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Электронный журнал Экстернат.РФ, cоциальная сеть для учителей, путеводитель по образовательным учреждениям, новости образования

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Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение гимназия №66 Приморского района Санкт-Петербурга









Учебно-методическое пособие

Тема: «Диагностика обученности учащихся на уроках французского языка в средней школе»














Учитель: Троцюк Наталия Викторовна



















Применение компьютерных презентаций в учебном процессе позволяет интенсифицировать усвоение учебного материала учащимися и проводить занятия на качественно новом уровне, используя вместо аудиторной доски проецирование слайд фильмов и опорных таблиц с экрана компьютера на большой настенный экран.

Применение компьютерной презентации позволит существенно повысить эффективность урока.

Презентация позволяет воздействовать сразу на несколько видов памяти: зрительную, слуховую, эмоциональную и в некоторых случаях моторную.

Эффективность воздействия учебного материала на учащихся во многом зависит от степени и уровня иллюстративности материала. Визуальная насыщенность учебного материала делает его ярким, убедительным и способствует интенсификации процесса его усвоения. Компьютерные презентации позволяют акцентировать внимание учащихся на значимых моментах излагаемой информации и создавать наглядные эффектные образы в виде иллюстраций, схем, диаграмм, графических композиций и т. п. Презентация позволяет воздействовать сразу на несколько видов памяти: зрительную, слуховую, эмоциональную и в некоторых случаях моторную.

Обладая такой возможностью, как интерактивность, компьютерные презентации позволяют эффективно адаптировать учебный материал под особенности обучающихся. Усиление интерактивности приводит к более интенсивному участию в процессе обучения самого обучаемого, что способствует повышению эффективности восприятия и запоминания учебного материала.

Использовать презентацию в учебном процессе можно на различных этапах урока, при этом суть её как наглядного средства остаётся неизменной, меняются только её формы, в зависимости от поставленной цели её


Стоит ли создавать презентации на каждый урок и не слишком ли много времени это занимает? Совершенно не обязательно постоянно использовать презентации, тем более что в некоторых случаях это можно повредить, однако, в тех случаях, когда материал урока содержит большое количество иллюстративного материала, применение компьютерной презентации позволит существенно повысить эффективность урока.

Существующие на рынке программного обеспечения средства построения презентаций позволяют без программирования в короткий срок создавать, и при необходимости изменять, компьютерные презентации. Одна из самых эффективных программ для создания компьютерных презентаций –MicrosoftPowerPoint, Она позволяет учителю в короткие сроки создавать собственные презентации, учитывая большие дидактические возможности компьютерного представления знаний, уже в ближайшее время следует ожидать более интенсивного использования компьютерных презентаций в образовании.

Урок  потеме“My  Hobby Is the Best”в6 классеУМК  “Enjoy English”.

Цели урока


-Формирование навыков и умений владения учащимися английским языком по теме «My Hobby Is the Best.


-Обучение навыкам монологической речи по теме “My Hobby Is the Best”

-Обучение навыкам аудирования через аудио материал

-Обучение навыкам диалогической речи через создание речевых ситуаций

-Расширение кругозора учащихся.

-Развитие навыков общения по теме”My Hobby Is the Best.”

-Развитие творческих способностей у учащихся.


-Воспитание толерантного отношения к обычаям и традициям других народов.


-Развитие коммуникативных умений у учащихся по теме ''My Hobby Is the Best”

-Отработка ключевых разговорных фраз

-Развитие умений вести обоснованную дискуссию по теме ''My Hobby Is the Best'',

Основанную на презентации, речевых упражнениях и языковых клише, аудио материале.


-Мультимедиа проектор


-Раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

2.Речевая зарядка (на основе стихотворения и выбранной поговорки)

3.Атоматизация новой лексики (на основе раздаточного материала и слайд-шоу)

4.Ролевая игра ''Берем интервью у знаменитости''

5.Аудирование (учащиеся рассказывают о своих любимых занятиях)

6.Дискуссия по теме (на основе речевой таблицы)

7.Защита выбранного хобби(работа в группах)

8.Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание (хобби известного человека)

Ход урока

1.      Организационный момент

– I am glad to see you.

– We are glad to see you too.

– How are you?

– We are fine, thanks, and you?

– I am fine too.

– Who is on duty today?

– Who is absent today?

– What is the date today?

– What is the day of the week today?

