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Применение интерактивного подхода при изучении английского языка

(на примере Учебной викторины "Magic Eire" для 6-8 классов)


Антонова Анна Федоровна,
преподаватель английского языка
СПГАХЛ им. Б.В. Иогансона


Пояснительная записка:

Научить креативности нельзя, это уникальное индивидуальное качество. Креативность -  это увлекательное путешествие, которое каждый должен пройти самостоятельно и в коллективе. Главное в творчестве - найти самого себя. Для этого необходимо создание особой атмосферы, которая будет поддерживать творческую инициативу, фантазию, талант, активную позицию учащегося.


- обобщить лингвострановедческие знания по теме "Ирландия",

- формирование коммуникативной культуры.

Образовательные задачи:

- расширение кругозора,

- знакомство с историей и культурой Ирландии.

Воспитательные задачи:

- формирование эстетического вкуса,

- умение работать в коллективе.


Оформление: постер, кельтские орнаменты, shamrock, лес (болото, 2 елки,  кочка под елкой, под кочкой  - горшок с золотыми монетами), портреты ирландских писателей (O. Wilde, J. Swift, B. Shaw, J. Joyce, W. Yeats),  Irish flag.


Костюмы: леприкон, элементы костюмов — 3 шарфа с ирландскими элементами, значки-клеверы, шапки леприконов, нарисованные на илцах зеленые клеверы, дресс-код для всех выступающих  - одежда зеленого цвета или зеленые ее элементы.



Ведущий1  (narrator 1): All over the world there are people with Irish blood. In many countries there are families what went there from Ireland in the past. They left Ireland to find work. Now they belong to other countries but Ireland is still in their hearts.

I think it's great we are here to celebrate this festival of love and friendship – St. Patrick's day. I hope you have a nice time because we are going to have some funny competitions.  Let's have a great St. Patrick's day!


Ведущий2 (narrator 2): The patron saint of Ireland named Magnus Sucatus Patricus was born in Britain in 385 A.D. In his childhood he was captured by the Irish pirates and sold as a slave in Northern Ireland, where he spent several years working as a shepherd. Then he escaped to France and entered a Catholic monastery. In 432 A.D. he was sent as a bishop back to Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity. He built more than 50 cathedrals and united the islanders in one faith. There are many legends about St. Patrick. The first legend is about how St. Patrick read “the emerald Isle of snakes”. Another famous legend tells us of his ability to explain the trinity using a shamrock. He explained: “Just as with our divine Lord, each leave represents as separate aspect of God, as father, Son and Hole Spirit. Jet it's still one plant.” St. Patrick's mission in Ireland lasted for over 20 years. He died on March 17, 461 A.D. That day has been commemorated as St. Patrick's Day ever since.


Ведущий1  (narrator 1): Now is the first part of our quiz: “History and geography”.


/teachers are asking questions/


  1. How many parts does the UK consists of?
  2. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
  3. What's the capital on the Republic of Ireland?
  4. Who is the Saint Patron of Ireland?
  5. What century did St. Patrick live in?
  6. Where was St. Patrick born?
  7. What was his name at birth?
  8. What plant is the main symbol of this day?
  9. What is the ancient name of Ireland (original and Latin)?
  10. What is the ancient capital of Ireland?



Ведущий1  (narrator 1): Ireland has never been a very rich country. It's not rich in money but it's very rich in other things: in music, poetry and songs. And now I want to offer you an old Irish lullaby and a poem dedicated to St. Patrick!


Musical break. Part one.

  • Old Irish lullaby “O, sleep my baby” (7A class, piano)
  • Irish poetry “St. Patrick's Day” (7A class)


Ведущий1  (narrator 1):  Now I'd like to offer you the second part of our quiz - “Irish culture”!


/teachers are asking questions/


  1. What colors are on the Irish flag?
  2. What is the native language of Ireland?
  3. What does the shamrock symbolize?
  4. What musical instrument is considered to be a national one?
  5. Where is the Bryan Boru Harp kept?
  6. Where is the largest cathedral dedicated to St. Patrick placed?
  7. What book is considered to be written by the angels? (because it is the most beautiful book in the world)
  8. How many churches did St. Patrick build in Ireland?
  9. What Irish writers can you mention (look at the pictures)?
  10. What do you know about them and their works?



Ведущий3  (narrator 3): Now I'd like to offer you one of the most beautiful Irish poems ”The lake isle of Innisfree” by W. B. Yeats. The poet says that he wants to go there for a peaceful life. The only noise is going to be the sounds of nature: the wings of birds and the water of the lake. He is writing his poem in a grey city but he hears the sounds of the lake deep in his heart.

/reads this poem/


Musical break. Part two.

Beatles (Song with Irish elements)     /playing guitar (10B class)/.


Ведущий1  (narrator 1): Now I'd like to offer you the third part of our quiz - “Irish food”!


/teachers are asking questions/


  1. What is the national food of Ireland?
  2. What does Irish or Gaelic coffee consists of?
  3. What is the name of a name strong dark beer of Ireland?
  4. How can you differ Irish whiskey from Scottish according to the label?
  5. What color beer is brewed especially for St. Patrick's day?
  6. What is the name of the most famous Irish beer (the name of famous family of brewers)?



Ведущий1  (narrator 1): Now I'd like to offer you a sad and beautiful song about a girl from Dublin, Molly Malone?

/ singing song “Cockles and Mussels”, flute, 6B class /


Ведущий4  (narrator 4): After the shamrock a leprechaun is the second symbol of St. Patrick's day. The word leprechaun means “shoemaker”. The leprechaun is an elf like creature from Irish folklore. He is lazy, cunning, ill-tempered and greedy. His steals, plays tricks on people and is responsible for all kind s of domestic of mischief, much like the Russian Domovoy. If you catch him he will show you his pot of gold well-hidden at the end of the rainbow.


Ведущий1  (narrator 1): Ireland is famous for the green of its countryside and its warm-hearted people. The Irish have strong independent spirit, a distinctive character and a wonderful sense of humor. Now we'd like to offer you a funny play “Irish Luck”!


Briefplaydescription(краткое описание постановки) — дети ходят в лесу, ищут леприкона, зелена шляпа леприкона мелькает за деревьями. Детикричат: «Try to catch him!», “Look, he's over there!”, “Surround him!”, “If you catch him he will show you his treasure!”. Детиловятлеприкона, онкричит: «I'm not a leprechaun, don't  touch me, don't catch me!».  - «Whoareyou?»   - “I'ma….fungus!”  Дети не верят, в результате он показывает им место, где спрятано его золото и вытаскивает из-под кочки горшок с золотом. Всесчастливы.


Ведущий1  (narrator 1): But gold doesn't mean happiness, happiness is friend ship and love!

Дети спускаются в зал с горшком золота леприкона и раздают золотые монеты  всем участникам викторины (шоколадки).



Ведущий1  (narrator 1):  Thank you for taking part in our quiz!


Подводятся итоги викторины, объявляются победители.

Первое место — 7А, второе — 8Б,  третье — 6Б.

Награждение победителей в конце года на последнем звонке.






















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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
образования «АНЭКС»

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