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Блокада Ленинграда

Степаненко Наталья Евгеньевна
  • расширение представления обучающихся о Великой Отечественной войне, рассказать о блокаде Ленинграда;
  • формирование положительной оценки духовного подвига советского народа.
  • развивать навыки говорения по теме «Блокада Ленинграда»
  • подвести воспитанниц к пониманию значения героизма ленинградцев;
  • воспитывать благодарное отношение к подвигу солдат, уважение к людям старшего поколения;
  • воспитывать чувство патриотизма, гражданственности.
Тип урока: Урок отработки умений и рефлексии
Оборудование: проигрыватель, доска, учебник: «City of Naval Honour  “Город морской славы” для 5-7 классов.» Авторы: Ореханова Н.М., Сойреф Н.Г., Василенко С.Д., Манина Ю.М., карточки.

I Org.moment  
- Good afternoon boys and girls, good afternoon dear guests! (звучит запись трамвая) Oh, here is our tram! All inside! (приглашаю войти, дети садятся на свои места)
- I think that you are glad to see each other. Let’s wish good luck for the lesson. (дети составляют небольшие диалоги)(на заднем плане звук трамвая)
II Aim formation 
(звук разрывающейся бомбы, включается метроном)
  • Oh, what’s the matter? What sounds are these? (It’s a sound of bombs. Is it a sound of war?)
  • Yes, it is the Great Patriotic War. How many years of victory in the Great Patriotic War does our country mark this year? (75)
  • There was 27th of January four days ago. What date is it? (the day of the complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad)
  • Yes, you are absolutely (quite) right! We have a school museum of Naval Honour and there is some information about the blockade. Naval means fleet. What fleet do we have there? (Baltic Fleet)
  • So, we continue to talk about the Baltic Fleet. Today we’ll talk about the role of the Baltic Fleet in the liberation of Leningrad from the blockade. (тема урока отпечатана на бумаге, прикрепляется на доску)
  • Do you know that trams continued to run throughout the siege of Leningrad and everyone could take it? And trams stopped to work only for 4 months of the most severe blockade winter.
  • Since we are in the tram, we need tickets. They’ll be our rout sheets, in which at the end of the lesson you’ll write about a short report about your trip and your work.
  • Look, what stops do we have? (4 остановки: Historical Stop ( говорение speech drill), Military Stop (чтение, T/F/NS), Post Office Stop (слушаем письмо), Memory Stop(письмо)) (названия напечатаны и прикрепляются скотчем к доске) What we’ll do there?
  • And what is your aim at the lesson?

III Speech drill

  • You all have rout sheets but they are 2 colours. 2 colours mean 2 groups. So, divide into 2 groups. So, let’s begin our trip.
  • Our first stop is Historical Stop. Our tram is running through the city. What do we see? (предложения по картинкам)
  • At the beginning of the lesson you heard the metronome sound. It is a tradition of all our citizens to pay tribute with a minute of silence to the sound of the metronome. And what other tradition of paying tribute do you know? (people light candles)
  • So, let’s light a candle and pay tribute to the memory of the residents if our city who died during the blockade with a minute of silence.
  • What words can we use talking on the theme? Look at the board match the words:
approaches to
Coastal Missile
preventing the enemy’s
the existence
of the blockade
the city
of the siege
and Artillery Troops
  • And now let’s fill in the word combinations to complete the sentences.
Fill in the word combinations to complete the sentences.
provided the existence, Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops, breakthrough of the blockade, to prevent the enemy’s bypass, approaches to the city, lifting of the siege
  1. The Red Army and the Baltic Fleet defended………. approaches to the city
  2. The Baltic fleet played an important role in the …………………. breakthrough of the blockade
  3. One of the main aims of the Baltic fleet was …………… the coast of the Gulf of Finland. to prevent the enemy’s bypass
  4. …………………………………………………..   bravely defended the city. Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops
  5. On the day of the complete …………………, many Leningrad residents went out and congratulated each other. lifting of the siege
  6. The road of life ………………. of many Leningrad residents. provided the existence
  • Go to the next stop. (пока дети слышат звук трамвая, обсуждают что делали на станции, что было интересно, сложно, просто)
IV Work with the text
  • All citizens rose to the defense of the city. Both adults and children built defensive fortifications. The remaining enterprises in the city employed workers (men, women, teenagers), Boys and girls put out fires, and were on duty at night on observation towers.
  •  Oh, Military Stop! What did the military do? Your h/t was to read the text on page 24 of the book “City of the Naval Honor”. Let’s open it. Tell me by one sentence what the text is about. (about the pole of the Baltic Fleet in the breakthrough of the siege of Leningrad)
  • The 1st group tells are the statements true, false, not stated, while the 2nd   answer the questions.
Tell are the sentences TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED
1. Baltic Fleet and Ladoga military flotilla took part in defense and breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad.
2.  The main aim of the  Baltic Fleet was defined as preventing the enemy’s bypass of the Red Army’s flanks at the western and eastern shores of the Gulf of Finland.
3. At the end of August in 1941 the base of the Baltic Fleet was evacuated to Kronstadt.
Answer the questions.
1. Where was the base of the fleet at the beginning of the War?
2.   What did the Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops do?
3. What flotilla evacuated many people from Leningrad? 

