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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку в 8 классе
по теме «Охрана окружающей среды»

Take care of nature

Щеглеватых Валентина Михайловна,
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ лицей №623 Санкт-Петербурга

Aim: pupils will learn to explain different natural phenomena using texts and creating sinkwanes.

1. Challenge Stage. Think of the key-words (adjectives and verbs) to the theme “Nature” (brain-storm).

2. Phonetic drill. Listen to the sinkwane and read it emotionally (express happiness, joy)


Nice and lovely and alive.

Filling us with seeds of beauty,

Making us think of the future.


3. Realization stage. (Think/ pair / share).

a)      read the text, filling in the words, (textbooks, ex.8, p.228)

b)      in groups of 3 fill in the table:


Known                                       New                                           What we want to know

c)      sum up and present the text (the spokesman of the group)

d)     the other groups will try to answer the questions from the third column

4. Learning new information.

a)      read the text, think of the best title for it and express your emotions (happiness or worry)

Our nature is in danger. The ecological situation on the Earth is very bad. Nature needs our help. We must try our best to save it. Children can take care of animals and birds in winter, when our little friends are cold and hungry. People can give them something  to eat and make bird-houses. Besides, our towns are noisy and dirty, and people must clean them. May be, it will be very good, if all people live far from big cities. Being close to nature will do us only good!

b)      come back to the key-words on the blackboard and add some more from the text.

c)      What is the main idea of the text?

d)     Fill in the 2-partial table (individually)

Problems                                                        What to do

5. Reflection stage. Write a sink wane on the topic “Ecology”. Compare it with your sinkwanes about nature.

e.g.             Ecology.                                                               Nature

Dirty and noisy cities,                                                 Wonderful and beautiful.

Cold and hungry animals.                                             Sings and makes us happy,

Nature needs our help.                                                   The world of my dream.

Danger.                                                        Beauty!

Which of them makes you more optimists than pessimists?

Should people do their best to take care of nature and save it?

H/w: retell the texts using the tables.


Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


Для обучающихся 8 классов, педагогов, репетиторов. Подробнее...



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АНОО «Центр дополнительного
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директор АНОО «Центр ДПО «АНЭКС»