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План урока английского языка для 4 класса с использованием ИКТ


Петровых Любовь Викторовна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ школа № 630
Приморского района Санкт-Петербурга
Цель урока: развитие языковой компетенции
Образовательный компонент цели: развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения, письма по теме «Еда».
Развивающий компонент цели: развитие мотивации к изучению языка, навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, совершенствование внимания.
Воспитательный компонент цели: формирование принципов здорового питания, привитие интереса и уважения к традициям национальной кухни.
Задачи урока:
Обобщить пройденный лексический материал.
Повторить конструкции Would you like…? I would like…, I dont like
Учить строить связное высказывание на английском языке на уровне предложений, коротких рассказов.
развитие навыка поиска, систематизации и обработки информации;
расширение знаний учащихся о кухне разных народов,
систематизация учебного материала.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска, карточки раздаточный материал с заданием;
 мультимедийная презентация
детская работа в виде презентаций в программе Power Point
картинки с изображением продуктов питания.
Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий.

                       Ход урока:
1. Приветствие. Организационный момент.
- Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you here. Take your seats.

Now look at the board, you can see a crossword here. Let's do the crossword and you'll know the theme of our lesson.
1. Some people like to drink it with milk.
2. It has a lot of vitamin C.
3. People usually eat it in the morning, but many children don't like it at all.
4. It can be tomato and cucumber and Olivier.
Now you know -we are going to speak about food.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Let's read our poem about food.
I like honey on my bread, 
 I like salad, I like eggs. 
 I drink water all day long. 
 All these things make me strong. 

3.I know you like honey,bread,salad,eggs and   that's see what do the british teenagers like?(video)

 4.A guest.
Раздается стук в дверь. Заходит девочка, учитель начинает вести с ней разговор.
- Who's there? Let's see. Oh, hello.
- Hello.
- Who are you? What is your name?
-I 'm Wendy. I'm from England.
- Nice to meet you Wendy. And what are you doing here?
-  I've come to tell you some words about English food.
- Oh, it's nice of you, Wendy. Dear pupils, listen to Wendy's story.
- English people have three meals a day.
For breakfast they usually have porridge. They like porridge very much.
For dinner they like some salad, meat or fish, sandwiches with tea. English people like tea very much. They drink it with milk. And they like to have some cakes and pies with tea too.
For supper Englishmen have potatoes with vegetables, meat or chicken.
-Thank you Wendy a lot. And now answer my questions.
How many meals do English people have?
What do they have for breakfast?
What do they drink tea with?
What do English people have for supper?

5. And we have one more guest! He is from Ossetia! You are welcome!
My name is David. I am 10. I want to tell you about the main food in Ossetia – about Ossetian pies. Ossetian women have been baking pies for thousands of years. They are filled with cheese, meat, potato or even beetroot leaves. 
Only a woman has the privilege of baking Ossetian pies, this isn't a man's work.  And when the woman cooks, she's not allowed to talk. For Ossetians the pies are more than just a food.  With these pies they give thanks to God. Traditionally three pies and a cup of beer decorate Ossetian holiday table. They are symbols of the water, the sun and the earth. 
(пожелание на осетинском)

6.Отработка лексики по теме. 
Your next task is to find the odd word.
1. Milk –cake –juice –tea
2. Carrots –cabbage –tomatoes –fish
3. Apples –oranges –potatoes –bananas
4. Sweets –ice-cream –chocolate –meat
5. Сheese- yogurt – onion- milk
(взаимопроверка работ)
7. Let's have some rest and sing a song.
Уч-ся исполняют песню о еде на мотив песни "Чунга-чанга".
I like tasty things to eat and drink
 Bread and butter, cornflakes, porridge, milk,
 Chicken, rice, potato, salad, fish,
 Sandwich, meat
 They're not all I wish.
Breakfast, dinner, supper, lunch
 I like all them very much
 I like all them very much
 I've a sweet tooth
 That's why I like to eat
Chocolate, ice-cream, pudding, biscuits, sweets.
 I like yoghurt, cakes and apple-pie
 Healthy diet I will say "Goodbye".
Breakfast, dinner, supper, lunch
 I like all them very much
 I like all them very much

8.I know that there are so many interesting riddles in our books!Let's have a look!they are on page №15, ex.6.
9.Now work in groups. Each group has its own task. The first group must find Russian food. The second group:Ossetian.The third group  British food For work – 2 minutes.
10.Look at the screen. In this exercise you must put the words in the right order to make sentences. 
 1. eat, in the morning, porridge, I 
 2. She, milk, with, coffee, drink, does not 
 3. hamburgers, they, with, like,cheese 
 4. We, eat, for breakfast, do not, salad, fish, or 
 5. For supper, would, I, orange, like,juice 
 6. Does not, Lizzy,mineral, drink,water 

11.Совершенствование грамматических навыков. 
-Now let’s remember how we use the following pronouns: some\any, much\many.
Read the following sentences and correct the mistakes.
I’d like any  water, please.
Are there much pupils in the class?
Is there some cheese in the fridge?
Give me any sweets, please.
He has many money.
There aren’t some pictures in the book.
I have got much friends.

 13. In the Cafe. 
And let's play. Milana is a waiter.
Good afternoon. Glad to meet you. Here's the menu, please.
Т: In our cafe visitors usually give a tip. Now everyone can leave a tip. But today a tip isn't money; it's an apple you have on your tables. You can give Milana a red apple or a green apple or a yellow one (значения расписаны на доске, яблоки разных цветов лежат на парте у каждой группы. Put an apple on the plate (на поднос официантке, а она прикрепляет на магнитную доску).
Т: Now we can see the result of our lesson. We have so many red apples, that I can say we have spent our time usefully.
Информация о домашнем задании.
 Your homework will be the following: At home you should make up your menu for the party and tell us about what you like to eat and drink.
Thank you for your lesson. You are hard-working children. I'm satisfied with you. I love you and I want to give you good and excellent marks.
So our lesson is over.
14. Good –bye song.

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