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 Праздник Пасхи в России и Англии


Рычкова Ольга Васильевна,
учитель английского языка,
ГБОУ СОШ № 877 г.Москвы

 Сейчас мы хотим предложить Вашему вниманию мероприятие по теме «Праздник Пасхи в России и Англии».
По нашему замыслу такого рода мероприятие способствует достижению нескольких целей - это и формирование
мотивации к изучению английского языка и развитие творческих способностей, кругозора, толерантности. В данной
постановке рассказывается о том, как русские школьники встречают гостей из Англии, чтобы показать русские традиции
проведения Пасхи и услышать рассказы гостей об английских традициях. Так, в пасхальное воскресенье англичане
встают очень рано, любуются восходом солнца, а затем идут в церковь. В школе принято на Пасху проводить конкурсы
на лучшую пасхальную шляпку, пасхальное деревце и корзиночку. В России принято проводить службы в церквях и славить Христа
возгласами «Христос воскрес - Воистину воскрес», красить яйца, обмениваться ими. Мероприятие заканчивается
английским танцем «Моррис дансиз», цель которого-прогнать злых духов зимы. Теперь ребята имеют возможность
сравнить традиции проведения одного и того же праздника у разных народов. И таким образом сделать выводы
об особенностях русского и английского национального характера.
Цели мероприятия: повысить интерес к изучению английского языка, познакомить учащихся с
традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании и России.
Задачи мероприятия: I. Образовательная: -расширение кругозора учащихся.
                                        II. Воспитательные: -развитие творческихспособностей учащихся, формированию мотивации
                                        к изучению английского языка.
                                        III. Развивающая: развитие интереса к культуре итрадициям разных народов.
Оборудование: пасхальное деревце, пасхальная шляпка, пасхальная корзиночка, презентация по теме «Пасха»,
использование проектора.
Ход мероприятия: Звучит музыка «Из Шерлока Холмса». Под музыку выходят гости из Англии. Дети в брюках,
жилетках останавливаются и говорят: «So, we have just come to Moscow». Выбегает русский мальчик, и обращаются
к группе детей: «Children, the guests from England have just come to see us. Let’s meet them ». Меняется музыка. (Родина) .
Выходят русские с хлебом и солью. Подают хлеб, соль и говорят: «Welcome to Russia, dear friends. »
Ведущий: « English children will tell you how Easter is celebrated in England. Russian children will tell you how Easter
is celebrated in Russia. We will compare how Easter is celebrated in Russia and in England. We have a lot of traditions
in common and different ones. Easter is connected with the name of Jesus Christ. Let’s remember about it. Our Savior Jesus
Christ was born more than 2000 thousand years ago in order to treat, to study and help people.
( Показ презентации и рассказ о Пасхе)
Vanya: Easter is the story of Jesus’ last days in Jerusalem before his death.
Mary: «Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate
a holiday. But the Jewish leaders wanted to kill him because they didn’t` t like that he said he was the Son of God.»
Danila: «The next morning the enemies of Jesus came to arrest him. So, they decided to crucify Jesus. The soldiers made
Jesus take his own cross. They made fun of Jesus. They nailed Jesus to a cross. When Jesus died they placed his body in a tomb.
It was like a cave, made of stone.»
Olya: «Two days later, a friend of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, was walking past the cave and
saw there was nobody there. The she saw a man not far from the tomb. Suddenly he turned and spoke to her and she recognized
that it was Jesus. He had risen from the dead. People were so happy when they saw him (Стихотворение: “Easter Day”
by Evelyn Stein»)
Mary: Easter is the time of joy 
            For all people, girls and boys 
            Joyfully today we sing:
            Jesus is arisen King.
Russian children: «Children, will you tell us how Easter is celebrated in England.»
English children: «With pleasure!»
На авансцену выходят две ученицы (Kate and Ann) и ученик (James). У Кate в руках самодельное пасхальное деревце,
на голове Ann самодельная шляпка, в руках – самодельная корзиночка с цветами, пасхальными яйцами. James: my name
is James, and this is my sister Ann.
Ann: Glad to meet you.
Kate: Hello, everybody! I’m Kate – Ann’s friend.
James: We want to tell you what we do on Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday is the time when we celebrate the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from the dead. On Easter Sunday I get up very early. My family joins other families on a hill to watch the
sunrise. Then we have breakfast with other families. After breakfast we all go to church for a service to celebrate Jesus rising