2.      Фонетическая зарядка (слова по теме на доске)

3.      Сообщение целей и задач урока

Dear children! The topic of our lesson is “My Hobby is the best”. We must discuss different kinds of hobbies, learn arguments for and against different kinds of hobbies and at the end of our lesson you must prove that your hobby is the best of all.

4.      Речевая зарядка

Look at the screen and let’s read a short poem. Read after me. Answer my questions.

-          What is this poem about?

-          Why does the author call a book a little golden door?

-          Can reading be a hobby?

5.      – What other hobbies do you know?

– What is a hobby? (A hobby is something that people like doing in their free time)

There are a lot of sayings and proverbs about hobbies. Look at the screen and read them. Choose one of the sayings and tell me how you understand it. Use the words in ex. №1


6.      Let’s repeat our new words on the topic. Match the words with similar meanings. Find task №2 in your cards. Who wants to do this task on the blackboard? Let’s check this task. Please, read the pairs of the words  with similar meanings.

7.      Let’s remember how to describe your feelings and how to describe things, pastime, hobbies. (card №2) Look through these words make up sentences, using them. For example: “My mum is excited about watching soaps. It’s interesting”

8.      Look at the screen and let’s describe your feelings and hobbies. Imagine that your hobby is on the screen.






9.      It’s interesting to know about hobbies of famous people. Look at the screen and make up sentences.









10.  Let’s interview our famous sportsman E. Plushchenko. Look at the screen. Make up questions. Who wants to answer them?

11.  АудированиеWe have repeated our new words about hobbies. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps. (card №4)

12.  Card №5 look at the table and let’s learn to prove that this kind of hobby is interesting useful and popular.

13.  Let’s divided into two groups and prove that your hobby is the best.

14.  Домашнее задание.






Task 1


Match the words and their definitions.

1.to be fond of

2. to get pleasure from

3. to be keen on

4. to be crazy about

5.to be amused by

6.to be excited(about)

7. to be interesting in

8. to prefer



A. to be very enthusiastic about

B. want to do something very much

C. to enjoy

D. to like

E. pleasant

F. funny and entertaining

G. take an interest

H. to choose

I. to be fond of

J. to be thrilled


Task 2.


Describing feelings, describing things, pastime.


To be interested (in)

To be amused (by)

To be excited (about)

To be relaxed

To be thrilled


It’s interesting

It’s amusing

It’s exciting

It’s relaxing

It’s thrilling




Make up the sentences using the table.





Watching TV







Is popular with

Young people

Old people

My friends

Little children

People of all ages



Task 4.


Listen  to the dialogue and complete the sentences

Tom: I’m …………… about horses. I’d like to take a riding course.

John: I’m……………. in motorsport. It’s ……………… to watch races, especially Formula One

Sue: I’m………………. why some people are ……………….. with photography. I find it very……………….

Dan: I’m……………….. when I play the guitar.

Linda: I’m………………. by cartoons. It’s really……………. to draw   and write my own cartoons

Frank: I took up climbing three months ago and now   I’m really……………… .











Task 5.


Make up sentences using the table.



Watching TV

Going to the







Surfing the



















We learn a lot of new things(about people, countries,

Lands, etс.)

Our life becomes more interesting.

It can teach people to plan their life and time.

It teach us to develop our mind and body.

You can meet interesting people and make new friends

It helps us to relax

It helps us to solve problems of life.

It helps us to keep fit.

It helps us to be strong and healthy.

It helps us to choose our future profession.

It fills our life with joy and happiness.

It broadens our outlook.

We can communicate with our friends and relatives.

We learn more about traditions, culture and history of different countries.



Урокпотеме«My Home Is my castle» в6 классе, УМК«Enjoy English»

Учитель Грищенко Е.Н.

ГОУ 66 гимназия

Цели урока:

Практические: формирование навыков и умений владения учащимися английским языком по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle».


-обучение навыкам диалоговой речи по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle».

-обучение навыкам аудирования через видео материал.

- расширение кругозора учащихся.


- Развитие навыков общения по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle».

-Развитие творческих способностей учащихся.


-Стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной работе.


-Развитие коммуникативных умений у учащихся по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle».

-Развитие умений вести диалог  по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle», основанному на презентации и видео материале.


-мультимедийный проектор



-раздаточный материал

Языковой материал: лексика и разговорные клише по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle».

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle».

План  урока

1. Организационный момент. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

2. Фонетическая зарядка (на основе стихотворения «Home»).

