  2. Научить находить дифференциальные признаки текстов заданных жанров и стилей.
  3. Научить  лексическим и грамматическим единицам в соответствии с определенными жанрами и стилями письменной речи.
  4. Научить созданию собственных творческих текстов аналогичного жанрово-стилевого формата письменной речи на иностранном языке.
          В основе системы упражнений  лежат следующие методические принципы:
  • междисциплинарная интеграция с такими дисциплинами как развитие речи и русский язык;
  • контекстуальное введение лексики;
  • темы и материалы курса соответствуют возрасту, интересам и уровню языковой подготовки обучающихся;
  • обучение строится на основе сотрудничества;
  • учитываются индивидуальные особенности обучающихся (аудиал, визуал, кинестетик);
  • обучающиеся работают в группах, парах, индивидуально, коллективно.
Match a greeting with a suitable ending. Which are formal? Which are informal?
Dear Sir or Madam
Darling Rosie
Dear Ms McDonald
Dear Helen
Dear Philip
Yours Bob
Youth faithfully
Robert J. Fleming
Lots of love
Yours sincerely
Robert Fleming
Circle the appropriate alternative and match each sentence to the feature of language which is being commented on.
1        The use of “can’t” and  “isn’t” show that the letter is formal / informal.
2        “Furthermore” is a very formal / informal word.
3        “Make up for” is more formal / informal word for  “compensate”.
4        An exclamation mark would not be used in formal / informal writing.
5        “Would you mind telling me when starts?” sounds quiteformal / informal to me.
A      phrasal verb
B      question form
C      punctuation
D      contraction
E      linking words
Useful phrases
Match thefunctions a-f with the sentences and phrases 1-6       
A  sympathizing
B  changing the subject
C  thanking someone for writing
D  ending a letter
Eexplaining why you are writing
F  saying what you have included in the letter 
2   I was sorry to hear about your accident.
     I was really sad to hear your news.     
3   Thanks very much for your letter.           
     Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long.
4   I’m just writing to tell you my plans.
     This is just a quick note to tell you my plans.
5   I’m sending you some pictures of my family.     
     I thought you might like to see this picture of my family.
6   Write soon, it’ll be great to hear from you .
     Hope to see you soon.
The lines of the letter are mixed. Put the lines in the right order.
Dear Alice and Jim,
A   Would you mind having a look for me?
B   The conversation was excellent and the food delicious!
C   I think I left a pair of brown trousers in the wardrobe of my room.       
D   I had a wonderful time.
E   Please can you let me know if you find them?
F   Thank you for having  me to stay last weekend.
G   It was lovely to see you all. See you again soon!
H   Could you do something for me?
I   Thanks a lot.
1 ______ 2 ______3______4______5_____6______7______8______9______
Match the beginnings with the endings, then identify the type and style of each pair.
Beginnings …
1        I am writing to accept your kind invitation to the charity ball …
2        Can you send me some information about the holiday you went on last year? I’d like to go on one this summer …
3        I’m writing with the information you asked me for on the photography course …
4        Please accept my apologies for not attending the board meeting on Tuesday …
5        Can you give me your advice about a problem I’m having with my room-mares …
6        I am writing to congratulate you on your promotion. You certainly deserve it as you have been working very hard …
7        With regard to your letter asking for advice on …
… Endings
A   … Let me know if you need any more information about other photography courses because I’ve attended quite a few.
B   … I hope that this advice will prove useful. Please let me know what you decide to do.
C   … Once again, thank you for the invitation.
E   ... Please, send the details soon because I’m trying to plan my holiday and I can’t decide where to go.
F   … I hope you will accept my apologies. Perhaps we can meet on Friday to discuss the board’s plans.
G   … I am confident that you will be successful in your new position. I wish you every success in your career.
