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Методическая разработка урока английского языка для 5 класса

The Quenn  and the places of interest in London

Литвинова Екатерина Викторовна,
учитель ГБОУ гимназия 116

Цель урока: создание условий для формирование умений и знаний по теме"Достопримечательности Лондона".

Задачи урока:


-Активизация изученной учащимися лексики по теме «The Quenn  and the places of interest in London»

-Чтение текста по теме: «London and the Queen»

-Совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи

-Совершенствование навыков неподготовленной речи

2.Развивающая: расширение кругозора учащихся

3.Воспитывающая: развитие интереса к изучению английского языка и достопримечательностей Англии,а также уважительное отношение к памятникам архитектуры

Тип урока:урок совершенствования речевых умений

Учебно-методическое обеспечение: Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык 5 класс .-M: Просвещение,2013. - Ч.1

Оснащение урока: плакат с достопримечательностями Лондона, карточки с заданиями, фотографии достопримечательностей, раздаточный материал,компьютер, мультимедийный проектор.

Формы организации учебной деятельности:

1.парно-групповая деятельность

2.самостоятельная работа

Этапы урока:

I.Вводно-мотивационный этап.

1)Приветствие и вступительная беседа.

2)Сообщение темы и задач урока.

3)Грамматическая-фонетическая разминка

II.Центральная часть

1)Конструирование предложений

2)Работа с текстом


IV.Тренировка навыков говорения

V.Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

VI.Подведение итогов.

Ход урока:

I этап. Вводно-мотивационный этап.

1.Приветствие и вступительная беседа

Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you today! Let’s begin our lesson. You see, today I look different I like to travel so much, but never know where to go, there are so many opportunities. Oh, look at the board – you can see the map. What map is it?

2. Сообщение темы и задач урока:

Today we will not only study, but also we’ll travel. We are going to learn many interesting facts, we’ll practice reading, making up dialogues and speaking. Today we are going to revise our material on the topic “London». Let’s not lose the time and begin right now!

I’ve been so inattentive! Name me the countries, I need to know their names! You all know much about our planet, about different places on it. Let’s make up the map of the world; we’ll see where the English-speaking countries are situated. Come up to the board and put the names of the countries, their capitals and the symbols to the right places. The example will help you.

Пример на доске: I think GB is here and the capital of GB is London.

3) Грамматическая фонетическая разминка

And now we will read a special poem, which is magic.

Have a look in your paper. Let’s read all together.

Приложение 1

So many countries all over the world,

So many people and life-tales told!

Different cities, languages, poems,

Amazing traditions, legends, stories.

We travel east, we travel west,

If South is warm, North is cold,

To know so much is the best,

We start our trip and off we go!


T. So, you can see what we’ll speak about today. Let’s underline in this poem the words which we associate with traveling (east, cities, legends…) What will we speak about today? Where do you think we’ll go?

Look at the presentation. You are right, we’ll go to London!


T.Let’s take a plane and go on an trip to London. We arrive at Airport and go to see London

T.: Now we can take a double-decker bus and go on our tour.

It is very important not only to know a lot of things, but also to speak right. Let’s work with words, which you may not know or which are tricky to pronounce. Listen to me and repeat.



the Thames



II. Центральная часть

1.Конструирование предложений

T.: Let’s remember what we know about London, what London is famous for. Take the paper sheets. Your task is to complete the sentences.


  • London is the capital of … (England)
  • More than … million people live in London. (7)
  • The heart of London is … (The City)
  • The political centreе is … (Westminster)
  • … lives in Buckingham Palace.(The Queen of England)
  • One of the greatest and oldest churches is … (St. Paul’s Cathedral)
  • … is in the centre of London. (Trafalgar Square)
  • The most interesting museum is … (The Tower of London)
  • The largest clock is … (Big Ben)
  • London is situated on … (The Thames)
  • … is one of the London’s most famous symbols. (Tower Bridge)

2. Работа с текстом

Now we are going to read the text about the Queen and the places of interest in London.

