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Методическое пособие по английскому языку для специальностей
100116 «Парикмахерское искусство»
100124 «Стилистика и искусство визажа»

Смелова Ольга Анатольевна,
преподаватель английского языка СПб ГБПОУ
«Академия индустрии красоты «ЛОКОН»
Красносельского района Санкт-Петербурга




Hair types 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Hair types 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

Hair styles for hair types……………………………………………………………………………………………….11

Treatment products…………………………………………………………………………………………………….16

Styling products………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17

Hairdresser`s toolbox…………………………………………………………………………………………………..18


Face shapes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………19

Choosing a hairstyle…………………………………………………………………………………………………..20



Skin care for different skin types………………………………………………………………………………………24

Knowing your skin type……………………………………………………………………………………………….27

Skin care……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….28

Oily skin care…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30

Beauty tips to get fresh and beautiful skin…………………………………………………………………………….33

Types of creams for skin care………………………………………………………………………………………….34

Facial massage for beautiful skin………………………………………………………………………………………36

Face masks……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..38




Making up……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..44



How to deal with unwanted body hair…………………………………………………………………………………47

The importance of sleep…………………………………………………………………………………………….....48

Everybody needs it…………………………………………………………………………………………………….44



          Методическое пособие составлено для обучающихся по специальности «Парикмахерское искусство» и «Стилистика и искусство визажа».  Данное учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов, которые уже овладели базовыми знаниями по указанному предмету и продолжают его изучение.Пособие ставит своей целью совершенствование навыков современной разговорной речи, накопления профессионального лексического материала.

          Методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС и направлено на формирование и реализацию ОК  и ПК.

         Цель составления методического пособия включает в себя развивающий, воспитательный и учебный аспекты.

Развивающий аспект – развитие мышления, памяти, внимания, мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иностранным языком, привитие навыков самостоятельной работы.

Воспитательный аспект – приобщение к общечеловеческим ценностям, воспитание уважения к другой культуре, воспитание личностных качеств.

Учебный аспект – развитие умения общаться, используя различные виды речевой деятельности, приобретение знаний о строе языка, его системе, особенностях, сходстве с родным языком.


  1. совершенствование навыков чтения, используя профессиональную лексику, фразы профессиональной терминологии, тексты профессиональной направленности;
  2. совершенствование произносительных навыков, используя специфику артикуляции звуков, интонации, особенности стиля произношения, характерные для сферы профессиональной деятельности;
  3. усложнение упражнений на выработку навыков аудирования;
  4. обучение говорению – совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи на темы профессиональной направленности.

Методическое пособие состоит из трех разделов, включает изучение таких основных тем, как «Волосы», «Типы волос», «Инструменты». «Окраска»,  «Типы лица», «Кожа. Типы кожи» и другие.

Требования к уровню усвоения материала.  

В  конце изучения курса студентами  предполагается:


-          понимать связные тексты профессиональной тематики,

-           понимать на слух текст, содержащий до 3% незнакомых слов на догадку и до 3% незнакомых слов, не мешающих пониманию.


-          достаточно хорошо владеть навыками  устной (диалогической и монологической речи),

-         умение свободно высказываться по той или иной  проблеме,

-         умение вести  различные виды диалогов,

-         участвовать в дискуссиях, соблюдая этику дискуссионного общения,

  -   рассуждать в связи с определенной тематикой, давать оценку событиям.



  - достаточно хорошая техника чтения,  чтение вслух и про себя, умение

     понимать содержание  прочитанных текстов.

-         расширение словарного запаса за счет новой терминологии, словообразовательных моделей,

-         формирование механизма изучающего, ознакомительного, поискового и просмотрового чтения,

-         использование механизма чтения в зависимости от внутренней и внешней мотивации.


-          навыки чтения, аудирования и устной речи.

-         совершенствовать умения и навыки по выполнению тестовых заданий разного уровня сложности.

-         расширить и  обобщить  объем знаний учащихся по английскому языку

В целом методическое пособие по английскому языку для специальностей «парикмахерское искусство», «стилистика и искусство визажа» подготавливает студентов к работе, обеспечивает широкий круг знаний, необходимых работникам контактной сферы.


The average number of hairs on a human head varies from 98,000 (red-heads) to 120,000 (blondes). Each grows at the rate of 5–10 mm per month, lengthening for about three years before being replaced by a new one.

Growth of human hair

Each head hair lasts 2–4 years. Hair loss is normally not noticed as new hairs replace the old ones. Baldness results when renewal is unequal to loss. It is a natural process for hair to turn grey with age. Since any change in the colour of hair must happen within the follicle and will only show when the changed hairs have grown out, hair cannot become grey overnight. In some families white patches, or premature blanching of the hair, are hereditary.

Hair and anthropology

Hair type is one of the many hereditary factors that distinguish geographically isolated populations. The difference in colour varies from almost white to black, depending on how much of the pigment melanin is present in the hair shafts, and on how the structure of the hair reflects light. Straight hair of relatively broad diameter is common in Asian peoples, while European hair is often finer. The shaft of curly hair is alternately round and oval while tightly curled hair is flat in cross-section.

Various diseases that affect the hair are intimately related to skin diseases, such as eczema, and in general the condition of the hair reflects general health. Ringworm, which is a highly contagious and troublesome fungal disease, causes the hair to break off or fall out, leaving bald circular patches. Many diseases cause splitting or excessive shedding of the hair. General diseases such as fever, or a chronic disease such as tuberculosis, may cause baldness. Alopecia areata, baldness in patches, sometimes occurs in otherwise normal hair. The cause is unknown, but it is not serious or contagious, and the hair grows again in due course. There is no cure for grey hair or the baldness of old age.


Your hair and the way you style it gives you the greatest opportunity to express your personality and to vary your appearance. Glowing hair can be your greatest beauty. But your hair can be beautiful only when it is in good condition. You need to give it care and time.

Shampooing is the only treatment your hair can not absolutely do without. Shampoo is one of your most important cosmetics. Use the smallest amount of shampoo. If you shampoo your hair very frequently make sure you use a mild shampoo. Before shampooing make rinse your hair well. It helps to get rid of surface dirt. It is an absolute must to get all the shampoo out of your hair. Otherwise your hair will be lifeless and dull, also hair will not hold a set well.

A conditioner makes your hair more manageable. Remove excess water from your hair before application of conditioner. Carefully follow the instructions which accompany your conditioner jar. Finally rinse well.

In summer you must shampoo your hair more often, condition more often and rinse in cold water. Once a week give your hair a full treatment. Leave a really deep conditioner on your hair for at least 20 minutes, especially if your hair looks dull.

There is a variety of hair types. Which type is your hair?

DRY HAIR. It is usually fine. It breaks easily and soon gets a fly away look. Make sure you use a mild shampoo. Avoid hot water. Try not to expose your hair to extremes of temperature. Avoid frequent use of hair sprays. Also avoid perming and backcombing. Shampoo your hair at least once a week. Don`t forget to use a conditioner. Rinse off thoroughly to avoid stickness. You must be very careful about your diet.

GREASY HAIR quickly looks slippery and dirty. Your hair probably looks good the day you wash it. But the next morning you have the greasiest. Your hair sticks together. You may wash your hair as frequently as you have to. Forget old myths about harming hair by frequent shampooing. Instead, specialists have proved that it can be harmful to your skin if you leave oily hair unwashed. Choose a lemon-based shampoo. It helps make your hair clean. Do avoid overbrushing of hair. Otherwise you stimulate your sebaceous glands. Make sure you keep your comb and brush absolutely clean.

NORMAL HAIR. Wash your hair at least once a week – more often if hair has been exposed to heat and dust. Brush regularly.


DANDRUFF  is  a condition of hair characterized by excess scalp cells coming off in flakes. It may occur with either a dry or a greasy scalp, or due to environment or a diet. It is most essential to keep your hair clean. Your brushes, combs should be frequently washed, otherwise you re-infect your scalp each time you use them. Dandruff is infectious. Remember never to lend or to borrow combs and brushes. Before shampooing brush hair well. Use a medicated shampoo. The modern market has good anti – dandruff products.

FALLING HAIR. Quite normal is losing 70 to 80 hair daily. A great loss can be due to high fever or ill-health. If you suspect that your hair loss is more than normal see a doctor.

Check up on your diet – are you taking sufficient proteins and vitamins to keep you healthy? The more proteins you eat the better. See you have plenty of lean meat, poultry, eggs, fish, nuts. Include vitamin B in your diet. Minerals, including iron and copper are also important for the health of your hair.  Lemon juice, massaged on the scalp, also prevents hair loss. Avoid perming and bleaching.

In order to avoid BROKEN HAIR OR SPLIT ENDS do not expose your hair to the extremes of temperature. Forget about backcombing. Never use a brush or a comb on wet hair. Do visit a saloon every 5-6 weeks to have your split ends trimmed off.


1. What helps us to vary our appearance?

2. Do we need to give our hair care and time?

3. What is one of the most important hair cosmetics?

4. What happens if we do not get all the shampoo out of hair?

5. How does a conditioner influence hair?

6. What hair type is described: your hair sticks together, it quickly looks slippery and dirty.

It looks good only the day you wash it.

7. What hair type is described: it is fine, it breaks easily and soon gets a flyaway look.

8. Is it useful to use hair spray if your hair is dry?

9. What is your hair type?

10. How often do you wash hair?

11. Do you use any hair cosmetics?


1. dandruff/ occur/ scalp/ may/ with/ either/ dry/ greasy/ or

2. a/ makes/ conditioner/ more/ your hair/ manageable

3. glowing/can be/ hair/ beauty/ you/ greatest

4. there is/ hair types/ variety/ a/ of

5. make sure/ clean/ absolutely/ comb and brush/ keep/ you/ your


1.  A conditioner makes your hair more manageable.

2. Shampoo is one of your most important cosmetics.

3. You must wash your hair at least once a week.

4. Finally you must rinse your hair well.

5.  A lemon – based shampoo helps to make your hair clean.


The greatest opportunity           завивка

To remove                                 жирныеволосы

Manageable                               сальныежелезы

Backcombing                             удалять

Greasy hair                                 огромнаявозможность

Sebaceous glands                       послушные

Perming                                      начес


      Most people tend to wash their hair every day. They probably do not know exactly what hair type they have.

Your hair type is a combination of three factors. The condition of your scalp: oily, dry, flacky. The characteristics of your hair: fine, curly, wavy, straight, colour-treated. Your environment: do you live in the country or in the city? Is your office air-conditioned? Is the climate hot or cold, wet or dry, windy or not?

If your hair is neither dry nor oily, you are lucky to have normal hair. Look after it well. Products will keep it clean, conditioned and protect from environmental damage.

