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XXII Зимние Олимпийские Игры в Сочи 2014 -
“Жаркие. Зимние. Твои.” и
 значение Олимпийских Игр.


Антонова Анна Федоровна,
преподаватель английского языка
СПГАХЛ им Б.В. Иогансона


He who loves not his country can love nothing” Byron

“It’s not whether you win or lose that matter it’s how you play the game ” (Proverb)


XXII Зимние Олимпийские Игры в Сочи 2014 – это неповторимая атмосфера волшебства,  праздника, доброжелательности.  Многие люди из разных стран мира “увезли” из Сочи “память о России”. Для кого-то это будут талисманы, для кого-то воспоминания о гостеприимстве,  доброжелательных волонтерах, для кого-то потрясающая красота природы.

Значение Олимпийских Игр для духовно-нравственного воспитания и формирования здорового образа жизни трудно переоценить. Беседы, уроки, дискуссии должны быть a must-have для всех учащихся нашей многонациональной страны. Это событие по-настоящему привлекает школьников – это блеск в их глазах,  внутренний драйв и заряженность изнутри. Необходимость познакомить школьников и с историей Олимпийских Игр, чтобы все воспринимать и в историческом контексте.


ИсторияОлимпийскихИгр  (History of Olympic Games)


The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games. The idea of the Olympics means friendship and cooperation among the people in the world. The Olympic emblem is 5 interlinked rings: blue, yellow,  red, green and black and they symbolize 5 continents.

The Olympics has an interesting and long history.


Games of the Gods

Nowadays Olympic games differs from the first ones, which were held every fourth summer in ancient Greece  in 776BC. Those ancient Games were held in honour of Zeus, the most important God for ancient Greeks.

Women couldn’t take part, they weren’t even allowed  to watch. Athletes competed  without any clothes on.

Athletes became great starts in those days too and winners’ images appeared on coins or as statues after their victories.

In AD394 a Roman Emperor ended the ancient Olympics and there were on Olympic Games until many centuries later.

In 1896 a Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin began working to bring Olympic Games back. His strong belief was that Olympics would help to promote peace among nations.

2 years later the first modern Olympics started and were held in Greece following centuries-old tradition.

The Olympics have changed with the times. The first events for women started in 1900. Many sports have been added.

Winter Olympics started in 1926.

Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952 and since then it has won a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

The Olympic Games are the holiday of health, peace and friendship.


Lightning the Torch

One of the most famous Olympic traditions is the lighting  of the Olympic flame.


“Faster, higher, stronger!” – famous Olympics motto!


XXII Зимние Олимпийские Игры в Сочи 2014 - “Жаркие. Зимние. Твои.”

(XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 – “Hot. Cool. Yours.”)

(см. Приложения – 5 приложений для использования на уроке, формат - .jpg)

См. приложения 1 и 2.


Виды спорта и спортсмены (Sports and athletes)

(см. приложение 4 – на русском и английском языках и для он-лайн использования на уроке профайлы спортсменов на www.sochi2014.com)


Медальный зачет (Medal count) (см. приложение 3 – на английском языке)


Талисманы (Mascots) (см. приложение 5 – на русском и английском языках)

“The Leopard is a rescuer and mountain-climber who lives in the uppermost branches of a huge tree, on the highest peak of the snowy mountains in the Caucasus. He is always prepared to help those in need, and on a number of occasions has rescued nearby villages from mighty avalanches. The Leopard is an experienced snowboarder and has taught all his friends and neighbors to snowboard too. He is a cheerful character who enjoys the company of others and loves to go dancing.”

“The Hare is the busiest creature in the winter forest. Her friends are always amazed: just how does she find the time to do so much! For the little doe hare not only studies at the Forest Academy (where she gets excellent grades) and helps her Mum in the family restaurant, “The Forest Dam”, but also takes part in all manner of sporting events. The little doe hare trusts her friends so much that she doesn’t have any secrets. She simply loves sport with all her heart. And she also loves to sing and dance.”