1        Look at the different parts of the letter. Put them in the right order.
A   Penny         C   Dear Donna        E     Lots of love
B   It’s strange having to wear a school uniform. It’s the first time I’ve ever worn one. We have to wear a blue skirt and a white blouse. If it’s cold we also have a blue sweater. I guess I’ll get used to it. At last I don’t have to decide what to wear in the morning.
D   Anyway, I’d better go now. Mum wants me to help with the housework before I do my homework. Take care, Donna, and stay in touch!
F   Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you! I’m really glad your dog’s much better now.
G   Well, today was my first day at my new school. It’s called Parkingham Comprehensive School and there are over a thousand students here. It’s very big! Actually, it seems a nice place. The kids in my class are very friendly. I’ve made one friend so far – a girl called Alison, who I sit next to French. She’s really cool and helped me find my was around.
2        Match each part of the letter with its purpose.
A     to continue with your news
B     to mention their last letter and something in it
C     to give a reason for ending the letter
D     to greet the person you’re writing to
E     to express love
F     to give your main news
1  Read the letter and complete the missing sentences, A, B, C, D.
Dear Jenny,
Thanks so much for your letter! That’s great news about your team winning the volleyball championship. Well done!!!
I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve been with your parents because they won’t let you go out at night with your friends.(1) ______ I’m sure that’s why your parents feel you’ve not ready yet. I can’t really say they’ve wrong.
(2) ______ That would give a chance to show your parent’s that you’re responsible and can take care of yourself. (3) ______ your parents might find that more acceptable. (4) ______ I think it’s likely your parents will feel differently next year, when you’re older
Well, I hope I’ve helped you a bit.  Don’t worry – everything will work out. Let me know how everything goes.
A     Or how about arranging to get together at a different friend’s house every    week?
B      I know you feel grown up and ready to do things on your own, but remember that you’re a year younger than other kids in your class.
C      My advice would be to be patient a bit longer.
D      Why don’t you ask them to let you go somewhere with your friends for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday during the day?
2  Look at the letter again.  What suggestions does Laura make?
1 ____________________________________________________________________
2 ____________________________________________________________________
3  Rewrite the suggestions by completing the sentences below
1.  If I were you_______________________________________________________
2.  Perhaps you should __________________________________________________
3.  I’d suggest _________________________________________________________
1 Use the sentences to complete the letter.
a) Well, I’ve got to know.
b)I’ve got lots to tell you, too!
c) Write back soon.
d) I guess I should start be telling you about my new school.
e) The kids are really nice, too.
2 Choose the topic of each paragraph.
Paragraph 1:Mena describes her new school / gives the reason for writing
Paragraph2:She describes her new school / describes her new computer class
Paragraph3: She talks about her new friends / says she is lonely
Paragraph4: She gives the reasonfor ending the letter / says how she feels
Paragraph5: She continues her news / asks Laura to reply
3 Where could you add the extra sentences? Write a paragraph number 1-5 next to each one. You will only use four of the paragraphs.
A   I haven’t heard from Jane for a while. Is she okay?
 We meet every Thursday afternoon. It’s great fun!
C   We also have a great chemistry lab. I’m looking forward to doing some experiments – I hope they don’t go wrong!
D   I’m glad you and your family are fine.
Dear Laura,
I was so happy to get a letter! It was great to hear your news. (1) ___________________
(2)___________________ It’s quite different from our old one. It has some great things, like a computer room. We can also access the Internet and we’ve started our own website! The school also has great sports facilities, like an indoor basketball court and two volleyball courts.
(3)___________________ I’ve made some new friends, and I’m beginning to think it’s not so bad after all. Wesometimes meet at the weekend and go to the cinema or just around and chat. But I still miss you and my other friends.
(4)____________________I got home a bit late because our chess club had a meeting. Now I/ve got to do my homework – boring!
(5)___________________I can’t wait to hear from you!
In “A” there are seven kinds of letters. In “B”, there are expressions which can be found in these letters. Match the expressions with the letters. An expression might go with more than one letter.
