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How much do we know about Britain

Рюмина Любовь Владимировна
1.Организационный этап (2 min) - Good morning, my dear students. How are you today? Take your seats, please.
- Let me introduce myself. My name is Lyubov Vladimirovna. I am a teacher at Lyceum (lai`siem) 64. I`m in love with my work. (1 слайд)
- This lesson is very special for you and for me.  We met each other several minutes ago. But I` m sure we have a lot in common. For example, you live in SPb, so do I. What similarities do we have?
- We are Russian. We know English…
  1. Мотивационный этап (4 min)
  • Thank you, my friends. We have a lot in common. And now we are ready to watch a short video. (2 слайд)
  • Who are these people? (the British) What are they talking about? (Russia) What do they know? (Matreshka dolls, Red Square, V.V. Putin). Our country has a vast territory, a unique history, different customs and traditions. Are you upset that foreigners know so little about Russia? Unfortunately, we can`t do anything with it.
  • Now your turn. What do you know about the UK? (students` answers). Marvelous!
Let`s play a game. I need an assistant. Take an object from the box and ask your classmates. What is it? Is it connected with Great Britain? (Red double decker bus, red telephone box, the flag, Tower Bridge, Tartan associated with Scottish kilts, Bronze Horseman - statue of Peter the Great in the Senate Square in Saint Petersburg).
  • You know much more than those guys in the video. But is it enough? Of course, not.
  • So what are we going to do today? The aim of our lesson is to recall some information, you`ve already known, and to learn new facts. (3 слайд)  
  • Have you been to GB or to London? What is your impression? I wish you to visit it one day.  
  1. Актуализация и фиксация затруднений в индивидуальной деятельности (4 min)
- Each of you has a shit of paper with a quiz. Circle the right answer. In the second column put + if you are sure in your answer and ? if you are not. Work individually!
Учащиеся работают с тестом в учебнике и на индивидуальных листах.
- Your time is over. If you are sure that all your answers are correct, stand up, please.
Если есть дети, справившиеся с заданием, они работают репортерами и готовят вопросы к интервью за отдельным столом.
  1. Построение проекта коррекции выявленных затруднений (4 min)
- We see that all of you have several question marks in your tests. But it`s not a disaster at all. Try to imagine that you need to get some information in real life. What would you do? Divide it into smaller parts and use different sources of information. (слайды 4-5)
- Now you are able to solve your problem. There are 3 tables behind you and three sources of information on. Maps are best helpers in geography and places of interests. Books help you to learn some information about political system and you can find some historical facts in an ipad.
- Look at your answers, please. Where do you have the largest number of questions?
Распределение детей по группам согласно возникшим затруднениям.
  1. Реализация построенного проекта (6 min)
- Work in your new groups, help each other. Be very attentive! Each team have 5 min to work. Write the right answers in your individual cards.
Учащиеся работают с разными источниками информации.
- Take your seats, please. It`s time to use the forth source of information – other people You have 2 minutes to tell your team the information, that you got. Work together. Circle the correct answers. Feel free. Come to other people.                             
  1. Самостоятельная работа с самопроверкой по эталону (3 min)
  • Now let`s check your answers. Use the third column.
Самопроверка с использованием презентации. (слайды 6-17)
  • Work all together. One by one.  
  1. Включение в систему знаний и повторение (4 min).
Каждая группа создает свой ответ на вопрос из видео, пользуясь приобретенными знаниями, и презентует его остальным учащимся.
What do you know about GB? (слайд 17)
  • You have just 1 minute to discuss and then answer this question.  
  1. Рефлексия (3 min)
-The last task is to decide how successful you were. Use your individual cards.
You should put a V or any other mark into 2 columns. The 1 one is about you work. How many + have you got in your last column? Count and look at your result. The second is about self-assurance. Look at your question marks and decide if you were right or not.
  • выполняют самооценку по критериям  
- We have to finish our lesson and I`d like to summarize everything you`ve done. Firstly, you have found a problem (you have understood that you don`t know anything in your test) and it is a base. Then we have decided what to do, we have made a plan And it was like walls of the building. Finally, we have got the needed information, have completed the task and solve the problem. And here comes the roof. Получается Биг Бен. I`d like to present it to you and to your teacher. I hope this Big Ben will remind you about our lesson. And what is more important – any problem in your life can be solved.
*Психологическая пауза (расслабление и отдых)
London Bridge is falling down (караоке) (слайд 18)

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АНОО «Центр дополнительного
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191119, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Звенигородская, д. 28 лит. А

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Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»