Образовательный портал

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Развернутый конспект  урока по иностранному языку 

The lion, the witch and the wardrobe

Пинсон Софья Александровна
Тема: Знаменитые люди, К. Льюис. Изучающее чтение, аудирование отрывка “Лев, Колдунья и платяной шкаф” 
Дидактическая цель: Научится методу изучающего чтения и понимания информации на слух(Аудирование) 
- ввести новую и  повторить пройденную  лексику  связанную с темой Narnia  
- совершенствовать навыки понимания  речи на слух 
- совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи 
- расширять знания детей об теме Narnia Chronicles  
- развивать память, внимание, мышление. 
- обеспечить условия для воспитания положительного интереса к изучаемой теме, предмету.  
Ход урока 
Этап  Деятельность учителя Деятельность учеников Примечание/Оборудование
1. Орг 
1 мин 
- Good afternoon  Children, I’m glad to see you 
- You may sit down 
-We are glad to see you too Sofia Alexandrovna 
-Thank you 
Речевая зарядка 
- How are you  today? 
-I’m fine, thank you 
- What date is it today? 
- What day of the week is it today? 
- What day of the week was yesterday? 
- What’s the weather like today? 
-Do you remember last time we started to discuss a wonderful world of Narnia. Do you remember that the weather is nasty there? 

-We are fine, thank you, and you? 
-The 15th of March  
-It’s windy, rainy and cold. 
- Yes, sure 
5 мин
3.1-Now I want you to revise some information about Narnia and answer the questions. 
-What is this story about? 
-Who are the main characters? 
-Yes, right your 
-This story is about children who found the wonderful world called “Narnia”  The main characters are Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan.   
4 .Работа по теме урока
(30 минут) 
5.Подведение итогов 
2 мин. 

4.1-We have already read the first part of the story about Narnia. Now we are going to continue learning this topic. By the way, have you watched this film in Russian? 
4.2- We are going to watch a piece of the video and after that your task will be to answer the questions. I advise you to make notes.(просмотр видео 2 раза) 
4.3- Have you got some difficulties with understanding? 
-Now questions 
1) How did Edmund call the White Witch? 
2) What did Edmund ask the Witch to do with his appearance? 
3)How did the White Witch call Edmund when she first met him? 
4) Where is the castle of the White Witch situated? 
5) What sweets did Edmund ask to eat? 
6)What did dwarf say after he gave the drink to the boy? 
7)What did White Witch promise to Edmund? 
4.4-You look so tired! Let’s have a rest. 
I’ve got your favourite video. We are going to watch it and to dance  
-Do you feel better? 
4.5 -I think that sometimes all of us want to change the roles and become a famous person (A writer or an actor/actress). 
Now, we will have such an opportunity 
- Let’s check our work. 
-So your task was to prepare the extract from the book on page 117 and learn it by heart. Last time, we distributed the roles between boys and girls. Boys are going to be Edmund and girls the White Witch. 
Will you please Dasha with Michael and the next pair will be Olga with Sergey 
Thank you for your answers, that was quite good. 
-So, now we are going to do a difficult task. Do you see the code on the picture? One of you should come here, and scan the code to know your task. The description of a picture. Look at the picture and fill in the table in the student’s paper using the words in the book (раздаточный материал), 4.6 Book p 118. 
- Thank you for your descriptions.  
-Children, have you ever heard the main theme from the movie Narnia? 

  • 4.7  Now your task will be to listen the music and fill in the missing words. I will give you special papers. Listen very attentively.  
  • Thank you for your work, now submit the papers please. 
  • We have done a lot of work to do, and have known a lot of information also. Do you remember the text? 
  • Your last task for today  to put the parts of the extract in the right order. B p 118 ex 156. 
- What do you think of our lesson? What did you learn today? 
-What was very difficult for you? 
- What do you find very easy? 
- How would you estimate our work today? 
On the blackboard you can see your hometask. Have you got any questions? 
  • The lesson is over, you may be free, goodbye 
- Yes 
-A little bit, yes  

  1. -You majesty 
  1. -To make him taller 
  1. -Son of Adam 
  1. -Between two hills 
  1. -Turkish Delights 
  1. -Your drink, Sir 
  1. -He will become the king of Narnia 
-This is a white witch. She wears a long white dress. 
Her hair is silver and she is a very powerful woman. 
-This is the Dwarf. He  
     is small and hairy. 
-Oh, that’s interesting! 

  • Goodbye teacher! 
Фрагмент видео из фильма Хроники Нарнии 
-Просмотр ролика-разминки в презентации 
-Отрывок вложен в приложения 
-Описание фотографии на слайде в презентации 
Вписать в таблицу  
Прослушивание музыки 2 раза 
Запись слов в раздаточный материал  

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Учредитель и издатель:
АНОО «Центр дополнительного
образования «АНЭКС»

191119, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Звенигородская, д. 28 лит. А

Главный редактор:
Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»