1 Giving news
2 Inviting
3 Accepting an invitation
4 Thank you letter after a weekend visit
5 Thank and request
6 Inviting
7 Paying a bill
A   Thank you for inviting me to …
B   Please find enclosed a cheque for …
C   George and I are having a party on Saturday, and we’d love you to come.
D   I look forward to hearing from you soon.
E   Just a quick note to say thank you …
F   Sorry, I haven’t written for so long, but I’ve been terribly busy.
H   I’d love to come. See you then!
I   Could I please have a receipt!
J   Give my regards to …
K   Let us know if you can make it.
L   It was lovely to see you again after so long …
M   International Shippers request the pleasure of your company at a buffet supper to be hold on …
N   You very kindly sent me a brochure of holiday cottages, Unfortunately you forgot to include a price list. I would be most grateful if you could send me one.
X   Transactional letter
1  Read the following letter, which you have received from your English penfriend, Mark.
1) What two things does he ask you to tell him?
2) Would you accept Mark’s invitation?  Why / Why not?
Dear _______,
A) Many thanks for your last letter. The new house sounds brilliant – how are you setting in? B) I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner, butI’ve been really busy helping my parents out on the farm.
It’s great fun, though I still haven’t got used to getting up at six every morning to milk the cows! We often have the radio on while we’re doing it, so it’s not too bad. Then, once we’ve had breakfast, we tend to spend the rest of the day outside, either in the fields or looking after the sheep.
C)That’s reminds me, do you remember Lady, our oldest sheepdog? Well, she’d just had puppies! If you’re free in the summer, you could come and see them all and help with the harvest as well. D) Let me know if you can make it – we’d love to see you again.
Anyway, E) I must go, as it’s getting late and tomorrow we’ve got another early start. F) Can’t wait to hear from you.
G)Best wishes,
2  Match each underlined expression A-G from Mark’s letter with an appropriate alternative form 1-10. Which three phrases cannot be used and why are the inappropriate?
1) I’d better close now                                                     
2) Thanks a lot for your letter                                         
3) Yours sincerely!
4) By the way!
5) All the best
6) I would be most grateful if you could inform me
7) I look forward to your prompt reply
8) Please write and tell me
9) I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to write you
10)  I’m looking forward to hearing from you
3  What is the purpose of each of the four paragraphs?
4  Find and circle the following linking words in Mark’s letter. Then use an appropriate linker from the box to complete the spaces in sentences 1-6. Each linker can be used than once.
but while so and as well as
1)      You’ll never guess what happened to me ________ I was shopping in the center of town the other day.
2)      I’m writing to ask you to do me a favour ________ I’ve got myself trouble.
3)      We’re having a party next Saturday ________ we were wondering if you’d like to come . Bring a friend ________.
4)      I’d love to accept your invitation, ________ I’m afraid I’m going to be busy.
5)      I haven’t got any plans ________ I’ll certainly be able to go.
6)       I’m sorry, ________ I’m afraid I lost your camera ________ I was in the disco on Friday.
5 Match each of the following six reasons for writing with an appropriate sentence 1-6 from exercise 4.
a)  inviting
b)  giving news
c)  apologizing
d)  accepting an invitation
e)  asking for help
f)  refusing an invitation
Match the beginnings with the endings, then identify the type and style of each pair.
1   I am writing with regard to your recent correspondence. We regret to inform you that there are no places left on the accountancy course
2  Thanks so much for your thoughtful gift. The jumper fits perfectly. It will really come in handy this winter when I go skiing    
3   I just received your letter and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve having trouble
4   Sorry I can’t make it to your parent’s 25th anniversary party, but I’ll be away on the day of the celebration
5   I am writing to inquire about the special weekend trips
6   I am writing with regard to your advertisement in the Daily News of May 2nd. I would like to apply for the teaching position at Beacon street School
7   I just wanted to let you know that I’d love to come to your party on the 24th
8   It is with great pleasure that I am writing to congratulate you on your promotion
A  … Anyway, wish them a happy anniversary from me. I’m looking forward to hearing about it went.  