If your hair is oily it will look oily, dull and dirty along the length of the hair shaft. Your hair is slippery; you have an oily scalp and overactive sebum glands.

If your hair is dry it will look dull and lifeless. It may look straw-like. Your scalp is dry. There are white flakes on your shoulders. Small flakes are the result of stress, too much alcohol and tiredness. Large flakes are the result of dandruff and overproduction of sebum.

Homemade Hair Shampoos

How often to use homemade shampoo is something that most people get wrong. If your one of the millions of people who have to wash their hair every single day, you may be shocked to learn that when it comes to shampoo, less is actually more.

Making your own homemade shampoo has lots of advantages over buying it at a store. Probably the biggest reason to learn how to make shampoo is the fact that you can design the shampoo to meet your needs or to avoid any allergies.

Everyone’s hair is different, and you have to understand what ingredients are best to include.

Some recipes are actually so easy to make that they can be done very easily in around 10 minutes.

Homemade Hair Shampoos

       A rich, creamy shampoo is best for hair that has been chemically treated with color. If you suffer from dandruff then use special treatment shampoo.

Methods of shampooing:

* Brush your hair before shampooing to get rid of dirt and dead skin from the head.

* Wet the hair with spray, so as to saturate the underneath layer as well as the top ones with water.

* Add shampoo in little water and mix both well.

* Massage gently on the roots with the fingertips in circular motion covering the entire head.

* Work the shampoo into the bulk of hair over the top layers.

* Rinse with water until shampoo has been completely washed off.


* Don’t pile your hair on the head as this would lead to tangles

* Don’t pour shampoo onto head directly. Put it in your hands, rub it and then apply.

* For dandruff shampoos, massage them into your head, then leave the shampoo for a few minutes before rinsing.

* If your shampoo is not lathering, it might be possible that your hair are not wet enough. Use water, instead of more of shampoo.

* Never use cold water for washing your hairs because shampoos work best with warm water.

Homemade hair conditioner

Conditioning is mainly used for dry hair because it adds natural oil supply.

It makes dry hair shiny. For oily hairs mild conditioner should be used and that too at the ends of your hair. It is like giving nourishment treatment to hairs.

Each hair is made up of delicate fiber. It must be taken care off.

Methods of conditioning:

*** Remove the excess water from hair after shampooing your hair.

*** Then remove tangles from hair by combing.

*** Rub the conditioner with your fingers on hairs.

*** Keep it for five minutes.

*** Massage gently.

*** Rinse the hair to remove the conditioner

*** Dry your hair.

You don`t need to condition your hair every time you wash it. If you have oily hair, try every other time.

To protect your hair from dryness and damped. Regularly massage your hair and scalp with olive oil and then the previous day wash your with baby shampoo. Your hair will become smooth and shiny.

Hair rinses

Hair rinses are simple and quick to make and they are effective in restoring the hair`s natural PH balance. Hair rinse are also clarifying and remove and last traces of shampoo or conditioner residue that may remain on the hair shaft.

This helps make the hair shine. Use a hair rinse once a week after shampooing and using conditioner and make sure you rinse it off thoroughly with a lot of cool or tepid water.

Natural hair rinses, which you can make yourself, act to stimulate circulation in the scalp and thereby strengthening the hair, giving it a fresh appearance, nourishing the hair follicle and promoting healthy growth.

Hair Treatment volume

 Healthier and shinier hair is something everybody loves. Hair washing is the cosmetic act of keeping hair clean by washing it with shampoo or other detergent products and water. Hair conditioner may also be used to improve hair`s texture and manageability. Two-in-one shampoos, which have both detergent and conditioning components, are now commonly also used as a replacement for shampoo and conditioner. Hairs are important sense organs, particularly those on the eyelids and eyebrows, since they are involved in the sensation of touch. Scientists believe that hair has evolved for the identification of individuals, and for sexual or status display to other members of their species. Beautiful hair completes any appearance..

Hair is an amazing material. In the hands of an expert and with the use of modern hair products, it is soft and shining and seems full of life. We all love our hair and would not mind taking that extra step to take care of it. Save money and give yourself a break from the chemicals found in most hair care products by using the following natural home recipes for your hair.

Hairstyles for hair types

Your hair can be considered as a special and unique accessory that can differentiate you from all the others. If you know how to enhance its beauty, you’ll see how precious it is. Whenever choosing the best hairstyle you should take into consideration your hair texture and density. Therefore, based on the hair type you can find the perfect hairstyle for you.

A beautiful hairstyle means, first of all, taking into consideration your hair texture and density. A bad hairstyle can transform your look in a total disaster. There are different ways you can find what type of hair you possess. First of all, if your hair needs less than one hour to dry, you have a fine or thin hair, and if it takes more, your hair is thick. Second, put a single hair on a piece of white paper. Fine hair can hardly be seen, while thick hair is easily seen.

Fine hair

Fine hair can be best characterized by a smooth, shiny, lifeless and flat look, without volume. Women who have thin hair should go for short or medium hairstyles. Therefore, a perfect haircut for thin hair would be short or mid-length bob hairstyles, more or less layered in order to make it more bouffant. The best styling involves a brushing using a big round brush to add volume to the roots. Use voluminizing products, hair gel and styling mousse that can help you add thickness to your hair.

Avoid long hairstyles as they only make your hair look thinner. Choose highlights or different shades of color in order to create shades and lights that give the illusion of thicker hair. If you love longer hair, you can make a loose braid. You can also go for longer hairstyles with bangs.

Medium thick hair

Women having medium hair should consider themselves very lucky as this is not too thick, not too thin, and therefore you can choose a new hairstyle only by changing the weight distribution.

Considered as being a normal hair type and due to its styling flexibility, medium hair can help you get any hairstyle you want. Still, if you are taller, you should go for a longer hairstyle in order to balance your figure. Medium hair also supports other hairstyles such as bobs or shorter hairstyles.

Thick hair

Thick and very resistant, this type of hair tends to draw all the attention, but in the same time it tends to cover the face. Thick hair needs special care, but with a few tips and tricks you’ll be able to find the perfect hairstyles for this type of hair.

The idea is to reduce high density hair. The best hairstyles are geometrical ones and layered ones as layers tend to add mobility. You can get the perfect hairstyle using a flat brush and a blow dryer. Avoid too straight bob hairstyles as they give a crown effect rather unaesthetic. Choose instead long hairstyles and use a hair straightener to style them. If you have a bad hair day and no time to style it, take a hat or a headscarf and add some style to your outfit.

Curly hair

Curly hair is considered to be a precious accessory. Even though women who have this type of hair usually complain about all the problems they need to deal with whenever having to style their hair. However, with the right tips you can still find the perfect hairstyle for your curly hair. If you have curly hair, you should temper its wild look without ruining their natural beauty.

The perfect haircut is the one that settles the curls in a natural way. You should go for a short haircut "à la garçonne" or one that falls down on the shoulders. You should apply a fortifying mask every three days and apply a styling mousse that revitalizes without overloading the hair. Avoid hair gels and too tight braids as they can cause hair loss.

Different Hair Types - What is My Hair Type?

It is really unusual that many women and men do not actually know their hair types and textures. In this article they will find out the answer to one of the most common questions: what is my hair type?

In general, there are four different hair types: straight, wavy, curly and kinky. Once you know this, you can start using products that will help you to achieve the look you always wanted.

Here is the explanation of these four categories of different hair types with their sub categories.

Type 1: Straight

The main characteristics of straight hair are:

- Shiny (reflects light easily).

- Hard to damage.

- Very hard to curl.

- Easily becomes oily.

Type 2: Wavy

It lies between straight and curly hair.

- It has more shine than curly hair, but less than straight.

Type 3: Curly

- Can be styled in different styles.

- Does not have lots of sheen.

- Prone to damage.

- Easily frizzes in the humid climate.

Type 4: Kinky

Most African-American women have this hair type.

- Kinky hair is driest of all types.

- It is most fragile of all other types.

- Has very little elasticity.

- It breaks very easily.

Different hair texture types will determine what hairstyles you can choose and consequently, your beauty. There are three distinct textures: fine, medium and thick hair.

Fine Hair Type

About 15% of all women have fine hair. Fine hair has a diameter of 50 microns. Fine hair reflects light the best. When it is healthy, fine hair will often have a natural shine. Blondes have fine hair most often, since blonde hair is the thinnest.

Fine hair is: soft, shine, flyaway, lifeless and flat.

The general rule for fine hair is that the shorter it is, the lighter it is.

Medium Hair Type

Most people have medium hair. Medium hair is not too thick, not too thin, and has a diameter between 60-90 microns.

Medium hair has lots of body and usually holds either a blow-dry shape or any type of hairstyle very well. It has the most styling flexibility of the three hair types.

Medium hair is:

- Softer than coarse hair.

- More voluminous than fine hair.

- More manageable than fine hair.

- Medium hair is regularly considered as normal hair.

Coarse Hair Type

Coarse hair has a diameter of 100 microns and above.

Coarse hair is:

- Rough

- Wiry

- Heavy

- Strong

Coarse hair is often dry. It is hard to process, and can be very resistant to hair coloring, perming, and straightening. It needs conditioning to keep it under control.

Wear it long so the weight of the hair drags it down. Get a layered cut.

Thick and Thin Hair

Whether your hair is thin or thick depends on the number of hairs on your head not on the thickness of each hair strand.

The average head has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs, and normal daily fall-out is 50-100 hairs.

People with thick hair have about 150,000 strands on their heads.

People with thin hair have about 90,000 strands on their heads.

Thick hair will look too bushy if cut into a short style.

If you hair is thin, short haircuts look best. Adding highlights and low lights give the illusion of thickness.

Three Ways To Find Out What Your Hair Type Is

First way:

How long does it take for your hair to dry naturally? Your hair is fine or thin if it takes less than an hour to dry.

Your hair is thick if it takes more than an hour to dry.

Second way:

Pull out a single hair.

Put it against a piece of white paper. This way you will identify your hair type much easier.

Fine hair is difficult to see and not easily felt between the fingers.

Medium hair is easily seen against the white paper, but it will not feel wiry between the fingers.

Coarse hair will be very visible against the white paper. It will feel quite wiry between the fingers.

There’s not much you can do about the structure of your hair. If you are not happy with the type of your hair you can’t change it but you can influence it.

Both fine and medium textured hair can be plumped up with perms and color.

They both get increased resilience and shape-holding power from setting lotions, mousses and hair sprays.

Coarse hair can be calmed with rich conditioners and styling gel. It is also possible for some people to have more than one texture on their head at the same time.

Good hair days can become the rule rather the exception when you get to know your hair. The easiest way for you and your hair to get along is to work in harmony.

