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 ТЕМА УРОКА: Проблемы экологии

ЦЕЛИ УРОКА:1.  Активизация лексики по теме «Окружающая среда» в речи;

2.Развитие навыков аудирования; 3. Обучение словообразованию: суффиксальный способ, конверсия.


Оборудование: записи на доске; видеоаппаратура; карточки.

Ход урока

altслайд 1

I.                   Организационный момент

-          Today at the lesson you will learn to use different word expressions to talk about ecological problems. Then you will watch the video. Besides, we are going to learn to form new words witch the help of  suffixes and by transforming from one part of speech to another.

II.                  Фонетическая разминка

-          But first we must learn a tongue twister. Look at the blackboard.

Listen to my reading.


Bill had a billboard and also a board bill,

But the board bill bored Bill so

That he sold the billboard to pay the board bill.

-          Read the tongue twister slowly after me. Read it in pairs. Read the tongue twister as quickly as you can.

-          What sounds do you hear more often? ([b], [I], [l], [d].)

Name other words with these sounds.


[b] – break, brother, ball, bear, beat, etc.

[I] – ill, spaceship, stick, six, still, etc.

[l] – born, blackboard, launch, store, etc.

[d] – dress, damage, death, draw, etc.

III.             Речевая разминка                                                                        слайд 2


-          What theme do we study? (We study the theme “The Earth”).

-          What words on this theme do you remember? (They are “protect”, “protective”, “protection”, “pollute”, “pollution”, “environment”, “environmental”, “waste”).

-          On your cards you see two columns of words. You must match the words to make up word expressions.


protect                                                clothing

air                                                      waste

protective                                           water

environmental                                    environment

pollute                                                 paper

waste                                                  problems

chemical                                             pollution

Keys: protect environment, air pollution, protective clothing, environmental problems, pollute water, waste paper, chemical waste.

IV.             Активизация лексики в речи

alt слайд 3

-          Use these word expressions in the sentences of your own.


People must protect environment. Air pollution is one of the ecological problems nowadays. Emergency workers have to wear protective clothing. There are a lot of environment problems such as air pollution, water pollution, pollution of the environment, nuclear pollution. People pollute water by putting wastes there. Don’t waste paper in parks. Chemical waste is very dangerous.

-          There are different types of environment. You may find them in ex. 7, p. 42. Read what natural geographical features and manmade geographical features mean. Do you understand that? Classify the words according to the types of environment. So, read out the words connected with natural geographical features (living organisms, man – made geographical features).


Natural geographical features: climate, weather, mountains, forests, lakes, seas, oceans, continents, minerals, air, water, natural channels, islands, land, other planets, the Moon.

Living organisms: fishes, plant species, human beings, trees, animals, insect species.

Man – made geographical features: towns, houses, canals, railways, farms, factories, wild parks, picture galleries.

-          We all understand that nowadays the environmental problems become more and more serious. What must we do to protect the Earth? Before you answer watch the video.

-          Now read the dialogue in ex. 8, p. 42. Answer the questions in pairs. Now report to the class. Use the opinion expressions from the blackboard.


In my opinion…

To my mind…

As far as I see it…


As far as I see it the main idea of the text is that beauty will save the world. Life will be more interesting if we use different colours. I agree with it because we live in the world where there are a lot of problems, we get much stress. There must be something that will help us to overcome difficulties.

The main colours of our planet are blue, green, brown and white.

-          I see that you’re tired. Let’s have a rest.

V.                Физкультминутка

VI.             Обучение словообразованию

-          Would you like to live on the planet where Xaliox and Revax live?

Why or why not? (As for me, I wouldn’t like to live there because the buildings are grey. Besides, they sell children).

-          Is everything all right on our planet? Maybe you want to change something or improve it. Ex. 9, p. 42 will help you to give good answers. (I would like to build new modern houses, plant trees and colourful flowers, create new parks and lovely gardens with exotic plants to improve my town).

-          At the end of the lesson we must learn to form new words by different ways. Look at the table in ex. 10, p. 42. Read the examples. Remember how to form new words.

-          Open your workbooks: ex. 3, p. 24. Complete the sentences using one of the words in brackets. Define the part of speech and explain why you use it.

Keys: 1. environment; 2. waste; 3. ecological; 4. pollution; 5. attraction; 6. natural.

1.      We use a noun because there is a preposition and an article before it.

2.      We use a noun because there is another noun and a preposition before it.

3.      We use an adjective because there is a noun after it.

4.      We use a noun because there is an attribute before it.

5.      We use a noun because there is an attribute before it.

6.      We use an adjective because there is a noun after it.

-          At home write the description of the place where you live. Ex. 5, p. 56 will help you. Open it, please. Read the points of the plan. Express your ideas. To do the task well first do ex. 4 on p. 56.

VII.          Подведение итогов

-          What new information have you learnt today? What is impression of the film? What do you think about the life on the planet Altaia? The lesson is over. You may go.

Домашнее задание:

Уч.: упр.4,5, стр.56; принести бумагу, карандаши, фломастеры, краски и т.д.



Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
образования «АНЭКС»

191119, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Звенигородская, д. 28 лит. А

Главный редактор:
Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»