B … Let me know if my advice was of any help. I hope everything turns out fine.
C … Should you need any information about courses which will be held next term, I would be happy to assist you.
D … I look forward meeting you to discuss the possibility of employment. Please contact me regarding any questions you may have.
E … I look forward to receiving the information and would appreciate it if you could send it as soon as possible.
F … Thanks again for the gift and please give my regards to your family.
G …Anyway, thanks again for the invitation. I’ll see you then.
H I am confident that you will carry out your new duties with your usual dedication.
Match the extracts from different kinds of writing with their purposes. You can write more than one letter on each line, and can use each letter more than once.
A   interest and entertain the reader
B   ask for information
C   present information so it’s easy to find
D   respond to and give personal information
E   discuss a subject in a logical and formal way
 Dear Matthew,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.
2   He asked Sally to tell his friends not to worry. ‘I’ll be all right,’ he promised.
3   On the one hand, Zoos can keep some endangered species alive and provide them with food and shelter.
4   I’ve been given the project, you see, and I need to ask you some questions because I know you’re good at using computers and video games things like that.
5   I am writing with regard to your advertisement for helpers at the summer camp you are organizing.
6   As request, I have looked at the local cinemas and their performances for the week of 15 -19 November and this that I found out.   
7   Have you had the time to do something you’ve always wanted to?
8   I really think you should talk to your sister if her behavior distress you so much.
If you talked openly …
9   I can be contacted on 555-3045 or through e-mail.
I look forward to hearing from you.
10   I’d better go now. I’ll let you know how it goes.  
1 Read the letter and answer the questions.
1) Who wrote the letter?
2) Who is he writing to?
3) Underline all the short forms in the letter.
4) Underline one example of an incomplete sentence.
5) Circle one example of informal punctuation.
6) Find informal words and phrases in the letter that mean the same as these more formal words and phrases:
     A – How are you?
     B – Thank you very much.
     C – We have
     D – a lot of
7) What two expressions did the writer use before signing his name?
8) How many main paragraphs are there?
Dear Adam,
Hi! How’s it going? Thanks a lot for your postcard. Sounds like you had a great time in Switzerland.
Well, we went back to school today for the first day of winter term. Boring! I can’t believe how quickly the summer holidays went. Actually, it wasn’t that bad there are a couple of new guys in my class this year and they both seem really nice. One of them is really good at football. I’m going to try to get him on the team!
Talking a football, we’ve got our first match next week. We’re training hard at the moment, and I think we’ve got a good chance of winning. Wish us luck!
Anyway, I’d better go now. I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight (unfortunately).
Write soon!
All the best,
Choose the correct option
Dear Clare,
     Thanks for your letter. I’ve been at the ski resort 1___ three weeks now. It’s hard work but I’m enjoying 2___. If you decide 3___ come here next winter, the 4___ thing to do is to apply now. There are lots of jobs, but also lots of students who want them!
     You asked me 5___ the work here. Well, the thing most students do is look 6___ the chalets. This means that you 7___ get up early every morning – about 6 o’clock – and cook breakfast for 8___ skiers in your chalet. Sometimes there 9___ be eight people to cook for!
     After breakfast, most people go skiing, so you 10___ the beds, 11___ the washing up and generally tidy up. For the rest of the morning you have to sort 12___ any problems people 13___ have, for example, the skiers might have hurt 14___ or may want to make a complaint. You need a lot of patience for this part of 15___ job.
     In the afternoon you’ll have 16___ free time, 17___ you should bring along your skis! 18___ for money, you’ll get 70 pounds a week. 19___, your food and accommodation are going out in the evenings!
     I hope this helps. I’ll write again soon.