Treatment Products

       There is a number of really effective treatments you can use to encourage growth, improve strength and restore shine and gloss. You can treat your hair at home, at your saloon, or, even better, while you are on holiday.

Scalp treatment stimulates and revitalizes the skin for better hair growth. It usually consists of moisturizing ingredients and is good for all hair types.

Conditioning mask is left on the hair for between 3 and 20 minutes. It will hydrate the hair shaft and nourish the hair and scalp. It works most effectively on the damaged areas of the hair.

A good daily multivitamin will give you the balance of vitamins and minerals that your body and hair need. The condition of your hair will be boosted by all the B-vitamins, fish oil, vitamins C and E, vitamins, including beta-carotene.

Conditioners also can actually help repair weakened hair. Hair care products formulations have become more advanced. They enable the ingredients to penetrate much deeper into the hair shaft, leaving hair better conditioned.

Hair mask works on the same principle as everyday conditioner. As they are left on the hair for longer they have more time to penetrate the hair shaft. The ingredients are easily absorbed by the hair. Use hair mask once a week.

Most modern shampoos are gentle enough to be used every day and will actually improve the condition of hair. Choose products carefully. Using a shampoo that is not pH balanced could damage your hair. Dandruff shampoos have changed dramatically in the past few years. New ingredients are appeared. The best anti-dandruff shampoos include tea-tree oil, a natural antiseptic that will not overdry the scalp or damage the hair.

Use all the treatment products regularly and your hair will become stronger, more flexible and resistant to damage. It has an accumulative effect.

Styling products

Hair without styling products is like a sandwich without filling. To maintain tip-top condition it is necessary to use products that are specially formulated for a certain hair type. They must correspond with certain shampoo and conditioner. It is important to avoid sticky products. They can ruin the health and the condition of hair. You should not overload your hair – it may lose volume.

There must be forgotten myths about styling products. They are improved in recent years. You should try out as many products as you can see which you like. Ask your stylist for advice.

The main styling products are: mousse, thickening and volumizing sprays, gels, wax, serum, straighteners and so on.

Mousse has light air consistency. Like mousse, styling sprays give body and volume to hair. Styling spray is ideal for wet hair. It leaves hair looking natural and protects it from heat styling damage.

Gels are used to sculpt a style.

Wax was originally used in Afro hair care. Wax give hair shine and hold because of adhesive consistency.

Serum is the latest hair-styling innovation. It must be used very sparingly – otherwise hair looks oily.


If you want super hair you do not need a new hair cut or visit to the saloon. With the right tools and a little know-how you can create mini miracles at home.

Hair is a fashion accessory. The golden rule is that if it looks good you feel good. Here is what the professionals have in their toolbox: hairdryer, diffuser, brushes, combs, straightening irons, rollers, hairpins, sectioning clips and so on.

Choose a hairdryer with a minimum strength of 1500 watts, several heat and force settings and cold button for finishing.

Diffuser is a big dish-like attachment, which is used to dry curly hair.

Styling brushes come in many shapes and sizes. Flat, round, small diameter, broad. They are used for curling, straightening, adding volume.

Combs are used for detangling hair, dividing it into sections and for backcombing.

Straightening irons are used after blow-drying to give your hair straight look. They should not be used too often as they are very dehydrating.

Rollers can be used to add volume to hair and to make it curly. Unlike your mother’s generation you do not have to go to bed wearing them. Heated rollers are a speedy way of creating strong curls.

Small hairpins and grips are essential for securing small sections of hair. Use matt ones, which are less slippery, in a colour that matches your hair.


Colouring can be permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary. Adding a touch of colour is a brilliant way to change your look and style.

The great thing about temporary colour is that it is temporary. It provides the perfect opportunity for trying out something new.

It is a good idea to pick your hairdresser’s brain about colour before you choose something. Find out what colour will suit your skin-tone and what techniques will have the best effect and result on your hair.

Colour wash is an easy colour rinse that lasts for just one shampoo. It refreshes faded colour and conditions of the hair.

Semi-permanent colour rinse is a vegetable-based dye that lasts for 10-12 shampoos. You can only become darker or warmer than your natural colour.

Coloured spray can be used to create an all-over effect.

Colour mousse is good for changing your colour for the night.

Wax and pomade are applied after the hair has been dried and styled. They are used on small areas.

Before to use hair mascara you should test it out. A colour that looks pretty in a tube can look pretty dull on your hair.

Anyway, do not be afraid of colour, it can be really fun and opens up loads of opportunities for transforming yourself.

Face shapes

There are no limitations to your choice of style and cut. Modern fashion tells us that anything goes. The main thing is to feel happy and confident with your look.

Remember that your face shape changes with age. As you grow older your jaw will grow less defined and your complexion less smooth. Clever cut and colour can make you look younger and feel better. Keep moving with the times. What suits you at 18 will not suit you when you are 30. Nothing will date you faster than make-up and hair-cut, and yet nothing is so simple to change.

The main face shapes are: oval face, heart-shaped face, square face, round face, long face. The classic shape of oval face can take any look. Counter the narrowing of heart-shaped face with the extra volume. If your face is square soften up the edges by breaking the symmetry. If your face is round soft cuts with layers coming forward onto the face look stylish and slim down a fuller face.

Choosing a hairstyle

The style that you choose for your hair should depend on the type of hair you have and on the shape of your face. However fashions may change, there are certain rules that do not change. Keep these in mind before you choose the style.

Keep fine hair short and fluffy.

Hair that is medium or coarse takes most styles well.

Heavy or thick hair must be kept very long as it doesn`t hang well.

Study the shape of your face by severely drawing back all your hair. Remember, the right hair style can make you look more attractive by drawing attention away from your physical flaws towards your more attractive features.

LONG FACE. Keep your hair fairly short – long hair tends to pull down your whole appearance. Go in for width at the temple – it helps broaden your face. Fringes or soft half-fringes look good as they help to shorten the face.

HEART – SHAPED FACE. Softness at the temples and fullness just below ear level suits a heart-shaped face best. Avoid a centre parting because it tends to emphasize your pointed chin.

SQUARE FACE. Fringes and curls flicked forward help to soften corners. Cut  your hair short at the temples. Make sure your hair has body. If necessary go in for a light perm.

ROUND FACE. The ideal hair length is just below chin level. Choose a straight style with a centre parting. Avoid fringes, curls or waves.

OVAL FACE. An oval face can take most hair styles well. However, do keep your age and personality in mind.


Balance a heavy jawline by having hair fall forward at jaw level. This hides the heavy line.   

Draw back a prominent nose by keeping the hairline at the temples soft. Make sure there is fullness at the back of your head. This helps to balance your profile. A short half-fringe is ideal for you.

A short neck looks longer if you wear your hair soft. Don`t wear your hair below chin level – your neck will tend to disappear all together.


Our skin makes up about one tenth of our body weight. It renews itself every three weeks.

A healthy growing skin needs the right feeding. Skin, hair, nails - in fact, all of you will benefit from what you feed yourself.

THE WONDER OF VITAMINS. Vitamin A is a skin health vitamin. It helps body to build up resistance to infections and diseases. Best sources of vitamin A are dark green and dark gold vegetables – carrots, fruits, liver, butter and milk.

The best sources of vitamin B12 are liver, milk and beer.

The best sources of vitamin B6 are pork, wheat germs and bananas.

Vitamin C destroys poison, bacteria, virus infections, build healthy blood, teeth and bone. It`s also absolutely important for a good skin.


With each cigarette you destroy 25 milligrams of vitamin C in your body. Best natural sources of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, green peppers, cabbage, strawberries and grapefruit.

Vitamin E helps circulation of blood. Chief sources of vitamin E are seeds and nuts, soya beans, wheat germs.

Vitamins on the skin really do help. The skin has a remarkable capacity to absorb.

THE FOUR IMPORTANT RULES FOR THE SKIN ARE: Cleansing, Toning, Nourishing, Moisturizing.

A skin that is not cleaned regularly can never be a healthy skin. When you clean your face you clean pores in the skin from excess oil and dust. The importance of cleaning can not be overemphasized.

A skin toner or skin fresher stimulates blood circulation in the skin. It gives skin life and colour.

Nourishment given to the skin helps it to maintain and restore its natural oils. It helps to renew the skin. It is important to use a nourishing lotion or cream. A vitamin skin cream strengthens facial muscles and gives your skin vitality.

Every living thing needs moisture. You must keep your skin moist. Moisturizing is necessary even for a good skin. As you get older your skin needs more moisturizing. The best time to use a moisturizing lotion or cream is right after a bath when your skin has taken in water. Use less moisturizer in summer than in winter.


Skin can be classified under four basic types: normal, dry, oily and combination.

NORMAL SKIN. You are one of the lucky few, because normal skin is rare. Normal skin should be treated with a respect. Cleanse your face at least twice a day. Tone your skin with a light skin tonic. This has a good refreshing effect and it also closes pores after cleansing. Moisturize your skin but remember that heavy creams are unnecessary for you.

DRY SKIN. It feels dry after washing. Spots rarely appear. Wash dry skin with a mild soap or cleanse with warm water at least twice a day. Rinse well. Avoid over-exposure to sun. This tends further to dry your skin. Once a week apply the juice of a melon to your skin. Rinse well with cold water after 10- 15 minutes. In winter when skin tends to be very dry, avoid using soap.

OILY SKIN. Oily skin is very shiny.  It is prone to large pores. Make up doesn`t stay on for long. Cleanse three times a day, as it is important to control oil secretions. Steam your face regularly at least once a week. This deep cleanses the skin and helps open the pores, which in turn prevents the skin from breaking out into pimples. Avoid rich fried foods. Substitute such foods with green vegetables, tomatoes, yogurt and lemon.

COMBINATION SKIN.  A combination skin is one of the commonest types of skin. It is a combination of dry and oily areas. The nose and chin always tend to be oily areas, while the cheeks, temples and forehead tend to be dry. While cleansing specific attention should be paid to the greasy areas. While moisturizing specific attention should be given to the dry areas.


1. How often does our skin renew itself?

2. What part of our body weight does our skin make up?

3. What groups of vitamins do you know?

4. Name the best sources of vitamin A.

5. Name the best sources of vitamin B6.

6. Name the best sources of vitamin B12.

7. How does vitamin C influence our health?

8. Name the best sources of vitamin C.

9. What are the four rules for the skin care?

10. What skin types do you know?

11. What is your skin type?

12. What skin type is shiny and prone to large pores?

13. What is the commonest skin type?

14. Name oily and dry areas.


Nimivta, segorna, ingcleans, gnionurish, mocbiantion knis.


