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Методическая разработка урока английского языка

Chuvash National Cuisine - Национальная чувашская кухня

Жаворонкова Татьяна Кимовна

Кухня - часть национальной культуры, прошедшая большой путь исторического развития, достигшая своего совершенства и международного признания. Недаром этнографы начинают исследование жизни любого народа с изучения его кухни, ибо в ней в сконцентрированном виде отражается история, быт и нравы нации.
Чувашская кухни в этом смысле не исключение: она также является частью культуры и истории Чувашии.
«Лишь травмы нет от пищи, - сказано в древней чувашской «Книге судьбы», - а остальные, даже простуда, от неправильного питания». Потому чуваши, хотя и не особо привередливые в застольях, всегда внимательно относились к своей кухне.
Чувашская кухня насчитывает не одну сотню лет. Развиваясь, она, естественно, испытывала на себе влияние кулинарных традиций соседей: русских, татар, удмуртов, марийцев. Однако кулинарные заимствования не лишили чувашскую кухню национального колорита, а лишь способствовали ее разнообразию.
При изучении тем, касающихся еды, культуры питания, учащиеся изучают кухни разных стран и народов - России, Англии, Америки, Китая, так почему бы не включить в школьную программу урок, посвященный чувашской кухне? 
Цели урока
1. Введение и закрепление новой лексики по теме «Традиции чувашской национальной кухни».
2. Совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.
3. Расширение общего и лингвистического кругозора у учащихся.
4. Воспитание уважения к истории Чувашской республики, как региона РФ, ее традициям и обычаям.
5. Расширение знаний учащихся о национальной чувашской кухне, содействовать формированию коммуникативной компетентности путем использования парной и групповой форм организации познавательной деятельности. 
1. Образовательные:
- активизировать в речи изученную ранее тематическую лексику;
- продолжить работу над произношением английских слов;
2. Развивающие:
- формировать и развивать учебно-организационные умения и навыки (взаимоконтроль, самостоятельная работа, коллективная деятельность);
3. Воспитательные:
- содействовать расширению кругозора учащихся, ответственности, умению работать в сотрудничестве, способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка, воспитывать уважение к традициям национальной кухни как части культуры разных стран мира. 
Результаты обучения
Учащиеся владеют минимальным языковым и речевым материалом, необходимым для построения элементарных высказываний в рамках данной темы, умеют воспринимать на слух речь собеседника и адекватно реагируют на инструкции к выполнению действий, умеют работать в команде.
Научатся осуществлять саморегуляцию и самоконтроль; смогут совместно с учителем и одноклассниками давать оценку деятельности на уроке; смогут выделить и осознать то, что уже усвоено и что еще нужно усвоить. 
Theme: «Chuvash national cuisine»
ü Forming of ideas about the Chuvash national cuisine as a component of culture and life of Chuvash people by means of English teaching tools ;
ü Development of reading, writing, listening and speaking activities; broadening of students` multicultural position;
ü Bringing-up tradition of healthy eating, joining students to the secrets of Chuvash national cuisine.
Type of lesson: Presentation of new material.
The resources: Internet.
Handouts: presentation PP, cards.
Equipment: classroom projector and screen, computer.
The Plan of the Lesson:
1. Warming – up: 
The Russian Federation includes many entities, some of them are national republics. One of them is the Chuvash Republic, the capital is the city of Cheboksary.
Like all national republics, Chuvashia has its national language - Chuvash - and traditional folk cuisine. Its historical neighbors - the Republic of Mari El and Tatarstan - had a very strong influence on local cuisine. But in spite of this, the local dishes preserved the characteristic features inherent only to it. I want to tell you more about just some of them. 
Epigraph to the lesson
 Где хорошая пища обитает, там болезни не бывает. Where good meal lives, there is no disease. 
2. Presentation of new vocabulary. Pre – reading activity. Practicing of new vocabulary: 
* Students, you can see new words and phrases. They will help us to talk about the Chuvash national cuisine. Let`s read it together: 
has much in common - имеет много общего
diverse - разнообразный
high caloric content- высокая калорийность
lamb or pork - баранина или свинина
dumplings - пельмени
in demand - востребованный
to pamper - баловать
flour products - мучные продукты
cottage cheese - творог
yeast pie - дрожжевой пирог
potato-meat stuffing - картофельно-мясная начинка
brewing - пивоварение
barley or rye ячменный либо ржаной
latter - последний,поздний
consumed by - затрачиваться на
birch sap - березовое вино
unleavened dough -пресное тесто
considered -обдуманный, обоснованный
publiсly available products - доступные продукты 
3. Read and translate:
Chuvash national cuisine has much in common with Bashkir and Tatar, and also learned something from Russian. And how else, because these people have been neighbors with each other since ancient times. Dishes of this small republic are very diverse and are characterized by high caloric content.
In Chuvashia, they prefer to eat meat dishes,mainly from lamb or pork, which is cooked with vegetables, and the most popular is potato. The most famous national Chuvash dish of meat is shartan. Often on the menu there are also fish dishes, such as fish cake, dumplings. The fish in milk are also in demand. Local people like to pamper themselves and flour products, in the first place it's cheesecakes with potatoes, puremec - a kind of cheesecake with cottage cheese, hullu is a yeast pie with potato-meat stuffing.