1 for since during
2 this it them
3 for to -----
4 better best good
5 about for to
6 for up after
7 should can have to
8 some the no article
9 must can should
10 make do prepare
11 do clean make
12 through out over
13 should may must
14 each other oneself themselves
15 the a no article
16 the some a
17 so but because
18 while so as
19 although while however
20 for to -----
 Read the text and chose the correct option (a, b, c)
Dear Yanni,
I was so glad to hear that you’re going to visit us this summer here in Randolph. Let me tell you all about some of the things we’ll 1_____ do while you’re here.
To start with, we’ll have a paint gunfight with my friend in the woods behind our house. You’ll 2_____ wear old clothes for that, but don’t worry about bringing any-you 3_____ wear some of mine.
Another thing we can do is go bike riding down to the lake. It’s a bit far from the house and my mum will 4_____ say it’s okay before we can actually do it. She’ll probably let us if we take my brother along
You 5_____ feel shy about meeting my friends. They are all nice guys and are looking forward to meeting you. Plus, you 6_____ speak English very well, so you won’t have any problems with that. 7_____ I ask you for a favour? Please  bring me some pictures of the Acropolis. My friends and I 8_____ do a project on it for my History class at school and the pictures would really make it nice.
Well, I’ve got to get back to my homework! 9_____ wait ti see you in June!
  a b c
1 can be able to may
2 have to must ought to
3 should can are able to
4 ought to be able to have to
5 shouldn’t can’t aren’t able to
6 should have to can
7 shall can should
8 could should have to
9 mustn’t shouldn’t can’t
Dear Maria Luisa,
     Sorry it’s taken me so long to write, but as you know I’ve been decorating the house. In fact, I finished last Saturday, so I celebrated by going to a Bonfire night party here in the village. Every November 5th we commemorate the Gunpowder Plot of 1605,when Guy Fawkes and a group of Catholic conspirators tried unsuccessfully to blow up Parliament with gunpowder.
     There’s always a bonfire and the one they had built on the village green was enormous. It gave off an impressive amount of heat, which is very welcome on these chilly November nights. As you can imagine, the effigy of Guy Fawkes, which is burnt on top of the fire, disappeared in a matter of minutes.
     Unfortunately, the firework display was disappointing, but I imagine it must be very costly to put one on. Anyway, the organizers made up for it by providing some excellent food. The baked potatoes and sausage rolls were delicious and the mulled wine certainly kept everyone smiling!
     Well, that’s all from me. Let me know what you’ve been doing recently. 
All the best
Your English-speaking penfriend attended an event last weekend to celebrate a traditional festival in his country. He wrote you a letter describing the event. Briefly he explained the origins of the festival, then he described what happened and said whether he enjoyed himself.
  1. Read the letter and answered the questions below.
Has the writer answered all the parts of question?
In which paragraphs does Andy:
  • Explain the origin of the festival?
  • Describe what happened?
  • Say whether he enjoyed himself?
  1. Find examples in the letter of the following features. Explain the meaning of the phrasal verbs and the adjectives.
Phrasal verbs:eg   blow up – to destroy with an explosion
Adjectives:eg   enormous – very big
Linking words:eg   but, in fact
Relative clauses:eg   It gave off an impressive amount of heat, which is very welcome …
Useful expressions for informal letters:eg   Sorry it’s taken me so long to write.
Letter of advice
Read Jessica’s letter and answer the questions
1)      Is the letter formal or informal?
2)      Is Linda’s problem the first thing Jessica mentions?
3)      In which paragraph does Jessica express her opinion about the argument?
4)      In which paragraph does Jessica make her suggestions?
5)      How many suggestionsdoes she make?
6)      Underline her suggestions.
Dear Linda,
Thanks for your letter. I’m glad you passed your History test!
I was sorry to hear about the argument you had with your parents about your pocket money. O know you get less than most of your friends but if your parents can’t afford to give you any more, I guess there’s not much you can do about it (unfortunately).