1. Vitamin A is a skin health vitamin.

2.  A skin toner gives your skin life and colour.

3. The best time to use a moisturizing cream is right after a bath.

4. Dry skin feels dry after washing.

5. Combination skin is a combination of dry and greasy areas.


Moisturizing                очищение

Temples                       пророщенная пшеница

Cleansing                     увлажнение

Rinse                            виски

Twice a day                  питание

Nourishment                 смывать

Wheat germs                 дважды в день


1. Our skin renews itself …

2. The best sources of vitamin B6 are …

3. With each cigarette you …

4. Cleansing, toning, nourishing, moisturizing are …

5. skin can be classified …

6. … always tend to be oily areas.

7. While moisturizing specific attention should be given to …

Skin Care for Different Skin Types

To care about the skin the most important thing is to know what skin type you have. Without knowing your skin type you might choose a wrong way to look after your skin and wrong products to use on it.

It can really damage your skin as if you don't know your skin type and you have oily skin and you keep on applying oil-based cream on your skin, your skin will break into acne and pimples. So the first things about skin care to know the type of your skin.

The types of skin are normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, t-zone type and sensitive skin.

All skin types need different skin care regime and different kinds of cosmetics for each type.

Oily skin

This skin type needs maximum care, as it's prone to acne, pimples and breakouts. Especially people suffer from this skin type in teen age due to hormonal imbalance whereas others too do have it due to excessive sebum production in the body. This skin is mostly oily and greasy which contains lots of unnecessary shine on the skin surface. One needs to wash and clean this skin more often as all dirt and dust gets stick to it. It gets large and visible skin pores. Which if open breaks skin out in pimples.

One can come to know very easily if one has oily skin by wiping off the face with a tissue in the morning when one gets up before washing the face. If there is so much oil trace on the face then the skin is oily and requires more care then other skin types.

Caring for oily skin: For oily skin specially formulated face washes are available in the market. One has to use astringent and rose water to wipe off with a cotton dab often to clean the grease as using soap many times on face isn't good for the skin. It requires more care. While choosing moisturizers and foundation for oily skin one should remember that they should be water based. Gel creams and lotions are good for oily skin. One with oily skin should avoid consumption of fried and saturated food. Clay and sandalwood powder packs are very good for oily skin. A mild scrubber too should be used on oily skin to remove black heads and dead skin cells.

Normal skin

People who have normal skin are lucky, as they require least care for their skin type. It needs a normal skin cleaning and caring routine. One can check it the same way one finds out the oily skin. One can wipe the face off with a dry tissue in the morning without a wash. If no oil no dryness is there on the skin it's a normal skin.

Caring for normal skin-normal skin requires a normal cleaning, toning and moisturizing on the skin. Once in a fortnight a face pack for normal skin can be applied to keep it fresh.

Combination skin

This skin is somewhere dry and somewhere oily. It can be oily around nose area and dry on cheeks. It can be find out the same way as one finds out oily and normal skin with a dry tissue paper. Most of the people have combination skin.

Caring for combination skin-wash it off with mild cleanser. Use astringent on the oily part of the face. While applying moisturizers concentrate on dry area more. Apply it little on oily part of the face and properly on the dry area. Otherwise one gets dry patches on the face. One best way to balancing combination skin is, while getting up in the morning spread the oil what you get on the oily area on all over the face, then wash it without soap. One should never use any soap on face in the morning before taking bath. That natural oil on the face is very good for the skin to keep it moist and young.

Dry skin

Dry skin has a thin texture and looks visibly dry when natural. One has dryness on face even in the morning. This skin too requires more care like oily skin. It requires moister than other skin types or it looks patchy and red. It requires face wash and creams that are specially made for dry skin type. One with dry skin should never forget to apply a good night cream while going to bed. The only advantage with this skin is that it hardly breaks into acne and pimples.

One with dry skin needs lots of water to hydrate the skin, as it requires lots of moister as the body produces less sebum then required by the body.

Sensitive skin

This skin is sensitive to dirt, dust, sun and most of the cream, soaps and lotions. It gets itching, redness and patches on it. It breaks out easily. One has to be very careful while using anything on sensitive skin. One should use all mild skin products as face wash, moisturizers and face packs specially made for sensitive skin. One cannot use perfumed soaps and lotions on sensitive skin.

Knowing your skin type


Knowing your skin type is absolutely necessary in order to make a right decision about a proper skin care or treatment, which is suitable for your particular skin needs. The initial quality, or type, of your skin is genetically determined - meaning that you are born with it.

However, the health and beauty of your skin later in life largely depends on what you eat and how you take care of yourself. A popular Russian saying states that, after the age of 30, a woman looks the way she deserves …To always look great, the first step is to determine your skin type so that you can match it with the best recommended methods to improve your look and slow the aging process.
Generally, we can single out five basic skin types: normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive, with each having particular characteristics and requiring specific care and/or treatment.

To determine your type, use a simple test with a clean facial tissue (or paper) to wipe your face in the morning, when you have just woken up:

1. Normal Skin …

If you skin belongs to a normal type, the tissue will not reveal any traces of oil. Your skin should feel vibrant, elastic, and supple. Normal skin is the least problematic type.

It looks clean and smooth and has a good circulation and healthy complexion. Even with a minimum care, it will look good well into your advanced age.

2. Dry Skin …

If your skin is dry, the paper will be clean, too, but your face skin will feel flaky, dry, and tight after you have wiped it.

Dry skin can easily develop wrinkles, and fine pores, and it is very prone to aging and irritating. It might still look great on a young person, but, to keep it healthy, you should apply thorough care and use regular treatment with natural masks and moisturizers.

3. Oily Skin …

If you have oily skin, the paper will have spots of facial oil on it, corresponding to the areas of your cheeks, nose, and forehead. Oily skin is problematic - it usually looks greasy, thick and shiny, has enlarged pores, and tends to break into acne.

A good thing, though, is that oily skin is not prone much to aging and wrinkling. Careful cleaning, minimizing of carbohydrate consumption, and avoiding rich creams can be helpful in improving the quality of oily skin.

4. Combination Skin …

If you skin is combination, like that of most women, the tissue will have traces of oil coming from your nose and forehead, but will be clean in the areas that touched your cheeks.

Combination skin has patches of both dry and oily skin, and it requires different types of care in relation to particular facial areas.

Dry zones, which are usually located on the cheeks and around the eyes, should be treated with rich creams and moisturizers, while oily areas, usually on the forehead and nose, will benefit from frequent and thorough cleaning.

5. Sensitive Skin …

Sensitive skin is usually very dry, tends to feel tight, and becomes inflamed and irritated easily. Typically, sensitive skin develops reddish, and is prone to breaking into spots. It is the most problematic and fragile type of skin, which needs a very special type of care.

So, what type of skin do you have? Have you found great skin care products that work beautifully for your skin? Please do share…

Skin Care: Caring for your Skin

Skin care is an essential part of our daily routine. One should look after the skin the same way one looks after other skin parts as a nice, beautiful skin makes a whole lot of difference in one's appearance. If a person has a perfect body and perfect features but if the skin isn't good, entire looks get spoilt.

Our entire body is covered with the coatings of skin, which protects and hides the inner body. So there should be a daily routine to care about the skin. There are many factors which decide how to look after or care about the skin as skin type; if the skin is oily, normal, dry, sensitive or combination, climate as different ways of caring the skin are required in different climates as its different in rains, summers and winters. People have many patterns for skin care.

To get a beautiful and healthy skin they change their diet, their cosmetics and skin care products. They get skin massages, facials, clean ups and what not. But still there is a basic way to look after the skin, which is a must for all skin types, in all weather conditions. It's a kind of base to start with skin care and should be there in our day-to-day skin care regime.

The first thing is cleaning

Сleaning of the skin is the first must thing to do. For that we take bath every day. There is a vast variety of cleansers available in the market nowadays. One can choose the best suited for one's skin type. Cleaning the skin doesn't mean just cleaning one's face. Though face is the ultimate reflection of one' personality but one should keep the overall skin clean by using good body wash depending on the skin type and climate conditions as a moisturizing soap won`t turn good in humidity or in rains, medicated soaps are good options to use in heat and rains.

Now comes the cleaning of the face. Dirt, make up traces and pollution have their first impact on the facial skin. If ignored they can damage the skin's upper layer badly. That's the reason skin cleaning has been given so much importance. So when starting up the cleaning procedure one should clean the hands first as if hands are dirty they will put more dirt and germs on the face and the skin will break out in pimples, acne.

Then you should clean the face and neck with a good quality mild cleanser depending on your skin type as cream based for dry skin, gel based for oily skin and mild for sensitive skin. Different cleansers have different ways of cleansing. Soap based have to be applied on face with palms in foam and then washed whereas many other liquid cleansers should be taken on a cotton dab and then the washed face should be wiped off with them. They clean the pores in a better way then only with the soap.

Homemade cleansers

If one have the time and urge, one can make excellent homemade cleansers which are extremely good for the skin. To clean dry skin one can take few drops of milk cream and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Give a light massage on face in upward motion with it. The dry skin will become very neat and glowing. For oily skin lemon juice and cucumber mixed together and applied on face with a cotton dab is extremely useful. Lemon should not be used on sensitive skin.


Toning of the skin is the second basic skin care step. It keeps the skin tone and helps to keep the skin pore size small. Toning for all skin type is the same. In the market some good toners are available in different brands. One can choose any of them. If one wants to go for herbal toner, one can get them easily in the market. Toner tones the skin and makes it look young, tight and supple. After cleaning the skin a dab of cotton soaked in a good branded toner should be applied on the face.

If one wants to make a toner at home, one can make it easily by applying tomato juice on skin the same way readymade toner has to be applied. Tomato is a very good toner to reduce the size of pores. Using it too can benefit people who suffer from open pores. A mixture of tomato juice and watermelon juice too is a good toner for the skin. Rose water itself is a good toner for a normal skin.



The last and very important basic skin care step is moisturizing skin and here one has to keep the skin type very much in mind when buying a good moisturizer. Oil and cream based moisturizers are required for dry skin type. For the oily skin water based moisturizers are good. In the daytime one should always choose a moisturizer, which has sun protection factor in it.

In winters for the dry skin a mixture of glycerin, rose water and lemon juice is a very good moisturizer, which can be easily made at home and can be filled in a glass bottle for the further use.

Oily Skin Care

There are three types of skin people have, dry, normal and oily. Where dry skin requires a little more application of moisturizer on the skin, normal skin requires a normal skin care routine but the oily skin needs the highest maintenance. Skin gets oily due to many factors as hormonal changes or imbalance especially in teen age, then genetic factors or climate conditions.

A teenager's oil glands produce more oil that is called sebum in body than others. It decreases with age when a person grows. Then the skin gets dry due to age, as oil glands don't produce so much oil.