3. Речевая зарядка (на основе обсуждения различий между словами «home» и «house» и пословиц  по теме «MyHomeIsmycastle»).

4. Обсуждение различий между разными видами домов в Великобритании (на основе раздаточных карточек).

5. Презентация разных видов домов. Задаём вопросы на основе опорных слов.

6. Описание типичного английского дома по цепочке на основе представленного слайда.

7. Развитие навыков поискового чтения на основе текста «TheWhiteHouse» (для расширения кругозора учащихся).

8. Просмотр видеосюжета о найме дома.

9. Составление собственного диалога.

10. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание – написать сочинение «Thehouseofmydream».

Ход урока


1. Организационный момент.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.


3. Речеваязарядка

How do you think what we are going to talk about at our lesson? Yes we are going to talk about home, the differences between the words «home» and «house», and how to rent a house or a flat. Imagine, you are going to visit Great Britain to practice your English and you are going to stay there for some months. Your should rent a house, or a flat. It`s cheaper than staying at a hotel. You must know what to do to rent a house. First of all you should know what types of houses there are in Great Britain, how to find them for rent and how to talk to agents. I think the lesson will be useful for you.

What are the differences between the words «home» and «house» ? What comes into your mind when you think of home?


                                              protection                    holidays                 parents                                  


                                 love             home         place you always want to return


                                                     happiness           your room              favourite things


4. There are some proverbs about home. Do you know any of them?

Can you give Russian equivalents? Can you explain one of them?

Let`s do ex 52 p.138                       What are the differences between «home» and «house»

                                                           Home is a place where you  live.

                                                           House is a building where people can live.

5. To rent a house you should know more about the types houses in Great Britain. Match the descriptions with the types of houses. (Раздаточныекарточки).

6.  Ask questions, using these words to know more about the houses.





What kind of house do you want to live (to rent)?

7. Now let`s describe a typical English house. English people prefer to live in such houses.

Describe a typical English house in chain.


8. You have learnt a lot of interesting and useful things about English houses. Now you can rent a room, a flat or a house in Great Britain if you go to this country. Where can we find announcements on renting?(newspapers, magazines)

9. To broaden your mind let`s read a short information about one of the famous houses in the USA.



10. How to talk to an agent to rent a house or a flat? Watch the video.

11. Make up your own dialogue between you and an agent.

12. Итоги

13. Домашнеезадание: Describe the house of your dream.




Task 1

Put in ”home or house”

1 How many rooms are there in your ……

2 The British say’’ ……sweet ……’’.

3 Where is the kittens …….? –I m afraid, it’ s homeless.

4 What s your ……town? – Pavlovsk.

5 What kind of…….have you got?

6 My ……. Is a place where I relax and rest.


Task 2

Look at these houses. Match the houses and their descriptions.

A semi-detached house                                This building has the ground floor, the first floor, the second 

                                                                           floor and the third floor. There is no lift. There are many flats

                                                                            here. Each flat has a balcony and one two or three rooms.

                                                                             It has central heating system.


A detached house                                             This building has two or three floors, it has a garage, a garden

                                                                              a fence around the house and a gate in front of the house.

                                                                                It has many rooms upstairs and downstairs:a sitting room, a

                                                                                dining room, bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom a playroom

                                                                                for children. It is for one family.


A terraced house                                               This building has the same description that the last one but

                                                                              there are two houses in one, it is for two families.


Block of flats                                                      This building is big. It s row houses. There are bedrooms,

                                                                             sitting rooms, kitchens, bathrooms for different families.

Task 3

Read the text.

The White House.

1600Pennselvania Avenue in Washington DC is a famous address. It is the address of the White House,                        the home of the President of the United States.

    The White House is 200 years old. It has got 6 floors, 132 rooms,35 bathrooms,28 fireplaces and 3 lifts. There are paintings of presidents and antique furniture in the rooms. There is also a swimming pool, a gym, a cinema and lots of offices inside the building.

     At the front of the White House, there is a portico and a small fountain with 18 acres of gardens around it.

        The White House is a beautiful building. It is also a museum with 1,500,000 visitors every year.


Урокпотеме:  Eating Habits in Great Britain.

Цели урока.


-Формирование навыков и умений владения учащимися английским языком по теме Eating Habits in Great Britain.


-Обучение навыкам поискового чтения

-Обучение навыкам диалогической речи (с помощью речевых опор)

-Обучение навыкам аудирования через аудио материал


-Развитие навыков общения по теме

-Развитие творческих способностей у учащихся


-Формирование навыков работы в группе

-Стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной работе

-Расширение кругозора учащихся


-Развитие коммуникативных умений у учащихся по теме.

