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Материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Образцы  написания письменных заданий
(часть С) ЕГЭ по английскому языку
Белоусова Татьяна Вячеславовна
учитель английского языка 
ГБОУ ЦО 133 г. Санкт-Петербурга
Написание личного письма и эссе в письменной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку является одним из самых сложных заданий при сдаче единого государственного экзамена.
Поэтому тренировка в составлении личного письма и эссе должна быть особенно усиленной и интенсивной.
Привожу образцы написания личного письма и эссе.
Образцы  написания личного письма (Часть С1)
Задание 1.
С1. You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Matt, who has a new baby sister.
I really like extreme spots. Do you like sports? What other hobbies do you have?
I’m going to wash my dad’s car now. He sometimes pays me to do chores.
 In your letter:
- tell him about your hobbies;
- ask three question about his pocket money.
Write 100—140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
 Dear Matt,
Your last letter was a real surprise. I was very glad to know about your new baby sister.
In your letter you asked me about my hobbies.  I’m not fond of sport. My hobby is Postcrossing.
The main idea of the Postcrossing  is that: if you send a postcard, you will receive one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world.  
You can write a shot message on the back side of your card. You can enjoy the views of many counties all over the world. I have already sent 243 cards and have already received 223 cards.
It’s a good idea to earn money by doing chores.  And how much pocket money do you get a week? What do you spend your money on? Are you saving money for something at the moment?
Keep in touch.
 Best wishes,
 Задание 2.
Read the extract from your English pen-friend`s email. Her name is Ann.
Write an email to her.
 I’ve just returned from my first trip to New York. It was wonderful. But I’m really sorry, I’ve missed your birthday.  Tell me please about your birthday party?
 In your email :
-tell her about your birthday party
-ask three questions about her trip to New York
 Write 100—140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
 Dear Ann,
Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you.
Thank you for asking about me birthday party. It was really great. I celebrated it at home. I invited my close friends and relatives.
There were dancing and music programme.
The guests presented me wonderful gifts.
And how was your trip? I believe that your trip to New York was unforgettable
. Have you visited our friend Tom? Where were you staying in New York?
Keep in touch.
Take care,
Образцы  написания Эссе (Часть С2).
Задание 1.The advantages and the disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.
        Write 200-250 words.
        Use the following plan:
        1. Introduction. (State the problem)
        2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.
        3. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong.
        4. Make a conclusion.
Let us consider what advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in the zoos are.
I think that one of the central advantages is education that people receive visiting zoo.
People can see, listen to, smell or even touch different wild animals from all around the world in one single place. Researchers can learn a lot about animals by observing their behavior and life style in the zoo.
Moreover, keeping animals in captivity is a great way to help endangered species. Zoos keep rare species alive. Animals in zoos are always fed, well-treated and live in good conditions there.
However, to my mind there are some disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos. 
To begin with, the habitat and the climate in zoos can differ from their native environment. Animals may be kept in small cages, they can suffer from unnatural habitats and stress.
Furthermore, nowadays many zoos don’t have enough living space in zoos. It is really cruel when tropical animals spend time outside in winter. Some tigers and rare species of birds are forced to live in small cages.
Taking everything into account there can be both advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.
Personally, I believe that zoos are very interesting places of entertainment, but I don’t think that we should keep animals in captivity, because they need to be free.
(223 слова)
 Задание 2.  Should graffiti be ban?
       Write 200-250 words.
        Use the following plan:
        1. Introduction. (State the problem)
        2. Express your opinion and give reasons for it.
        3. Give other people’s arguments and explain why they are wrong.
        4. Make a conclusion.
This question worries people. However,  it is not easy to answer it.
 According to Wikipedia: “Graffiti is writing or drawings that have been scribbled, scratched or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in public place.”
 Well, here is my opinion on this matter. On the one hand, I think that graffiti is vandalism.
 First of all some graffiti artists make our city really ugly, as they use public buildings, monuments, trains, metro wagons for their drawings.
 What is more, they write aggressive slogans and swear words.
  More than that, if it is not a graffiti festival and if it is not allowed by  government, it is  against the law. Our government spends a lot of money on removing drawings from buildings and transport. 
 Finally, graffiti can be dangerous. Several youngsters have been killed while trying to paint metro trains.
 On the others hand, graffiti is a form of art. To begin with, some graffiti drawings are really beautiful.
Every graffiti artist has his own style. They want to color boring streets and buildings. Moreover, it is a way for young people to express their feelings. It is a form of self-expression for youth.
 All in all, I believe that graffiti is a new interesting form of art. However it is necessary to allocate special places for graffiti drawings.
(220 слов)


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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
образования «АНЭКС»

191119, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Звенигородская, д. 28 лит. А

Главный редактор:
Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»