Some people have it because their parents have the oily skin or at times climatic factors as rains, and humidity makes the skin look greasy and oily.

As I mentioned earlier that oily skin needs maximum care, as it's prone to acne, open pores, boils and pimples. There are many medicated soaps, gels and lotions available in market for the oily skin. Some nice established brands have come in the market with their entire cosmetic range for oily skin, as oily skin needs special care.

But using harmful chemicals on the skin is not the permanent solution. All these gels, face wash and creams for oily skin are pretty heavy in price too and everybody cannot afford them.

At home there are whole lots of things we can use in our day-to-day routine to keep our oily skin healthy and glowing without oil. To start with one should drink lots of water to detoxify the body. As pimples and acne come on the skin when the traces of oil are not washed away from the skin surface, they stick to the skin and burst into acne and pimples.

One should wash the face with clean water with mild soap. One can apply a little astringent on face by wiping off oil from the skin with a cotton ball having few drops of astringent on it. Mixing cucumber juice and few drops of lemon juice can make a good homemade astringent. Mixing them together and applying on the skin makes skin refreshing and less oily.

When one gets acne or pimples, one should never squeeze or pinch them as it will spoil the skin and will give it permanent scars. One should never leave oily skin unclean as dust and dirt stick to it so does pollution so as soon as one comes back home from out should wash his hands and skin. So that no outside dust and dirt is left on it.

One with oily skin should avoid all oily and saturated foods, as they will make your skin's appearance worse.

Whenever one squeezes sweet lime or oranges, should apply a little juice on face too. It will absorb the oil and will give the skin a fresh look. Same way one can rub lemon peel on the face and wash it after few minutes. It will remove the grease from the skin.

Tomato juice is good for open pores; it tightens the pores and makes them visibly small in size.

One can make face packs at home for oily skin: by adding some clay powder, lemon juice and apply it on the face and neck.

By making power of dried lemon or orange peel and mixing little curd in it, can apply it on face and neck. It will even lighten the skin and pimple scars from it.

By scrubbing or applying sandalwood powder with rose water on skin and washing it away when dried.

By adding curd and limejuice to gram flour and applying it on skin till it dry makes skin visibly less oily.

One can even rub fruits like papaya, cucumber and watermelon on skin to remove the grease.

Though oily skin requires more of cleanliness than other skin types, it even requires moisturizer so one should apply light water based moisturizer on the skin on daily basis.

And people with oily skin should keep in mind their skin type when buying any skin product or cosmetics. As when buying a sunscreen, one should remember that it should be particularly for oily skin.

They should avoid out much make up on skin and whatever make up is applied should be removed as soon as one comes back home.

When out one can wipe face with wet face tissues, so that no dirt and grease sticks on the skin for long and makes it look bad.

Many people do think that scrubbers are good for oily skin though they can be real harsh on oily skin and tear the open pores and damage the acne and pimples on face. So if one really wants to use scrubber on oily skin to remove dead skin and black heads, one can make scrubber by dried lemon or orange peels and can rub skin gently with that powder.

As all these are external factors and the real cause of oily skin is internal by oil glands producing more sebum, one should not ignore that factor as one cannot do much about it, one can drink lots of water at least 8-10 glasses a day and should refrain from oily stuff can help a lot.

So by giving a little more care and attention oily skin can become the best looking skin, as it remains younger for long time than the other skin types.

Beauty Tips to Get Fresh and Beautiful Skin

There are lots of beauty tips to help one look better, tips to get ready fast when in hurry, tips to make up while traveling, and tips to utilize your unused or old make up stuff which you don't understand what to do with. Certain tips are so useful in day-to-day use from the kitchen of our home that can make whole lot of difference in your overall appearance.

Here are few tips about changing eating and drinking habits to get a more beautiful and fresh skin:

  • When getting up in the morning, do not wash off the oil which you get on your face, especially around your nose and chin, rather spread this oil from your nose to all over face in upward strokes. It's the natural oil, which your body produces and is very good for one's skin to keep it young and supple. After that you can wash your face but without soap. First face wash of the morning should be just with water.
  • Fill water in your mouth and then splash water on your face and on eyes. It's a kind of exercise.
  • Drink 2 glasses of lukewarm water in the morning empty stomach with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice added to it. It's good to clean your stomach, and detoxify the toxins. With the consumption of this skin starts glowing within a month.
  • Cut off the use of caffinated and saturated drinks. Stop eating much of junk and fried food, which spoils the body and damages the skin.
  • Rather drink lots of water at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Fresh juices and even buttermilk is good to keep you fit and healthy.
  • Try to walk whenever you get an opportunity. Exercise is must for a healthy mind, body and skin. If your schedule is too busy to get time to workout then get it this way. Try to climb stairs then taking lift. Park your car a little more away from your destination so that you will have to walk.
  • Always sit in a right posture and keep your abs muscles tight. It will strengthen your tummy muscles and make it look flatter.
  • Always breathe properly. The correct breathing pattern makes surprising difference to your body and skin. When inhale air should reach till abdomen and when exhale you should feel light in your abdomen.
  • Always add green fresh salads with your meals. This will reduce the quantity of food calories you are eating and will help you remain fit.
  • Consume more of fruits and vegetables with a balanced healthy diet.
  • Do wash face often but not every time with soap. If you are working keep wiping off your face with wet tissues.
  • Whenever in the kitchen, you can rub lemon peel from the pulp side on your face to get rid of the grease and can apply any fruit juice on face with a cotton roll. You can wash it off after a few minutes.

Now here are some beauty tips related to make up and facial beauty:

  • To start with the morning, wash your face with water and when you take bath use mild soap on your face. Apply a good moisturizer depending on your skin type and remember that if should be having sun protection. Never go out without applying sunscreen lotion.
  • Apply a light lip color or lip-gloss in a shade, which suits your skin tone. You can put a dab of foundation on your lips before putting the applying the lip color as it helps to stay it for longer.
  • For eyes: eye liner and eye pencil are available in many shades. Choose a good brand. You can apply brown eye pencil to give them a softer look. Use dry eye pencil on oily skin and do avoid eyeliner on small eyes rather use eye pencil to define them.
  • You can curl your lashes with mascara even if you don't want to put any other eye make up, you can use mascara.
  • Use light eyeshades on your eyelids for day use.
  • You can use compact powder a shade lighter to your skin tone on your face and neck to give it a finishing touch.
  • Always apply body lotion on your skin after having bath all over your body. It keeps your skin smooth and keeps the skin tone even.
  • Avoid using foundation for daily usage. Use it just for parties and functions and let your skin breathe.
  • Use a mild scrubber on your skin once in a week to remove black heads and dead skin and face packs to rejuvenate your skin.
  • Always sleep after cleaning your skin by removing your make up. Baby lotion or baby oil is good make up remover and can be used even to remove eye make up.
  • Use a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer on your skin before going to bed. You can choose a good night cream based on your skin type and your age. As for women who are 30 plus the requirement of creams are totally different than teen-age girls.

Types of Creams for Skin Care

Creams are thick liquid solutions to apply on skin. These days they are specifically made for all different parts, as different creams are available for face, neck, body and feet as the requirement of each body part is different. Choosing a cream most importantly depends on the skin type as all skin types needs different and creams specifically made for their particular skin type as if a cream made for dry skin applied on oily skin will spoil the skin and it will break out.

Same way usage of creams depends on the age also. Not all age groups need the same creams. A teenage girl doesn't require a firming cream though requires a cream for protection from acne, pimples and outer environment as UV rays but a middle age lady might not require a cream just to moisturize it but she needs a cream to help her skin remain young, which could prevent her skin from early aging, from wrinkles. Here are different creams' types to explain in details what they are meant for.

Firming creams

firming creams are anti aging creams which are made for 40 plus women to help the skin stay firm and supple and away from wrinkles till it can as a woman's skin starts losing its elasticity from the age 30 and then women need special care for their skin because naturally their skin starts aging and the production of sebum slows down. Skin starts becoming lost, starts getting wrinkles and loses its elasticity.

Regular usage of these skin-firming creams helps skin restore its resilience and elasticity, adds the youthful glow and vitality to the skin. These day skin-firming creams are available for the use of the cream on all over the body. They are anti cellulite and claim to tone the skin to make it look young, glowing and supple without wrinkles on it. These creams are available in different forms as firming creams are available for day use, night use and body use.

Firming creams, which are made for facial, are not same as those, which are made for daily usage. They are available in forms of lotions, gels and serums. Some companies make even capsules to be applied on the skin for anti aging. One can choose the best-suited option for oneself out of so many options available.

Night creams

night creams are made for the repair of the skin from the damage which skin suffers from in the daytime. A good night cream is a must for everybody as our skin gets damaged in the day from air, pollution, dirt, sun and dust. Night cream repairs the skin to tackle with the daytime damage. Usually they don't contain the sun protection factor, which is not requiring in the night though its must in the day use. Night creams contain collagen, elastin and other moisturizers to restore the energy skin loses in the day. But while choosing a night cream one should keep in mind their age and skin type as specific night creams are made for specific skin types and age.

Eye creams

skin surrounding eye area is the thinnest skin on face after lips. It doesn't have much support as the skin is light and has hardly any support. That's the reason wrinkles appear first around eyes on face when aging. So it requires a special care to protect the skin from early aging, dark circles and wrinkles. Eye creams are not based on skin type or age type. They are meant for all skin types and all age groups. They are mostly oil based as it spreads easily around the eye area. While going out in sun its useful to apply a good under eye gel or cream with sun protection factor to protect the eye area from harmful UV rays. They are extremely helpful in preventing dark circles around eyes.

Hand creams

hand creams contain more moister in them then other creams because hands lose more moister everyday and require it more than other parts of the body as they are constantly in use. They are the most in water, as one needs the wash hand more often for cleanliness and other purposes. Hands creams are made to provide them the moister they lose, they lighten the skin and reduces the dryness and roughness from the skin of the hands.

Hands require more care as they don't have much oil glands and they are the most in water, that's the reason in winters many people's skin from hands gets peeled. When hands are excessive dry the best way to moisturize them is wash hand with a mild soap in the night, wipe them and then apply a good hand cream on them with light massage then wear cotton gloves throughout the night. This way your hands will absorb the cream and will be extremely soft and supple in the morning. This practice can be done once a week to keep the hands young and beautiful.


Facial Massage for Beautiful Skin

Massage is helpful in relieve muscle and increasing blood circulation in all body parts so the same way it`s beneficial for the facial skin. But facial skin is a sensitive one so require an expert hand for its massage. One has to learn the right way to take or give facial massage to keep facial skin toned, relaxed and young.

