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I guess there's no family in Russia that could avoid the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. That was such a hard time for those who fought on the front, protecting and saving our country, and for those who stayed in the rear, in the besieged Leningrad. They truly believed that they were definitely gonna defeat the enemy, Nazi Germany, and liberate the Homeland. 
I had two great grandpas. And both of them have gone through all the difficulties of the war and became heroes. 
One of them was Ignat. He started his military career in Spain in 1935. He volunteered to fight against Franco's dictatorship. For participation in hostilities as part of an international group, received the first state award - the Order of Lenin. He was seriously wounded. All wounded soldiers were taken by ship to hospital in Argentina. 
After recovery he returned in Russia. In 1939-1940. he took part in the fighting against Finland. He was awarded with the Order of the Red Star and medals for courage and heroism. But he was stabbed 11 times. With the capture of Vienna (Austria) grandpa was seriously wounded and sent to hospital. So he couldn't keep fighting and had to stop in april of 1945. But at the same time he was awarded with two Orders of the Patriotic War, and many medals for military feats. 
My 2nd  great grandpa was Nickolas. He served throughout the War in the Far East. 
Grandfather served surface warships, on the border with Japan. Our country was very weakened by the war with Germany and that's why it was very important to prevent the war with Japan. In August 1945, in agreement with the anti-Hitler coalition, which included the US and Britain, the Soviet troops began fighting against Japan. As a result, Japan was expelled from the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. In early September (second to fourth) Japan surrendered. My grandpa Nicholas was awarded with two Orders of the Red Banner and medals for the victory in the Great Patriotic War. After the war, he continued serving in the Far East, in the Navy. 
I also had 2 great grandmas. One of them was Olga. She was in besieged Leningrad throughout the War. During the Siege, as a part of the local Air Defense, she was saving the city from the bombs dropped by German aircrafts. Leningraders were freezing, starving, and a lot of people died, but they saved their city anyway! At the next air raid and bombardment grandma was shot in the head. But she was awarded medals for the defense ofLeningrad and for the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
And another great grandma was Valentine. She was in the rear, working 24/7. She was awarded for the victory in the Great Patriotic War.She also was awarded as a homefront worker. 
People in the rear did everything for the front, for the victory. It actually was a war cry. So they tried as hard as they can just to win. And it finally happened. So i'm really proud of them.   


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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