“Beyond the Arctic Circle on a shelf of ice there lives a polar bear. In his home, everything is made out of ice and snow: his snow shower, his bed, his computer and even his weight-lifting equipment. The polar bear was brought up by Arctic explorers from a very early age. It was they who taught him skiing, speed-skating and curling. But above all the polar bear enjoyed riding sports sleighs. He became a real bobsleigh pro, while his fellow bears, along with the seals and fur seals, love watching his sporting achievements. These days they often set up bobsleigh competitions together and during the long Arctic nights, there’s never a dull moment!”

“Snowflake and Ray Of Light (“Snezhinka” and “Luchik”)  Ray Of Light flew down to Earth from a planet where it was always hot. His journey was full of challenges. After he landed he faced a new and unknown planet where everything was different compared to his home. Everything on the Earth was new to him: cold winters, snow and winds, and of course unknown people around him. Ray Of Light looked very different from the people on Earth as well. He had amber skin, sparks in his wide eyes and hair that looked like flames. But these differences were only external. Ray Of Light was so nice and kind to everyone, and he was always ready to help and support the people around him. Very soon, people understood that the difference between Ray Of Light and the people on the Earth was based purely on appearances and that it was just people’s initial perceptions that had led them to believe that there were great differences. The more they interacted, the more they discovered that they were much more similar then they had thought at the beginning. People taught him alpine skiing, cross-country skiing and biathlon. And then everybody understood that Ray of Light had unique abilities. So soon Ray Of Light became a true favourite all over the place.  Although he had good friends around him he still felt a bit lonely. There was no other Starperson like him among the people. That is why he stared up into the sky so often and sighed... One day he saw a falling star leaving a beautiful trace across the night sky. It was another space stranger Snowflake. She flew down to Earth from an icy planet. She had snow-white skin like first snow, and looked like a snow crystal. In some ways they seemed very  different but in others, Snowflake and Ray Of Light had a lot in common. Ray of Light introduced her to his earth friends and told her about sports. Snowflake also started to practice alpine skiing. Together they invented new kinds of sports – wheelchair curling and ice sledge hockey. People admired their incredible achievements and loved these kinds of sports. They enjoyed imitating the technique of Ray of Light and Snowflake and everybody wanted to be like this star pair.  Ray of Light and Snowflake decided to stay on Earth and use their fantastic abilities in other areas beside sport to teach their friends and all people how to discover their own wonderful skills. Ray of Light and Snowflake overcame many difficulties on their way to Earth through cosmic space. It was not easy for them to adapt to an unknown  planet.  But their participation in sports helped them to understand that, in the end, they are not different, they are united through their great sporting abilities and are good and faithful friends. Ray of Light and Snowflake became the true personification of harmony within contrast. Together they demonstrate that anything is possible.”


На примере Олимпийских Игр школьники видят каких потрясающих результатов можно добиться, работая в команде, что является очень важным моментом при ассоциативной связи класса и спортивной команды, а школы со страной, если взаимоотношения в  команде принимают характер взаимодействия и ориентируются на получение фокусированного полезного результата. Хорошо в воспитательных целях провести ассоциативную связь с классом, школой, страной. При обсуждении происходит свободное, а не вербально -навязанное осознание того, что каждый действует как индивид и одновременно член коллектива Понимание этого  очень важно для формирования социально-активной личности, осознающей свои обязанности перед обществом, любящей свое Отечество. Показать школьникам, на примере спортсменов, что, чем больше масштаб видения себя и своего вклада в мир, тем больше энергии. Пока не на что тратить силу -  вы ее не приобретете. Сила дается на дело! Шаг за шагом прокладывать собственный путь (лучшие примеры XXII Зимней Олимпиады – это Ван, Воевода,  Малышко, Уайлд и т.д.), постоянно принимать на себя ответственность, не бояться, ставить цели и достигать их,  говорить “нет” страданиям и сомнениям,  а главное – двигаться вперед!

Сила нашей новой молодой команды оказалась неожиданной для всех – и соперников и специалистов. И наши учащиеся испытывают чувство гордости и сопричастности к этой Победе! Это и является осознанием российской идентичности в поликультурном социуме нашей страны.

Цена этих Игр огромна – они заставили нас поверить в самих себя. А что может быть важнее?


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