Whenever a woman takes facial, she takes facial massage to start facial with. Even 5 minutes light face massage improves blood circulation of the skin and adds glow to it. Facial massage should always be done by light upwards finger strokes. These days some massage instruments are available in the market which are battery operated, they can give massage to the face with the vibration. One can read the direction written with the machine and can use to once a week or once a month depending upon the age and requirement.

What to do while massaging the face-- there are certain things which one has to keep in mind while massaging the face.

  • Always use fingertips for facial massage.
  • Keep your hands clean otherwise you will do more harm than benefit to the skin.
  • Use cream or lotion depending on your skin type. If oil based cream or lotion is used on oily skin for massage, the skin will break out in acne and pimples.
  • One can mix little amount of mild scrubber in the cream to be used for the massage, it helps removing black heads and white heads from the skin.
  • Before starting face massage one should tie and cover head with a towel or headband to avoid the facial cream to enter the hair and make them sticky.
  • Fingers strokes should always be in upward motion as downward strokes can make the skin look saggier.
  • Massage tones up the skin so women who are in middle age can use anti aging creams for their facial massage.
  • Depending on the skin type one can do massage from 5 to 20 minutes. More than this, it can get the skin red and patchy.
  • Cream should be removed neatly with a wet napkin or cotton dab after the massage so that skin couldn't soak unnecessary grease.
  • One should learn the pressure points so that one can use them while giving or taking massage to relieve the skin from stress. There are pressure points on face to tone up the facial skin. Two pressure points are there on both the sides of the forehead, both sides on the nose, on the chin, and around the eyes. If one learn to do it correct, one can reduce the wrinkles from the face.
  • Facial tissues are sensitive so while massaging the face, not much pressure should be put on the skin.
  • One can add the right essence to the skin when giving or taking facial massage as if one has oily skin, one should choose cream that is lemon, orange or cucumber based and to improve the effect of the massage, few drops of lemon juice, orange juice or cucumber juice can be added to the cream. Natural substances have their own effect on the skin and if used correctly, they often don't have any side effects.
  • On dry skin, few drops of almond oil, milk cream or olive oil can be used to make the massage more effective.
  • A light massage can be done without using any cream from the market by taking a spoonful of fresh milk cream and few drops of lemon juice added to it. It can be used as an anti tanning massage cream too. It`s natural so is safe for young and sensitive skin.
  • If the skin is extremely sensitive then one should avoid using lemon juice on the skin. One can rather use cucumber juice added to the fresh milk cream to give or take massage.
  • Fingers should not be rubbed on the skin; the strokes should be constant but smooth and slow. In between pressure should be put on the pressure points to relax the skin.
  • One can keep slices and chilled cucumber slices or cotton balls soaked on rose water on eyelids to relax them and to stop cream to enter the eyes.
  • If done properly, massage tones up the pores and tightens up the facial tissues. After the massage skin feels fresh and young. If one starts taking facial massage from the right age, one can prevent getting wrinkles and saggy skin on face for the time being and can look younger than the actual age.

These days plenty of variety is available in the market for the best massage option as herbal massage, spa, aromatherapy, oil massage, natural massage, gold and silver massage. One can choose the best suited one for oneself. Many oils as lavender oil and some other aromatherapy oils heals the skin if used in massage creams or lotions.

Face Masks for Beautiful Skin

The skin is the uppermost layer of our body that reflects the health of the person. Nature has provided us this naturally beautiful layer, yet it needs care and maintenance to keep it beautiful. The daily routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing makes the skin healthy and it manages to look good.

But, the daily dust and grime takes its toll in a few days and that's the time skin starts looking aged, wrinkled and looks lifeless in spite of our daily care. Thus, coupled with a routine of everyday skin care, we need something extra to pamper our skin. That ' something extra' is provided by the face masks.

Pollution and the daily stress make the skin dull and lifeless, which shows poor health of the person while glowing and supple skin shows that a person is healthy. The dull skin requires a lot of time and repair work to bring it back to the normal. Each person has a different type of skin. For some, minimum maintenance is required but for others, more care is needed. Face packs are one of the easiest ways to cleanse the face and keep it fresh for long. The types of face packs differ for each type of skin.

In order to take maximum benefit of choosing applying a face pack, we must know what a face pack does for our skin... The dust and grime gets into the pores of the skin and blocks it. This prevents the skin from breathing freely. This over a long period causes dull skin, pimples, pigmentation and allergies on the skin. Face packs basically cleanse the skin and its pores and make the skin breathe again .It removes the dust from the pores and cleans it. It also helps the skin to maintain the tautness and the luster.

When the seasons change your skin changes too. You accumulate lots of dry cells, blocked pores that can result in pimples and blemishes. Facial masks can be like a much needed spring cleaning, it will exfoliate your skin and remove any buildup of sluggish cells. Face masks can work wonders for your skin and can leave your skin feeling fresher and cleaner day after day.

The next thing is the frequency of using a face pack. For high maintenance skin types (very dry or too much oily), a face pack must be used once in a week. For others, it may be used twice a month, or if you are exposed to too much outdoors, then thrice a month is recommended.

Only frequency does not matter, your state of mind matters too. You must try to relax when applying a face masks. If you go about washing the dishes and

tidying up the home while putting on the masks, its effect will be less. Your muscles need to be in relax state, breathing normal, then only the mask will be absorbed nicely in your skin give you the effect you wanted from it.


Applying a Face Mask

Get a good flat brush to apply the mask. Before starting, pull your hair back and tie it with a head-band. Your neck area should also be visible.

Now, start applying the mask with your brush, using even strokes. Be careful to avoid the lips and the sensitive area around the eyes and include the neck area.

Let the mask remain on your skin for at least 20 minutes (unless written differently in the instructions)

Splash tepid water on your face to remove the mask and gently rub and wash it off. In the case of peel-off masks, peel gently and rinse face with plenty of water, in case the layer persists. Do not rub hard, this could cause rashes or reddening of the skin or cuts on your skin.

Using a suitable face-mask regularly will definitely improve your skin over a time of few weeks. It will not only make the skin softer and smooth, in the long run it will help in ceasing early appearance of wrin

kles on the skin. Thus, along with the basic skin care routine, it is important to use a face mask to enhance the radiance and glow of your skin.


Hygienic cosmetics

Cosmetology, in our opinion, must search means of rejuvenation of human organism. In fact, from cosmetologists everybody waits, that they returned people youth. Medicine at all times searched means of rejuvenation and taking off defects in appearance of a person. And this branch of medicine accumulated large experience and methods of treatment.

Today`s cosmetology includes such methods as: healthy nutrition, sleep and rest balance, regular going in for sports and some other measures. The second important part of recovery of a  human organism, as well as taking off defects in appearance of a person are medical agents and procedures.

The most important of them are following:

1. Medical preparations,

2. Cosmetic (make-up) procedures,

3. Treatment on basis of plants and products of beekeeping,

4. Methods using medical equipment.

Cosmetic preparations are nourishing creams, emulsions, clearing milk, daily creams, cooling creams, moisturizing creams and many others.

To make-up procedures belong: electrophoresis, thermal procedures (diathermia), UHF-treatments (ultrahigh frequency), epilation and depilation, face cleansing, massage, skin peeling, phototherapy (laser), cryotherapy, water- and warm therapy, masks, mud care, injection drugs, operative surgery and many others.

To phytotherapy (treatment through natural drug and plants) belong products of beekeeping, honey, pollen, bee poison, propolis.

Thus, modern cosmetology possesses the solid arsenal of resources for the effective elimination of defects in appearance of a person and making him look more attractive and healthy.


Healthy eyes have a sparkle about them. Like your skin, hair and shining eyes indicate your health. If you feel physically or emotionally low, your eyes become dull. Everybody, at some time or other complains about eyestrain. One of the major causes is inadequate lighting. Another is holding a book or a paper too close to your eyes while reading. Your material should be at least 10 inches away from the eyes.

Vitamin A is the chief vitamin, associated with eyes. It`s found in butter, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, milk, carrot juice and does wonders for dull, tired eyes. If your eyes become red and swollen, the reason is probably the insufficiency of vitamin B2: leafy green vegetables, milk, liver, eggs, fish. A few minutes a day in relaxed exercises can strengthen weakened eye muscles.

SHAPING YOUR EYES. The frame of your eyes should be attractively shaped. Eyebrows should be plucked gently from underneath to form a clearly defined line. Why eye make up? So that your eyes will show up extra big, beautiful, bright. Eyes are the one feature that people really notice. Look at any magazine cover. Your eyes go straight to the model`s. Shading and highlighting used correctly add contour and intensity to your eyes. Pressed powders are easy to apply, while creams give you a silky long – lasting colour. The best way to apply an eye – shadow is to raise your chin and then look down into the mirror. If you prefer not to use eye – shadow in summer, that`s OK. But do give this a try.

Though eye – shadow defines and dramatizes your eyes, only eyelashes are in a position to reflect colour into the eyes themselves. To emphasize the colour of your eyes you must frame them with a related shade of mascara. Use an eyelash curler. Curling eyelashes has a great eye – opening effect and it only takes a second. 

FOR THE CARE OF YOUR EYES. As well as giving your eyes the right kind of feeding, sleep is also very vital for clean healthy eyes. Sleep is also imperative for mental and physical health. You need at least 8 hours of sleep in a day, without it your eyes becomes dull, red. Dark circles also appear.

A great reviver for tired eyes is to relax for 10-15 minutes with cotton pads soaked in weak warm tea placed on the eyelids. This rests and brightens the eyes.

Relax with the potato compress on your under eye areas for about half an hour. Then wash off with cool water and use a moisturizer. Increase your water to at least 8 glasses per day. It does tremendous things for your complexion, also helps to keep your eyes clean and healthy. In some cases it is also known to remove dark circles. Never make the mistake of using old bottles of eye drops. Drops that have been stored for too long can become infected with germs as they change chemically. These can be positively dangerous.

If your eyesight is weak, you must wear glasses. However, wear them only when you need to. Eye muscles can not relax as long as they have glasses in front of them. If you can not do without glasses, take them off for a few minutes from time to time during the day. People, wearing glasses, should have their glasses re-tested every two years.


Your hands are on show just as much as your face – you must look after them. If you have been neglecting them they will show it.

Men always notice your hands and there is nothing that can bring down an attractive woman as fast as uncared hands. Hands usually show signs of age faster than any other part of the body. Remember that it is harder to hide imperfections of your hands because you don`t wear make up on them. You could cover your face with make up, your hair with a wig, your feet with shoes and sandals. But except for short periods when you wear gloves , you can not disguise your hands.