-Отработка ключевых разговорных фраз.

-Расширение лексического запаса у учащихся.


1.Мульти-медиа проектор


3.Раздаточный материал


Ход урока.

1.Организационный момент. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

2.Речевая зарядка(на основе  стихотворения TheFoodILike).

3.Мини-дискуссия на основе высказываний знаменитых людей о британской еде и статьи ''British


4.Просмотр видео сюжета из кинофильма Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон  и обсуждение типичного английского завтрака и правил поведения за столом.

5.Слайд-шоу«Typical British Food”

6.Аудирование. Прослушивание диалога В ресторане

7.Ролевая игра  Заказ еды в ресторане с использованием языковых клише.

8.Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока.

The theme of our lesson is  ‘’Eating Habits in Great Britain”. Let’s begin with the poem “The Food  I Like.”

Read it after me, then read it yourself. Answer my questions:

-What does the auther like to eat on Sunday?

-What does he like to eat on Monday?

-What does he like to drink on Tuesday?

-What does he prefer to eat on Wednesday?

-When does he eat sandwiches?

- Why is Saturday his favourite day?

As you see we are going to speak about eating habits in Great Britain. What do they like to eat? How have their eating habits changed? How often do they eat out? We’ll find out what their favourite restaurants are and how to order meals in restaurants.

It’s interesting to know what famous people think of British meal and their eating habits. Let’s read some quotes.

How do you understand this quote?

Let’s read the beginning of the article ‘’British Meals’’ and and prove that B.Shaw was right.

Read the second and the third paragraphs, then look at the screen and answer the question: -How have the British tastes changed since that time? What did they prefer to eat 20 years ago? What do they prefer to eat nowadays? Why?

Read article ‘’Eating Out’’ and find the answers to the questions: What is classic English take-away food?

Why do people order take-away food?

Let’s look at the screen and read another quotes by famous people.

How do you understand these quotes? Read the article ‘’English Tea’’and prove that these sayings are true. Why are Englishmen called ‘’great tea-lovers’’? What do they usually put into the cup of tea?

Why did they start putting milk in tea?

How often do they drink tea?

What does it mean ‘’Russian tea’’?

Now it’s time to speak about English breakfast. I think typical English breakfast has become famous in Russia thanks to the film about Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. We are going to watch a video sequence from this film. Before viewing answer the questions:

-Have you ever read books by Conan Doyle?

-Have you seen the film about Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson?

-Do you like the film?

-Do you like the main characters?

-Where did they live?

-What are they like?

After the first viewing answer the questions:

-Where is Dr Watson?

-What is he doing?

-What is he eating for breakfast?

-What can you say about his character and behavior at the table?

-Can you describe his feelings?

Look at the screen and describe typical English breakfast.

-What does typical English breakfast consist of?

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were very polite and had good table manners.Look at the screen and read the saying.

-Can you explain it?

Now let’s read the last paragraph of the article and look at the screen.

Which restaurants do the British prefer?

Have you ever been to the restaurant?

Can you order meals in the restaurant?

Look at the screen and read the questions.

It’s time to watch video sequence ‘’In the restaurant’’. Watch it twice and replace the words in bold with the words in the actual dialogue.


A: Hello. Would you like to order?   1)…………………………………….

B:Yes,we are.

A: What do you want for starters? 2)………………………………………..

B: I would like the seafood salad, please.

C: And I want a cheese salad with tomato. 3)…………………………………….

A: And what would you like for the main course? 4)…………………………………

B: I would like the mushroom omelette, please.

A:OK. Would you like any sweets? 5)…………………………………..

B: Yes, please.


Roleplay  ‘’In the Restaurant’’ Take the menu and imagine yourselves in the restaurant.


Let’s take your seats in the restaurant and choose the waiter.

Comprehension check

Decide whether these statements are true or false.

1. Many British people have a big breakfast.

2. People often have cereal or toast for breakfast. 

3.Marmalade is different from jam.

4.People drink tea with hot milk.

5.Many foreign visitors love instant coffee.

6.All British people have hot lunch.

7.Pubs are good places to go for lunch.

8. British people eat dinner late in the evening.

9. When you get a take-away meal, you eat it at home.

10. Fish and chips is the favourite British take-away meal.

Homework: write about the differences between English and Russian breakfast.



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