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Arguments for and against doing extreme sports

Грищенко Елена Николаевна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ
№66 Санкт-Петербурга

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Тема урока: Arguments for and against doing extreme sports.
Цель урока:
- развитие языковой компетенции в рамках формирования представлений об экстремальных видах спорта и умения аргументировать свои высказывания.
Задачи урока:
- определить актуальность изучаемой темы
- развивать навыки работы с источниками информации
- развивать навыки устной речи
- представление результатов работы и выражение собственного мнения
- развивать у учащихся умение решать коммуникативные задачи
- развивать у учащихся самостоятельность мышления
- развивать общую эрудицию учащихся
- развивать умение работать в группе
- формировать социальную компетенцию учащихся
- расширить кругозор учащихся
Коммуникативные УУД:
- продуктивное взаимодействие учащихся в решении поставленной задачи
- предоставление убедительных аргументов
- умение выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации
- обучение в сотрудничестве
- компьютерная презентация
- видеоролик
- раздаточный материал
Этапы урока:
1. организационный момент
2. определение учащимися темы урока. Объявление цели урока.
3. создание мотивации (просмотр видео)
4. активизация лексики по теме (лексические упражнения)
5. развитие навыков говорения по теме на основе слайд-шоу
6. учимся аргументировать на основе схемы, таблицы и текстов об экстремальных видах спорта.
7. ролевая игра. Убеди своих родителей/(убедите своего сына) заниматься/не заниматься экстремальным видом спорта
8. итоги
9. рефлексия (заполнение оценочной карты)
Good afternoon, dear guys and our guests. I hope everyone is OK. So let’s start
Look at the screen. Do you know the meaning of this word? Maybe this picture helps you to guess? (You are very close to the reality). Do you know the word convince? This word is a synonym.
Now I need to persuade my family to do something. And what is this something we’ll find out a few minutes later
We are going to talk about very useful skill – the skill of persuasion. It’s how to convince people that your opinion is correct. This practical skill is very useful both in your academic study and in a larger context of everyday life.
To persuade people you need something. What is this something. What should you use to persuade people? For example, what do speaker use to persuade somebody to do something
Read the definition and guess.
What kind of arguments do you know?
- for and against. Arguments can be for or against something.
- strong and weak
What is this “something?”
Who can tell me the topic of our lesson?
I’ve received a message from my sister Ann. (зачитываю)
- what should my sister and my relatives do to persuade him not to do extreme sports?
- your suggestions!
As for me, I think that my relatives should get together (arrange a family meeting), invite Pete and his friends and give them strong arguments against this risky activity.
How do you think what relatives must do before this meeting?
- watch films about extreme sports
- find information in the internet and magazines
- listen to other people opinion
And only after that start talking
So, what must we do at the lesson to get ready to convince Pete and his friend? Look at the plan of our lesson.
1.  Practice new vocabulary on the theme.
2. Have a talk about extreme sports.
3. Find arguments for and against.
4. Study persuasion skill
5. Listen to other people opinion, watch video, read articles for specific information.
6. Practice persuasion skill
Let’s start
Look at the screen and read the words. Read after me.
Match the sports with the definitions.
You can find speed, excitement and danger in it. You jump off a high bridge then fall and just before you hit the ground or water an elastic rope pulls you back. (bungee jumping)
In it you jump out of an aeroplane and use a board to “surf” the air, doing gymnastics in the air (skysurfing)
You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed and you can’t control the boat (snowrafting)
You sit in a small raft and go down a river at great speed. Fast flowing rivers are the best. (white water rafting)
This extreme sport for crazy people. You need good diving equipment and frozen lake. First you break the ice and then you get into the water and try to walk upside down on the ice. (ice diving)
It’s for absolutely crazy people.
People jump from building, antennas, bridges and cliffs. The chance of injury or death is very high. Sometimes it happens when parachute opens too late or doesn’t open at all. (base jumping)
Look at the screen and find English equivalents of these words. Read the sentences.
Читаем слайд
- What comes into your mind when you think about, extreme sports?
- What do extreme sports have in common? (Dangerous, risky, they may lead to bad injures and even to death)
Look at the screen. Describe extreme sport
You may use adjectives with positive and negative meaning according your attitude to this sport. Describe peoples feeling what do they feel doing xsport
What do you feel, watching this sport?
Can everybody do extreme sports (you should have special abilities and qualities)
Say what qualities and abilities should people have to do extreme sport
You can find on your desk words and expressions words and expressions. I want you to put them into two coloms – for and against. Look through them. Put them in order of importance. Read your colamn.
Answer my questions, not forget to give reasons.
- what’s your attitude to sport?
Why? (keep fit, be healthy)
- what kind of sport do you prefer? Why?
- do you want to try extreme sports? Why?
- why are extreme sport dangerous?
- does this picture motivate or frighten you? (why?)
Now, watch the video and answer the questions
Does this sport motivate of frighten you?
Compare two pictures
What do they have in common and what are the differences?
I’ve listen to your answer and structured them in a certain way.
It opens up with stating the first reason then I strengthen an argument by giving additional reason, using such expressions as in addition to, …
The argument ends with final reason or making a summary of the main reason.
Let’s practice using the prompt
Work with this structure and make a case for and against extreme sports
Let’s return to the beginning
Let’s arrange a family meeting
The first group will be teenagers the second – relatives.
Let’s start.
Articles from the net will help you to do this work
Let’s begin with teenagers.
Are their any volonteers?
We have listened both – teenagers and relatives. Let’s vote who are the winners?
- Children, who wants to do xsport?
- relatives, do you allow you children to do this sport?
In conclusion I would read you a quotation by Aesop
Evaluate you your work, please
Please, get evaluation cards.
Was the lesson usefull for you?
Do you know how to give arguments? And persuade people?
Приложение 1
Message from my younger sister Ann
Dear Helen!
I have unpleasant, frightening news for you. My son Pete decided to do extreme sport. I tried to persuade him to forget this awful idea. You know that he is stubborn and persistent. My arguments were not too strong for him. I want to ask you for advice. What are your suggestions?
Love, Ann


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