Perfect hands are too rare. But even if you can not do anything about the shape and size of your hands, you can make them appear infinitely better if they are soft and clean. General house work and cooking leave your hands rough and dry. Hands are one of the hardest worked parts of the body and they need special care.

The first golden rule for hand care is to cream them after each wash. This prevents roughness and dryness. If you do your own kitchen work, keep the hand cream or lotion near the kitchen sink to remind you of the importance of well nourished hands. Glycerine, almond oil and lanolin – all three help to soften the skin. Try to check that your hand cream contains at least one of these ingredients. If your hands are dry, give them a little extra time before going to bed. After cleansing your hands dry them well with a towel, apply a generous layer of cream, massage well and allo

w to work overnight.


Your feet are the most ignored and badly treated part of the body. You probably don`t think about your feet until they start complaining. Make it a point to give your feet all the extra care they deserve.

Well-shaped and well-nourished feet are special beauty assets in the summer and they are on display in the barest sandals. For comfort and good health it is essential to keep them in a good condition throughout the year.

One of the greatest and most common crimes against feet is to wear badly fitted shoes and tight socks. Make sure that you always buy the right size of shoes. High heels should ideally have a thick platform sole for best support. Avoid very high heeled sandals as they upset the right balance of the body. Flat shoes and sandals should also be avoided. Late afternoons are the best time for buying shoes. At this time of the day your feet are slightly larger than in the morning. This ensures that you get the best possible fit. Your socks and stockings must also fit well. They must not be too tight. Otherwise, it is terrible for blood circulation.

For strengthening and relaxing your feet try this super simple exercise: stand barefoot on the floor and curl your toes under. Hold this position for a second. Repeat several times. For foot freshness in the summer soak them for a few minutes in cold salted water. If you suffer from cold feet in bed, massage them with olive oil just before bedtime. Make sure you massage well in between your toes. For excessive foot perspiration powdered alum is the best remedy.


Quite possibly you have an imperfect skin or imperfect features. But do not despair. Make up can do wonders for your appearance. Perfect skin and perfect features are very rare. Most models in beauty and fashion magazines have quite unremarkable faces. It is their make up that makes them look so eye-catching and glamourous.

If you are one of the rare and lucky ones to have a perfect skin and perfect features, remember that good make-up can make you absolutely beautiful.

Everyday make up should look absolutely natural. Its primary object is to correct colour faults of the complexion, disguise imperfections and accentuate good features. When your skin is healthy and absolutely clean, make up can, and should, be kept light. Use less make up all the time for a fresher and younger look. Before using any make up make sure your face is absolutely clean. Cleansing and moisturizing are the all-important steps before moving on to your foundation.

FOUNDATION CREAM. The colour of your foundation cream depends on your skin tone. It should blend with the skin tone of the face and neck. A liquid foundation cream dives you a natural youthful look. HOW TO USE. Tap on three small dots of foundation on the right side of the forehead and gently blend it up to the hairline. Next, repeat the same procedure on the left side. Two little dots on the top of each cheekbone, just below the eye socket. Foundation should be applied very lightly under the eyes. The skin here is very delicate. Never rub under your eyes. Four dots along the jaw bone and then the neck. Don`t forget to carry the colour down on to the neck. Blend well. There should be no lines showing where your make up ends.

HOW TO DO YOUR EYES. Using an eyelash curler, curl the upper lashes. This only takes a second, but it has a great eye-opening effect. For applying eye shadow, use a soft eye make up brush. For general use apply eye shadow on the lower part of the lid close to the upper lashes. Eye shadows that are grey, grey-brown or grey-blue look more natural. Make sure your eye lashes are dry before applying mascara , which is always applied after using shadow. Apply mascara from roots to tips in upward strokes. Apply one coat, allow it to dry, then apply a second coat.

LIPS.   A beautiful mouth can be the most arresting feature of your face. The best way to apply lipstick is with a lipstick brush. Lips should be soft, but their outline shouldn`t.  Get the clearest shape with a lipstick brush. Lips must not be moistened or creamed before applying lipstick. Clear lip-gloss goes over the lipstick to protect lipstick colour and put a shine to it.

SPECIAL TIPS. If your nose is too long brush a little colour very carefully over the tip of the nose and nostrils.

If your nose is too broad and flat, use a creamy white highlight down the centre of the nose. Brush a little colour along the sides of the nose. Blend the two colours well.

If your face is too full, use a little blush on the high part of the cheek, close to the nose.

If your face is too slender, create an illusion of width. Place your blush on the curve of the cheek, slightly away from your nose.

If your face is square and heavy along the jaw line, soften the angles of the jaw line by the shadowing.

If your chin is too round, use a little blusher on both sides of the chin. This creates an illusion of diminished roundness.

If your jaw is too broad, place your blush on each side of the jaw from just below your ear level down to the chin level.

Relation Between Healthy Diet and Skin Care

Diet is a very important factor in skin care. You are what you eat and even if you are born with a beautiful healthy skin but you are eating all wrong food, you can damage your skin. Eating right food for all body parts including skin is very important. People who naturally don't have a good skin can get one by eating right food for it. And the most important thing for a healthy, glowing skin is drinking lots of water.

There should be a proper balance diet in all meals in right proportion of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, fats and proteins. One should include green leafy vegetables, salads and fruits in daily diet. Non-vegetarians have rich amount of protein in their diet but vegetarian diet lacks it so they need to include good amount of proteins in their diet. One should eat curd, yogurt and other dairy products to keep their intestine clean.

If right amount of balanced food is eaten, one can easily get and maintain healthy, glowing skin with no acne, pimples and blemishes. One should avoid eating all junk food, fried food and saturated stuff to keep the skin in a good condition as they are the main cause of getting acne, pimples and break outs on the skin after hormonal imbalance.

  1. Skin food- proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are the main skin foods which one needs to increase in the diet if the skin is saggy or is older than the actual age. Sugar is one of the main sources of carbohydrates but it causes more damage than benefit so one should keep a check on the sugar intake in one's diet. Fruit sugar and honey are better sugar substitute. Instead of white bread one should eat brown bread and brown rice should be eaten than white rice.

    There are people like professionals who totally skip carbohydrate from their meals to diet. They don't know how harmful that is for their body. If no fat is eaten, no carbohydrates eaten, one gets a dull skin. So a little fat is very essential for a good body and toned skin. Vegetarian diet lack proper proteins so vegetarians can increase their intake of pulses, dairy products, which are rich source of proteins. Soya beans too are a great source and these days they are available in different meal types in markets as Soya granules, Soya flour, which is very good for body and skin.
  1. Skin vitamins- vitamins are essential in one's daily diet and they play a very important role in skin care. To prevent skin to get it dull, lifeless and old one has to include sufficient vitamins in one's diet. There are five vitamins, vitamin A, B, C, D and E. There are different sources for all 5 different vitamins, to include them in a daily diet in proportion one has to have the knowledge about them, as how they play a role in daily diet to keep the body and skin healthy and glowing.

Vitamin A-radish, mango and apple are some rich source of vitamin A. It helps to reconstruct the skin tissues and detoxify the skin so that skin could keep away from acne, pimples and blemishes and could stay young and clean.

Vitamin B-vitamin B is available in many leafy vegetables. It boosts the immune system and keeps skin diseases at bay. Many vitamin B complex supplements are easily available in the market in forms of capsules, which can be added to your daily diet to maintain a healthy skin.

Vitamin C-vitamin C is a very helpful vitamin in keeping all the allergies away from body and help increasing the immune system. It is extremely good for skin. It keeps the skin blemish free and radiantly glowing. All juicy fruits are a great source of vitamin C as oranges, lemon, sweet lime and grapes. One should add a glass of orange juice in daily diet. It will fulfill the requirement of entire day's vitamin C to the body. Vitamin C helps skin to repair from further damage and protects the skin from early aging as it stops wrinkles and keep the skin lustrous.

Vitamin D-vitamin D is available in milk and other calcium sources. Sun is the main source of vitamin D and is very essential for our bones. It helps the skin to keep away from skin disease.

Vitamin E-vitamin E moisturizes and smoothes the skin. It keeps the skin lustrous and young. Milk, butter, fish, olives and dry fruits are rich source of vitamin D and E. They prevent the skin from getting dry and keep it soft and supple. Vitamin E capsules are easily available in the market to be taken to complete the body requirement of it.

Lack of vitamins and proteins and other nutrients makes the skin dull, lifeless, problem prone and older than the actual age. So one should keep a balance in the diet to keep the skin ever young.


Unwanted body hair can be the most embarrassing beauty problem.

Lots of European women never bother about it, and neither do their men bother about it. However, if you personally don`t like body hair, you must remove it. The question is “how best to get it off”.

There are a number of ways in which body hair can be dealt with.

WAXING. This is one of the best answers to the problem of underarm, arm and leg hair. Though the procedure is rather painful, it is worthwhile because hair takes about five weeks to grow again. The best thing to do if you decide on this method is to go to a waxing expert or a beautician. However, if you decide to wax yourself at home by yourself, keep a number of things in mind.

  1. Do not apply wax when it is too hot.
  2. Rip it off in one long sudden tug. Ripping off slowly will only cause greater pain.
  3. Waxing of facial hair is not advisable.

SHAVING. This is the easiest and quickest way of dealing with body hair. It doesn`t encourage a heavier regrowth. Shaving, however, should be repeated every other day. For best results shave immediately after a shower or a bath. Use a lot of moisturizing lotion all over legs and then follow by a good soap lather. Wait for a minute and then shave , using long, rather than short, strokes. Repeat twice a week.

Shaving is not advisable for facial hair or for hair on arms, stomach and breasts.

CREAMING. Using depilatory creams chemically dissolves the hair slightly below the skin. As a result of which hair grow less briskly because its tips are rounded.

BLEACHING.  It is a chemical lightening that can only be done on soft hair. With a swab of cotton wool apply the bleaching lotion wherever you want to bleach hair. Leave on for at least fifteen minutes before washing off with cool water.

TWEEZING. This is a slow procedure as you have to pluck out each individual hair. Advisable only for facial hair.

DEALING WITH UNDERARM HAIR. It is a breeding ground for bacteria, especially in the summer. It is important to keep underarms smooth and fresh. SHAVING. Remember to use a sharp razor. After soaping, shaving and patting dry sprinkle on some talc. Remember not to deodorize for a couple of hours after shaving. WAXING. Painful, but paying. Avoid waxing underarms at home; you`ll probably give up half – way. CREAMING gives a slightly smoother finish than shaving and results also last longer. BLEACHING – not advisable. TWEEZING – net advisable.

FACIAL HAIR. WAXING, SHAVING, CREAMING are not advisable. BLEACHING is a good way of camouflaging facial hair on the upper lip and sides of the face. Remember that bleaching is only effective for fine hair.

