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День Святого Валентина

 St Valentine's Day


Цель: повышать интерес учащихся к культуре изучающего языка, познакомить их с особенностями праздника.
 Задачи: - научить учащихся употреблять в речи лексику на данную тему ;
 -развивать навыки монологический речи, чтения, мышление и внимание ;
 -формировать навыки коммуникативного общения, умение слушать друг друга и работать в команде ;
 -воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка ;
 -расширять кругозор учащихся.
Организационный момент.
 Деление класса на 2 команды. Объявление темы и целей занятия, условий конкурса.
 Today we'll have a competition by theme St. Valentine's Day. We'll know many interesting things about this  holiday and have a good time. We have 2 teams. You will get small valentines for your right answers and at the end of our lesson we'll count them. Which team will have more valentines will be the wins.
 At our lesson we'll learn about:
 the history of this holiday,
its symbols,
remember spelling of some words,
sing song about love,
and play a little.
 1.Фонетическая зарядка.
 At first let^s read and translate some words connected with this holiday.
 • love
• flower
• sweets
• rose
• sweet-heart
• Cupid
• February 14
• valentine
• wishes
• presents
• forever
• kiss
• gift
• heart
• party
• holiday
• vase
• smile
• friend
• poem
• friendship
2.Let^s read the text about "St. Valentine's Day" and answer my questions.
St. Valentine's Day
There are some legends about St. Valentine's Day. One of the legends says that Valentine was Christian priest. He was put  into prison for his teaching. He did a miracle. He helped  the jailer's  and she could see. He wrote her letter and wrote down "From you Valentine".
Now St. Valentine's Day is the day of sweet-hearts (влюбленные). People give sweets, flowers, valentines and presents to those whom they love. People buy valentines or make them themselves.
 1. Who was Valentine by one of the legends?
2. Where was he put into?
3. Why was he put into pirson?
4.What did he do?
5. Did Valentine help jailer's daughter or son?
6. What could she do?
7. What did Valentine write her?
8. How did he write down his letter?
9. What is St. Valentine's Day now?
10.What do people give each other?
11.Where do people take their valentines?
3.Mach these sentences.
 St. Valenine's Day has roots in several legends. Истоки Дня всех влюбленных берутся из нескольких легенд
Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the earliest popular symbols of the day. Он жил 300 лет спустя после смерти Иисуса Христа в Римской империи
Valentine was a Christian priest. Он проводил обряд венчания вопреки Законам Римской империи
He lived three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ* in the Roman Empire. Валентин был христианским священником
On February 14 Valentine was killed because he was a Christian. День Св Валентина теперь День Всех Влюбленных
He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire. Большая часть людей посылает "валентинки" ,сентиментальные и чувственные открытки
St. Valentine's Day is now a day  for sweethearts. Купидон, бог любви у римлян - один из самых популярных символов любви
Most people send "valentines", sentimental and heartfelt greeting  cards. Валентинки могут иметь форму сердца или с изображением сердец
Valentines can be heart-shaped or can have hearts on them. 14/02 Валентин был казнен, т.к был Христианином
4.Of course, the St. Valentine's Day is the day of pairs. You should collect right pairs.
Adam Scarlet O'Hara
John Lennom Jane
Napoleon Yoko Ono
Prince Charles Josephine
Tarzan Eve
Rhett Buttler Lady Di
5.Find the words, connecting with the St. Valentines Day, in this crossword.
 6.Try to guess some words:
 1.-It's a thing where we put flowers in.(vase)
2.-When your friends come to your birthday.(party)
3.-It's a nice plant. It may be blue , white , red , orange. (flowers)
4.-We give it for brithday.(present)
5.-It comes after after 13. St. Valentines day' is on this day.(fourteen)
6.-All children like it. It's very tasty(sweets)
7.-We do it when it is funny. (smile)
8.-You give your valentine to him.(friend)
9.-It is a nice flower.(rose)

 7.В конце игры состовляется ассоциативный ряд слов по данной теме. With witch words do you associate the St.Valentine's Day. Write them down.
 За каждое правильное задание команда получает сердечко. В конце игры участники подсчитывают сердечки и выявляется победитель. Далее ведущий раздает Валентинки, подготовленные учащимися, потом все участники поют песню "Yesterday".

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АНОО «Центр дополнительного
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Ольга Дмитриевна Владимирская, к.п.н.,
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