  • Go to the next stop. (пока дети слышат звук трамвая, обсуждают что делали на станции, что было интересно, сложно, просто).  
V Work with the letter.
  • Oh, the Post Office Stop! Look, I have the letter of a girl from the blockade Leningrad. Her name is Ann.  Her father is a soldier. And he sent her the address of an American girl Jane, whose father he fought at the front.
  • You’ll listen to the letter of the girl who lived in Leningrad during the siege. You should fill in the missing information from the letter. (ученики слушают письмо и выполняют задания). 
VI Conclusion.
      -      Were you good at the working with the exercises of the stop? 
  • To survive the blockade was a difficult test for the residents of our city. Are there any survivors of the blockade in your families or in the families of your friends? We must remember their heroism and pass this memory on to future generations.
  • So, we are going to the last stop the Memory Stop. This year the foreign guests are going to visit our school museum. You should remember and write some information about the siege you remember to tell our guests.  (3 minutes)
  • If there is something interesting for you at the lesson, what work was easy or hard to do, what you would like to know more. (пока дети слышат звук трамвая, обсуждают что делали на станции, что было интересно, сложно, просто)  
It was easy for me to ….
And hard to….
I would like to know more (about)….
  • At the beginning of the lesson you chose your own aim for the lesson. Did you achieve it?
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter! I’m so happy to hear from you again!
I have great news! On ____________, our city was completely liberated from the blockade by the ____________________________! How terrible it was to know about the siege of our city on __________________, and how happy to realize that these _____________ days of blockade are over!
Of the forty students of ____________, only six remained alive. But we’ve never believed that the ___________ could destroy our city. We survived despite the __________, freezing cold and bombs that were thrown on the city. Even in the days of unbearable __________, we helped each other to survive.
I’m looking forward to hear from you!
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter! I’m so happy to hear from you again!
I have great news! On ____________, our city was completely liberated from the blockade by the ____________________________! How terrible it was to know about the siege of our city on __________________, and how happy to realize that these _____________ days of blockade are over!
Of the forty students of ____________, only six remained alive. But we’ve never believed that the ___________ could destroy our city. We survived despite the __________, freezing cold and bombs that were thrown on the city. Even in the days of unbearable __________, we helped each other to survive.
I’m looking forward to hear from you!
approaches to
Coastal Missile
preventing the enemy’s
the existence
of the blockade
the city
of the siege
and Artillery Troops
approaches to
Coastal Missile
preventing the enemy’s
the existence
of the blockade
the city
of the siege
and Artillery Troops
approaches to
Coastal Missile
preventing the enemy’s
the existence
of the blockade
the city
of the siege
and Artillery Troops
approaches to
Coastal Missile
preventing the enemy’s
the existence
of the blockade
the city
of the siege
and Artillery Troops
Tell are the sentences TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED
1. Baltic Fleet and Ladoga military flotilla took part in defense and breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad.
2.  The main aim of the  Baltic Fleet was defined as preventing the enemy’s bypass of the Red Army’s flanks at the western and eastern shores of the Gulf of Finland.
3. At the end of August in 1941 the base of the Baltic Fleet was evacuated to Kronstadt. 
Tell are the sentences TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED
1. Baltic Fleet and Ladoga military flotilla took part in defense and breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad.
2.  The main aim of the  Baltic Fleet was defined as preventing the enemy’s bypass of the Red Army’s flanks at the western and eastern shores of the Gulf of Finland.
3. At the end of August in 1941 the base of the Baltic Fleet was evacuated to Kronstadt. 
Answer the questions.
1. Where was the base of the fleet at the beginning of the War?
2.   What did the Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops do?
3. What flotilla evacuated many people from Leningrad?  
Answer the questions.
1. Where was the base of the fleet at the beginning of the War?
2.   What did the Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops do?
3. What flotilla evacuated many people from Leningrad?  
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your letter! I’m so happy to hear from you again!
I have great news! On January, 27, our city was completely liberated from the blockade by the Red Army and the Baltic Fleet! How terrible it was to know about the siege of our city on September 8th, and how happy to realize that these 872 days of blockade are over!
Of the forty students of our class, only six remained alive. But we’ve never believed that the fascists could destroy our city. We survived despite the famine, freezing cold and bombs that were thrown on the city. Even in the days of unbearable hunger, we helped each other to survive.
I’m looking forward to hear from you!

Rout list

Stops easy hard Want to know more
Post Office      


Rout list

Stops easy hard Want to know more
Post Office      

Fill in the word combinations to complete the sentences.
provided the existence, Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops, breakthrough of the blockade, to prevent the enemy’s bypass, approaches to the city
  1. The Red Army and the Baltic Fleet defended……….
  1. The Baltic fleet played an important role in the ………………….
  1. One of the main aims of the Baltic fleet was …………… the coast of the Gulf of Finland.
Fill in the word combinations to complete the sentences.
provided the existence, Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops, to prevent the enemy’s bypass, approaches to the city, lifting of the siege
  1. …………………………………………………..   bravely defended the city.
  1. On the day of the complete …………………, many Leningrad residents went out and congratulated each other.
  1. The road of life ………………. of many Leningrad residents.
Fill in the word combinations to complete the sentences.
provided the existence, Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops, breakthrough of the blockade, to prevent the enemy’s bypass, approaches to the city
  1. The Red Army and the Baltic Fleet defended……….
  1. The Baltic fleet played an important role in the ………………….
  1. One of the main aims of the Baltic fleet was …………… the coast of the Gulf of Finland.
Fill in the word combinations to complete the sentences.
provided the existence, Coastal Missile and Artillery Troops, to prevent the enemy’s bypass, approaches to the city, lifting of the siege
  1. …………………………………………………..   bravely defended the city.
  1. On the day of the complete …………………, many Leningrad residents went out and congratulated each other.
  1. The road of life ………………. of many Leningrad residents.

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