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Ericka Woods

November 29, 2013

Honors US History

Honors Project: Part 3


Me: First off, how do you feel about the United States before Obama was elected?

Mom: President Bush left the office with the economy underwater. Large corporations closing, leaving millions without jobs, and unemployment rates were the highest.

Me: How did you feel about Barack Obama getting elected as president in 2008?

Mom: I am proud that he [Barack Obama] won the election, and you think it was a step forward for black Americans. Also, I’m very proud that blacks and whites worked together to support him.

Me: What do you think the media’s role in the election was?

Mom: The media was very unkind to him by trying to sabotage his work.

Me: What affect did Obama’s election have on you, personally?

Mom: Him being elected meant being black was even more of a reason to be proud. Our black children could see what is attainable for their future. With having a black president, I can teach my children that being black is not a reason that they cannot be successful.

Me: In present-day, what has Obama done that has benefited everyone?

Mom: Obama is the only sitting president to come up with a program to help all people, affordable healthcare, which is greatly needed.


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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