If I were you, I’d try not to argue about this. Why don’t you get a part time job, maybe on Saturdays or after school and earn a bit of extra money that way? It can be quite fun delivering newspapers. That’s what I do! Or perhaps you should tell everyone that you don’t want presents for Christmas or your birthday, but that you’d rather have money. And if you’ve careful how you spend it, you’;; have more during the year for CDs and clothes and all the other things you want to buy.
Anyway, keep smiling whatever happens! I’d better go now as I’ve got loads of homework to do (as always!).
Write back soon!
1. Look at each of the sentences 1-10 and decide if the English used is formal or informal. Then put the number for each sentence in the correct column of the table below, next to the appropriate reason for writing. The first one has been done for you.
Complaining _________________________ _________________________
Asking for information _________________________ _________________________
Giving information _________________________ _________________________
Correcting information _________________________ _________________________
Giving advice _________________________ _________________________
  1. I would also be grateful if you could inform me of the prices and dates of your two-week and one-month intensive courses.
  2. You really shouldn’tbuy anything in the markets there – it’s all poor quality stuff and far too expensive.
  3. I am writing to draw your attention to several inaccuracies continued in your article on secondary school in Greece.
  4. AndI do think you could have phoned me to tell me you weren’t coming – I wasted the whole morning waiting for you!
  5. With regard to the number of children in our group, we estimate that there will be approximately 12 boys and 12 girls, all aged and under.
  6. I thought your article was great, but I noticed a few things which were wrong, so I thought I’d better write and tell you about them before you send it off.
  7. Moreover, when the food eventually arrived, the fish was undercooked and we had to ask one of your waiters to take it back to the kitchen.
  8. Owing to the high frequency of thefts in the area, we would strongly advise you not to carry large amounts of cash with you.
  9. I reckon it’ll take us about two hours to get your place, so we should see you at about 3 o’clock.
  10. Can you let me know what time you think you’ll arriving?
3        Some of the words and expressions have been underlined in the sentences above. Match each formal word or expression with its informal equivalents and write them both in the table below. There is an example at the beginning.
1 inform me____________________________                10 let me know__________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
1. Look at the expressions a-h and match them with purposes 1-8.
a   That reminds me ,
b   I’m really sorry I
c   I’d better close now
d   Please let me know
e   Wy don’t you
f   I’m glad to hear that
g   O look forward t hearing from you
h   Many thanks for your letter
1   to finish the letter
2   to ask for information
3   to comment on good news
4   to change the subject
5   to ask for a reply
6   to apologize
7   to thank them for writing
8   to suggest or invite
2. Read through this extract from an informal letter. Then fill in each of the gaps with one of expressions a-h above.
1 ……………….. which arrived this morning just when I was thinking of you!
2 ………………… haven’t written sooner, but there have been so many things to catch up on since I got back
3 ……………….. you’re keeping well, and I hope that by the time this quick note gets there you will have sorted out that problem you talked about. 4 ……………….. if there’s any way I can help.
Life here goes on very much as always, though my exams are getting alarmingly close!         5 ……………….. how are your First Certificate studies going? What do you find easy and what’s not so easy? Doing an advanced course here in the UK next summer sounds like a great idea. If you have any time off, 6 ……………….. come and stay with me for a few days? Anyway, 7 ……………….. as I’ve got a mountain of work to do and it’s getting a bit late, so I’ll say ‘bye’ for the moment and 8 ………………. soon. 
  1. Write a reply to the sender of the letter in activity 2 in 100-104 words. Follow this plan:
    • Use an appropriate beginnings.
    • Thank your friend for writing, apologize for taking a long time to reply and say why.
    • Ask how he/she is and say how you are.
    • Talk about your First Certificate studies. Be honest in your answers!
    • Thank him/her for the invitation and say if you can accept or not.
    • Explain why you have to stop writing now and say when you hope to see him’her again.
    • Close with an appropriate ending.