Since ancient times the Chuvashes have been brewing their own national beer,for the production of which barley or rye malt is used. This drink is not only strong, but also non-alcoholic, the latter is consumed by women and even by children. And the beer will be a good fish. In Cheboksary you can visit the Chuvash beer museum. In addition, to national drunk beverages include honey wine - Simpil, wine from birch sap - an eryth.
If you come to visit the Chuvashes, they alwaysthey will cover the table, fixing it with the best national dishes, and a bucket of beer will be served. Gratan, tavara (syrki), honey, kaparma (baked from unleavened dough) are considered festive treats.
To taste the national dishes of thishospitable republic, it is not necessary to go on a gastronomic tour of Chuvashia. They are easy to prepare at home, especially since the recipe includes publicly available products. 
4. Post – reading activity: 
- Answer the questions
1. Why does Chuvash cuisine have much in common with Bashkir, tatar and Russian?
2. How do the Chuvash prefer to eat meat?
3. What is the most famous Chuvash meat dish?
4. Why women and children are allowed to drink beer in Chuvash?
5. What kinds of festive treats would you like to try?
6. What are the main ingredients of puremec and huplu?
7. Is it necessary to visit restaurants if you would like to taste the national dishes?
8. What are simpil and eryth made of? 
-Find names of Chuvash national dishes and drinks in the table (keys - hoopla, shourpy, beer, puremec, shartan ) 
B h U I s h o u r p y
S o E L P E K G B C p
P o W K U Y R D A K u
A p D I T W Q F U Y r
R l K U R T U B R K e
M a F T R N J N S D m
A S Q Y b e e r A Z e
K U M Y S J G M K G c
s h a r t a n H U K V 
5. Read the recipes and match the pictures to the texts. There are three extra pictures.( Учащиеся делятся на группы, получают карточки с рецептами, читают и переводят их. На интерактивную доску выведены картинки с изображением различных блюд, причем три из них лишние(не имею отношение к чувашской кухне). Побеждает та команда, которая быстрее всех подберет название блюда к номеру картинки. 
This national Chuvash dish is prepared fromby-products. It consists of beef or pork legs, heart, lungs, liver, scar, cut into small pieces and placed in cold water. After boiling, the by-products are cooked along with the bulb for an hour, sprinkle the finished dish with chopped green onions. The table is served hot in a deep plate. 
Shartan in Chuvash style
To prepare this kind of meat dish you will need:
a tympanic stomach - 500 grams;
pulp of lamb - 2 kilograms;
garlic - 2 cloves;
black pepper powder - 1 teaspoon;
salt, cooked - 2 tablespoons;
bay leaf - 1 piece.
Cooking process
Lamb to be cut into small pieces(approximately 2 x 2 cm). Stomach thoroughly, sprinkle outside with salt and fill with prepared meat, salt, squeeze out the garlic, add bay leaf, and then the hole must be sewn with threads, put on an oiled baking tray and put in a Russian oven for about 4 hours. The shartan is delivered in a Chuvash style on the table hot. 
This Chuvash dish is a yeast pie filled with potatoes, pork and onions.
To bake it, you need to prepare the following ingredients:
wheat flour - 350 grams;
flesh of pork - 350 grams;
onion - 250 grams;
potatoes - 450 grams;
eggs of chicken - 2 pieces;
dry yeast - 1,5 dessert spoons;
sugar - 1 dessert spoon;
salt cooked - 2 dessert spoons;
pepper black ground - 1 teaspoon.
Cooking process
First you need to knead the dough: in a small amount of warm water to dissolve the yeast, add 1 dessert spoon of salt, sugar, drive in eggs, mix everything thoroughly and pour in the flour. The resulting mass is well kneaded.
Prepare the filling: split the pork into small pieces, chop the onion, and cut the potatoes into small cubes. All these ingredients thoroughly mix, salt and pepper.
From the test roll out 2 round suchnya, place onone stuffing, cover with the second and protect. The resulting yeast pie should be left to proof for about half an hour. Then the huplet is smeared with egg yolk and baked in the oven until a ruddy crust appears.
This dish can also be prepared with a stuffing of goose or ducklings. 
Puremec - cheesecake with cottage cheese
Puremec - Chuvash dish, which is another type of cheesecake, but cooked with curd filling.
From the yeast dough to form a cake, put the stuffing out of the cottage cheese on it, then pour the pearl into a battered egg, place it on an oiled baking tray and bake until golden brown. 
Many families have their own recipe for cheesecakes, for example, with the addition of crushed cannabis seeds. 
Chuvash sweetness
This national Chuvash dish is usually served as a dessert. To prepare it you will need: 
red viburnum - 100 grams;
malt (can be replaced with honey with sugar) - 100 grams;
water - 3 tablespoons.
To begin with, you need to squeeze out the juice from the viburnum. Mix the berries with malt, put the mass in a kettle, pour in water and stew in the oven until a thick mashed potatoes are formed. Ready sweetness to cool, before serving, pour with squeezed juice.
Kakai-shourpy - picture №3
Chuvash sweetness -picture №6
Puremec - picture №5
Hoopla - picture № 8
Shartan - picture №4 
5. Reflection:
What new words do you know?
What have you known at our lesson?
What new information do you have now?
Are you interested in cooking Chuvash dishes now?
What Chuvash cuisine would you recommend to try?
Thank for your work. You work was very well today.
The lesson is over. Good bye. 
Home tasks: Find in the Internet and write the recipe of your favorite Chuvash national dish. Try to cook it) Maybe it will be your favourite one! 
Список использованной литературы:
1. Статья NATIONAL CHUVASH DISH. RECIPES OF CHUVASH CUISINEhttps://garynevillegasm.com/eda-i-napitki/28276-nacionalnoe-chuvashskoe-blyudo-recepty-chuvashskoy-kuhni.html
2. Статья Чувашская национальная кухня.Простота, питательность и народная мудрость http://nazaccent.ru/content/8464-chuvashskaya-nacionalnaya-kuhnya.html
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