I will give you the cards. Some words are very difficult, to speak well we need to train them!

- look at the board and listen to me

Приложение 3

Downing Street

Windsor Castle

St. George’s Chapel

Hampton Court

- repeat word by word after me

- now you are welcome to read

Please read and then answer my questions.

Reading/ You have 5 minutes to read the text yourself.

Let’s check how well you understood the text.


1)What address in London are well-known?

2)When was the home of the Queen built?

3)Why do we say that it is two palaces, not one?

4)How can you prove that the Buckingham Palace is like a small town?

5)How many rooms are there in the Palace?

6)How many clocks are there?

7)How many people work in the Palace?

8)What is flying over Buckingham Palace when the Queen is there?

9)Where is the Queen’s gallery? What examples of art does the Queen’s collection have?

10)What is another of the Queen’s homes?

11)Where is it situated?

12)When does the Queen often stay there?

13)How old is the castle?

14)What is there inside in the castle?

15)What another old Palace is near the London?

16)Does the Queen live there?

Please take the cards and make the exercise. Please put TRUE or False or don’t know.

1) There are three addresses in London that the whole world knows.(f 2 addresses)

2) Buckingham Palace was built in 1703.( t)

3) Buckingham Palace is very small palace, where children play and grow up.(f)

4) About 700 people live in the Palace.(dk)

5) In Buckingham Palace there is the largest private collection in the world.(t)

6) Tourists can’t visit the gallery and see the Queen’s collection of paintings.(f)

7) When the Queen leaves the Palace, the Royal Standard is flying over Buckingham Palace. (f)

8) Another of the Queen’s homes is Hampton Court.(F)

III этап. Физкультминутка

T.: Well done. Now let’s get off our double-decker bus and have a rest a little. Let’s do exercises for our eyes (window-wall-ceiling-floor…).
Let’s do our exercises for our hands.

Приложение 4

Up, down, up, down,
Which is the way to London Town?
Where? Where?
Up in the air,
Close your eyes 
And you are there.

IV.Тренировка навыков говорения

T.- Imagine that you are guides. What can you say about places of interest in London? (Ученики получают фотографии с достопримечательностями и карточки с фактами о Лондоне(приложение 5)
Your task is to prepare short monologues about the sightseeing. Please take these pictures. What can you tell us about London?

Приложение 5

-London is the biggest city in Britain. It has a population of more than seven million people. It lies on the river Thames. It is in the center of London.

-London famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its historic buildings.

-The Queen of England lives in London. Tourists can see Buckingham Palace which is the London home of the Queen. Soldiers always guard the Palace.

- People can visit its historic buildings, such as the Tower of London, which is museum now, St Paul Cathedral, which has a huge dome, the Houses of Parliament, where they can see and hear the famous clock  Big Ben.

So you can understand that many places of interest have a connection with the Queen.

V этап. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи (проверка домашнего задания)

T.: You’ve seen many places of interest; you’ve found many interesting facts about London and now say what you think about London. Let’s check you homework. Please act the dialogue out.7

A: How do you like London?
B: Oh, it’s beautiful. It’s different from other European capitals.
A: Yes, I think it’s one of the most interesting and unusual cities in the world. There are many places to visit: museums, art galleries, theatres…
B: Oh, yesterday I saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the voice of Big Ben, visited the famous Tower.
A: Have you visited Westminster Abbey?
B: Not, yet. What is it famous for?
A: It was founded in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens take place there.
B: How can I get there?
A: By bus or just walk.

VI этап. Обобщение и подведение итогов. Оценка работы учащихся на уроке

T.:Thank you for your lesson. You worked well today. Your marks are….  Look at the board and write your homework.Lear the dialogue by heart(p.105 ex 3)Our lesson is over.

Good-bye, my friends.


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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