Tim made a list of things Liz should and should not to do at university, and replied to her letter. Complete his letter, basing it on the list.
DO …
-          remember extra expenses like club subscriptions
-          if your grant arrives late borrow money from a bank
-          keep clear, regular accounts of what you spend
-          buy bicycle
-          run up overdrafts or debts
-          rent a flat if you can’t afford it
-          buy a car if you can’t afford it
-          spend too much money on eating out
-          travel home too often at weekends
-          buy unnecessary books; use libraries
                                                                                                      27 Manor Road
                                                                                                           Bath BA2 5LO
                                                                                                             7th June 20011
Dear Liz,
     Thanks for your letter, and congratulations! I’m very glad you’re coming to study here. I’m sure you’ll be happy in Bath.
     Personally, I think students should look after own money, and shouldn’t expect a bank to do it for them, but you shouldn’t have a bank account. No, you don’t have to open it at home. You should open one here in Bath, because it will be more convenient. But you should write to the bank you choose during the summer to make sure you get a branch near the University.
Now for my advice on what I think you should and shouldn’t do as a student. First, you ……….; you always have to pay them back in the end. If your grant ………. . Secondly, you ………. or ………. if you can’t afford it. You should live in a students’ hostel and ………. .
     When you’re here you’ll realize there are things you must spend money on and others you needn’t spend it on – if you don’t want to! You ………. . And ………. . On the other hand, you ………. or ………., and you ………. . Use the libraries, instead.
     I hope all this helps a bit, I hope to see you during the summer, and I’m certainly looking forward to seeing you here.
Match the sentences  (1-6) to the types of letter they are taken from (a-d). Which of them are semi-formal and which are informal? Who do you think the target readers are?
1 _____ Well, anyway, my new mobile is fantastic and I’d bought it sooner.
2 _____ If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind sending me a copy of the local bus           timetable?  
3 _____ It sounds as if you might benefit from getting some more exercise.
4 _____ Thanks a million for the CD that you sent – it’s just perfect.
5 _____ It looks like I might be going to France after all!
6 _____ I really appreciate all the trouble you went to in order to make my stay more comfortable.
A     Letter giving information
B     Letter of request
C     Letter giving advice
   Letter of thanks
Read the extracts below and say which is formal, which is semiformal and which is informal. Then, for each one, discuss the reason for writing and the target reader. Underline the words and phrases that helped you find the answers.
A The main reason I’m writing is because I want to ask a favour. Can I borrow your guitar for a couple of days (if I promise to take very, very good care of it?) You see, we’re having a bit of get-together on the thirteen and a few of us thought it would be a laugh if we brought our guitars along. Trouble is, mine’s broken. Of course, if you need it yourself …
B … We really appreciate the effort that you put into the party and I’m sure that the success of the evening was largely thanks to you. I think everybody enjoyed themselves and it was a great opportunity for us all to meet up. So, thank you again for …
C …  Not only did we have to wait twenty minutes to be seated but we were also told that the only table available was in the smoking section. As I had specifically booked a table in the non-smoking section, I found this to be totally unacceptable. In addition  to this, we were …
  1. Michael Harris. David Mower. Anna Sikorzynska. Opportunities (Uppper Intermediate). Longman. 2002
  2. Malcolm Mann. Laser (Intermediate). Macmillan. 2008
  3. Roy Norris/ Hilary Thomson. Ready for FCE. Macmillan
  4. Virginia Evans. Successful Writing Uupper-Intermediate). Express Publishing. 1999
  5. Kathy Cude. Jayne Wildman. Oxford University Press. 2000
  6. Sue Emery. Gill Mackie. Nicholas Stephens. Link (intermediate). Thomson Heinle. 2001 
  7. John & Liz Soars. Headway (Pre-Intermediate). Oxford University Press
  8. Virginia Evans. Neil O’Sullivan. Click on. Express Publishing
  9. Virginia Evans – Bob Obee. Upstream. Express Publishing


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