LEG HAIR. It is a good idea to keep legs smooth the year round (not only in summer) for the sake of your own self-confidence. WAXING is the most effective way for removing leg hair. Results last about four to six weeks, depending on the rate of your hair growth. BLEACHING is not advisable for leg hair, unless it is of an extremely soft and fine nature. SHAVING is considered by many as the most reasonable and fast way of removing leg hair. However, it has its disadvantage as the hair has to be shaved off every other day. CREAMING has longer lasting effects than shaving. But it is more expensive. TWEEZING is not advisable. 


Sleep is imperative for mental and physical health. It is one of nature`s greatest restoratives.

What is sleep? It is a recurrent healthy state where our body and mind are in a state of inertia and unresponsiveness. Sleep helps us to restore our energy, refresh our brain and make the most of our physical resources. There is no exact formula for just how many hours of sleep you personally need in a day. At an average, people sleep for about eight hours a day, but some people can awake refreshed even after four to six hours. Others need as much as ten hours. Most infants and babies sleep at an average of twelve to fourteen hours each day.

To ensure a relaxing and refreshing sleep, make sure that your bed is comfortable. Make sure that your mattress is of just medium softness. Remember to use only one single flattish pillow. If you have trouble getting sleep, avoid the temptation of swallowing a sleeping pill. These pills do not induce  a relaxed and natural sleep. After an unnatural and forces sleep, you get up feeling most unfresh and headachy. It does most terrible things to your looks. However, if you don`t sleep enough, your skin will show it. It becomes dry and lifeless.

To induce sleep, have a warm bath before retiring to bed. Follow it up with a warm drink of milk. Calcium is a natural tranquillizer. If you suffer from sleeplessness, swallow three to four tablets of calcium lactate with milk.

However, keep in mind that sometimes the desire to sleep is absent simply because your body doesn`t require sleep at the moment. Use this time, when your family is fast asleep, for yourself. Read, listen to soft music or just meditate.

Gradually, as you relax, you will start feeling sleepy.  If possible, raise the lower part of the mattress (the foot end) so that you sleep with your feet elevated to about 10 centimetres above head level. This position is ideal because the blood flows back towards the heart and away from the feet.

 While you sleep, your body burns calories at the rate of half a calorie per pound of body weight per hour.



SOAP. Mild soaps are the safest ones. Preferably, your soap should be of an acid nature.

PUMICE STONE. This is the volcano`s gift to man. It is tremendous for cleaning  elbows, knees and feet.

SAFETY RAZOR. It is certainly not true that shaving causes a thicker regrowth of hair. Shaving is the easiest way to get rid of unwanted body hair. Invest in a small ladies` razor. This is easier to use than a normal gent-sized razor and also more effective.

SHOWER CAP. To keep your hair dry while you take a shower. A shower cap is very practical in use , and also inexpensive.

BABY OIL OR BODY LOTION. This helps  the body replace all the natural oils that the skin surface may lose while bathing. Remember to use immediately after the bath for best results.

BATH OILS. It is very pleasant to have, but not strictly essential. Good for skin in winter. Try to make it a part of your beauty programme. If not regularly, use is sometimes or  when your body feels dry.

TALC. Essential for warm, sticky summers. Try a lemon fragrance for extra freshness.

DEODORANT. An absolute must for the summers. Spray-on or roll-on deodorants are not compared to cream deodorants.


TWEEZER. Always try a tweezer before buying it. Remember not to tamper with the original shape of the eyebrows. Tweeze hair gently from under the eyebrows rather than from above.

EYELASH CURLER. The quickest way to give your eye a wide-open look. It takes only a second.

MASCARA. It is for making eyes look larger and eyelashes thicker and longer. A mascara stored for a  long time dries up. Remember to finish using your old mascara before buying  a new one.

EYE SHADOWS.  It is a must to have at least two favourite  colours of eye shadow. Creams are better for the winter, while powders look fresher in the summers.

LIPSTICK BRUSH. So that you could define your mouth well.

LIPSTICKS. At least two of your favourite colours. For the winter choose warm and rich browns and reds. Go paler and lighter in summer.

LIP GLOSS. To go over lipstick and make lips look softer and moister. The safest is a colourless gloss, that can go over your favourite lipstick without altering its colour.

LIQUID FOUNDATION. To disguise your skin imperfections. Always remember to cover your face completely, even your eyelids and behind your ears. Your choice of foundation colour  should depend on your skin tone.

SKIN TONER. If your skin is dry, a toner is a good idea if it is used regularly. For best results put on just after washing your face. A toner tones the skin by improving circulation.

ASTRINGENT. Only if you have an oily skin. It can be really refreshing  in summer. In the summers try to store your astringent in the refrigerator. A cool astringent is many times more refreshing  than one at normal temperature.

MOISTURIZER. Try a baby lotion. It is the lightest moisturizer  you can use for the summers. A moisturizer is a must for all skin types. Moisture has nothing to do with oiliness.


HAND LOTION OR CREAM. To keep your hands and feet nourished and soft. Ideally you should   use it immediately after each wash. Like facial skin, skin on hands and feet also gets dry  and needs nourishing, especially if you use soap on them.

NAIL POLISH REMOVER. Essential for anyone who wishes to keep toes and finger nails liking their best.

NAIL POLISH. Nail colour is an immediate “pick up”  for feet and hands. Keep at least two of your favourite colours. Avoid dark, bright reds in summer. Winter, however, is a good time for deep warm colour.

CUTICLE REMOVER. To keep your nails neat and in a great shape.

Remember that the nicest things come in the smallest packages. Make-up and cosmetics-especially lipsticks, eyeshadows, and perfumes-get worse off with time. Only buy as much as you can use up in 2-3 months` time.


WEIGHT SCALES. So that you can keep an eagle`s eye on your weight. The best and the most comforting time to weigh yourself is immediately as you step out of the bath. However, whatever time you pick to weigh yourself, make sure that you do it each time at approximately the same hour.

A FULL – LENGTH MIRROR. So that you can look at yourself from head to toe, keep a check on your figure. Always check a mirror for distoration before you buy.

SKIPPING ROPE. Skipping is one of the best all-body exercises. It is also great for working off tension. Skipping rope is available at any sport goods store.

MEASURING TAPE. So that you can keep a strict check on expanding waist lines and hips.

   Herbs and Plants for Skin Care

Our ancestors have found many precious herbs for us. They are nature's products and are extremely beneficial for health increment, to cure ailments, many diseases and to increase and enhance beauty.

Here are the details about some of these nature's gifts how they help in increasing beauty and help skin care. Because of their no side effects they have become more popular among people than many other medicines and cosmetics for health and beauty purposes.

  1. Aloe Vera-aloe Vera is a cactus type of plant from the family of flower lily. It has vitamin E, C, zinc and Сmany other beneficial substances in it, which are extremely beneficial for health and skin. Aloe Vera has many properties to keep skin at its best. It can be used to soothe the skin from sunburn and heat infections because of its cooling properties. Its rich of vitamin E and C, both of these vitamins work the best for the skin and are main substances in all skin care products.

    Aloe Vera is available in many varieties these days and people can choose and use what is best suited for their skin. It's available in form of gels, lotions, moisturizers, and juices. If juice is consumed it has wonderful results on the skin. On extremely dry and sensitive skin, aloe Vera gel can be used as a heeling agent. It heals wounds and injuries too. Most of the creams and lotions are based on aloe Vera gel these days, which change one's skin drastically from a lifeless dull skin to a new enhanced beautiful skin. Its transparent bluish green color substance. It's getting popular worldwide day to day.
  2. Sandalwood – sandal wood is the wood of a tree, which has a very strong, and soothing fragrance in it. Sandalwood too has all cooling substances in it.
    It makes the skin smooth, blemish free, glowing and young. It is used to heal the burns too because of its cooling essence. Sandalwood soaps and packs are extremely useful for oily and problematic skin. It reduces the marks and blemishes from the skin and reduces body odor if used in soaps. It is advised to be used on skin that is prone to allergies, acne, and pimples and has blemishes. Its frequent application on the skin in form of soaps and packs do wonders to the skin. Especially the skin that is filled of acne and blemishes gets neat and clean with is frequent use.
  3. Tea tree oil-tea tree oil is taken from the leaves of tea tree. It's very strong oil with many exclusive values in it, which is used in medical field too. It has many anti-fungal values in it so is used for many types of allergies, infections, many other ailments and is added in many skin care products because some of its values help prevent acne, blemishes and skin allergies.

    It is added in many face packs specially made for problematic skin, which suffers from acne and pimples. Its usage on skin makes skin clear, smooth and blemish free. It has a very strong smell in it which keeps many allergies at bay. Many anti allergic oils are based on tea tree oil. Most of the herbal cosmetic company use tea tree oil as a main base in their skin care products which are specially meant for problematic skin. It suppresses the acne, pimples and blemishes from the skin and helps to lighten the marks too which one gets on skin due to skin problems.
  4. Neem- neem is a very useful tree. Its leaves, stem everything has their own properties and different values. It is used in many herbal medicines to cure skin problems, lice problems in hair. It has a very strong bitter smell and taste. It has surprising properties in it for skin suffering with allergies or skin infections. Neem power and essence if used on skin in any form makes one get rid of boils, heat infection, acne pimples and other skin problems.

    It makes skin blemish free, healthy and glowing. People who tend to get boils and heat boils on skin in summer, if take bath from water in which neem leaves have been soaked or boiled get rid of them completely and get a smooth and clear skin. Its juice is extremely helpful for diabetic patient. In ancient times, people used to use its stem to chew to keep their teeth healthy and strong. It has some detoxifying agents in it so it's useful for the treatment of skin infections and problems.


1. Aloe Vera is a … of plant from the family of flower lily.

2. Aloe Vera can be used to … because of its cooling properties.

3. Aloe Vera is available in forms of …

4. … is the wood of a tree which has a very strong and soothing fragrance in it.

5. Tea tree oil is taken from …

6. … is used to cure lice problems in hair.

7. … has many anti – fungal values in it.

8. … have found many precious herbs and plants for us.

9. … have no side effects.

10. Vitamins … and … work the best for the skin.


1. Herbs and plants have many side effects.

2. Aloe Vera is available in form of cream.

3. Aloe Vera has cooling essence in it.

4. Tea tree oil has a very strong and bitter smell and taste in it.

5. Recently we have found many precious herbs and plants for us.

6. Aloe Vera is not rich of vitamins.

7. Neem is transparen bluish green colour substance.


Предки, растение, болезнь, полезные вещества, рана, масло чайного дерева, проблемная кожа, вши, горький вкус и запах, избавиться от нарывов, сандаловое дерево.








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