from the dead. Afterwards, at home, everyone gives each other chocolate eggs. Children in England get big ones filled with sweets.
Ann: At 12 o` clock we usually have dinner. Mum cooks roast lamb.
Kate: We do the same in my family. In the afternoon we usually have tea with a special Easter cake and cross buns.
Mary: « We have read that you celebrate Easter even at school, haven't you? »
Ann: At school we have an Easter competition. Last year it was an Easter bonnet competition. We designed and made colorful
hats on the theme of Easter and spring. Look! I made this one. Isn`t it nice? (Читает стихотворение “Easter Hat”):
                    I’ll make a pretty Easter hat, 
                    To wear at Easter time 
                    I’ll put some flowers on it,
                    And a bow will make it fine.
                    we’ll fasten on some ribbons,
                    All pretty pink and blue,
                    Then we’ll take a picture
                     And I’ll give it to you.
(с последними словами дает свою шляпку Маше.)
Mary: «Thank you, Ann, it’s beautiful! »
Kate: In my school we made Easter baskets. Look how beautiful it is. (отдает свою корзиночку Ване) and I’ll give it to you
as a present.
Vanya: «Thank you very much. »
Ann: And Kate was the winner of the competition!
Kate: Not only me. A lot of pupils made very beautiful baskets. This year we are making miniature gardens. And you?
Ann: Easter trees. This is mine.
Mary: It’s wonderful! James: I don` t like making trees or anything else very much. My favourite activity is egg hunting.
We compete who finds more eggs.
Kate: Little kids think Easter Bunny hides them. They have a lot of fun with hunting in the gardens and their homes for the eggs
that the Easter Bunny has hidden. (Песня " An Easter Day song for children " о пасхальном кролике на английском языке.)
Kate: How do you celebrate Easter?
Mary: The eggs can be painted or dyed. The traditional way was to boil them in water
together with the skin of red onions, in order to dye the eggs red.The tradition of painting hard-boiled eggs in a myriad of
colors stems back to the times of ancient Rome, when a red egg was a symbol of life itself. And, of course, the old Russian
tradition of Easter is to send and deliver gifts to poor families, relatives and strangers, orphanages, hospitals and prisons.
James: What is special about Easter in Russia?
Vanya: Easter Mass in Russia is held on Saturday night. As midnight approaches, worshipers light candles and then, the priest
says, "Christ is risen!" The worshippers rely back “He is risen indeed!" Worshipers return to theirhomes for a long family feast.
Tables are traditionally decorated with fresh flowers and painted eggs. Eggs are decorated, and traditional dishes include
kulich, a special Easter cake.
Повсюду благовест гудит,
Из всех церквей народ валит.
Заря глядит уже с небес...
Христос воскрес! Христос воскрес!
С полей уж снят покров снегов,
И реки рвутся из оков,
И зеленеет ближний лес...
Христос воскрес! Христос воскрес!
Вот просыпается земля
И одеваются поля,
Весна идет, полна чудес!
Христос воскрес! Христос воскрес!
                                          А. Майков
After breakfast, people go out to visit friends and neighbors, bringing with painted eggs to exchange. Look, I will tell you:
"Christ is risen!" You must rely back “He is risen indeed!" (Сценка. Дети дарят англичанам яйца и учат их как
прославляют Христа.)
James: How do children celebrate Easter?
Vanya: Children often play games with the eggs. One common game involves
2 players, who hold an egg each. They knock the eggs together force fully, and the winner is the person whose egg remains
intact. People are happy to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
Helen: People are really happy to celebrate this holiday.
In England people celebrate it having springtime dances. In many parts of England dancers called «Morris dancers» perform
on Easter Sunday. The dances perform are very old spring dances to frighten away the evil spirits of winter. Ribbons and
little bells are tied onto the dancers. As the dancers move quickly the bells ring and the ribbons wave.
(Исполняется “Morris Dancing” Танцующие выходят в зал, приглашают зрителей потанцевать вместе с ними).
Окончание. Все учащиеся выходят на авансцену.
All the pupils: Happy Easter!

                              1. http://www.english-easy.info/topics/topics_Holidays_Russia1.php#ixzz1irz2T7rv
                              2. www.london-tourist-travel-guide.com/easter
                              3. projectbritain.com/easter/easterday.htm
                              4. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/502262/
                              5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_W-jAuzUhY 6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZjLATAUwao


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