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Дорогие ребята!

Вот и заканчивается I четверть 2014-2015 учебного года!

Поздравляю вас с достижением хороших результатов и благодарю за совместную работу.

Надеюсь, вы понимаете, что достигнутые результаты необходимо закреплять.

Приведённые ниже задания по грамматике помогут вам повторить и отработать материал,

пройденный в I четверти 5 класса:

-       Present Simple

-       Past Simple

-       Future Simple


Свои ответы прошу присылать по адресу bozhiakorovka75@mail.ru.

Удачи! Good luck!


1) Fill in the blanks with the verbs from the box below / Заполните пропуски глаголами из рамочки:

be – love – clean – have – meet – go – sleep – teach – learn - come

Mary (1) ....is... a teacher. She (2) ....................French. The children (3)........................ her and they  (4) ............... a lot from her. Mary (5) ..................... home at 3:00 and (6) ........................ lunch. Then she  (7) ............... for an hour. in the afternoon she (8) ........................ shopping or she (9) ........................ her    house. Sometimes she (10) ...................... her aunt and (11) .................... tea with her. Every Sunday she  (12).............. her friends.

2) Complete the questions, then answer them as in the example / Задайте вопросы и дайте краткие ответы на них, как в образце:

  1. ...Do...... the girls like football? No, .......they don't................................
  2. .............. Jim eat beefburgers? Yes, ....................................................
  3. ............... you go to school? Yes, ..........................................................
  4. ................ she drink lemonade? No, .......................................................
  5. ................ he help his mother? No, .........................................................
  6. ................ they walk to school? Yes, .......................................................
  7. ................ fish live in the water? Yes, ......................................................
  8. ................ your dog sleep in your bedroom? No, ...................................
  9. ................ you like bananas? No, .............................................................
  10. ................ Ann and Mary visit their grandparents? Yes, .........................

3) Write sentences as in the example / Напишите предложения, как в образце:

  1. Beth eats oranges. (bananas) .............She doesn't eat bananas............
  2. Paul likes walking. (running) .......................................................................
  3. They usually go to a disco. (restaurant) ....................................................
  4. Peter works in his office. (bedroom) .........................................................
  5. They drink water. (Coca - Cola) .................................................................

4) Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. / Заполните пропуски глаголами в настоящем простом и продолженном временах:

It(1) ....is....(be) Saturday afternoon and my sister and I(2)................ (be) at my friend's party. Some children (3) ..................... (dance) in the sitting - room now. My friend(4) ............... (open) a present at the moment. Two children (5) ............ (eat) chocolate cake, and three children (6) ............ (play) a game. I often(7) .......................(go) to parties because I (8) ..................... (have) a lot of friends. But I(9).................(not/go) to parties on Sundays because I always (10) .............. (visit) my grandparents on Sundays.

5) Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. / Заполните пропуски глаголами в настоящем простом и продолженном временах:

Today(1) ....is....(be) Sunday. My sister (2)................ (paint) a picture at the moment. My brothers (3) ..................... (ride) their bicycles in the garden now. They (4) ............... (wear) their new jackets. I often (5) ............ (read) a magazine on Sundays, but today I (6) ............ (write) a  letter to my cousin, Anna. She often(7) .......................(send) me letters. Anna (8) ..................... (want)  to be a doctor.Sometimes my mother (9).................(ask) me what I (10) .............. (want) to be, but I (11)..................... (not/know).

6) Choose a time expression from the box for each sentence. / Выберите подходящий "указатель" времени из таблички и заполните пропуски:

now – on Fridays – always – at the moment – every night


  1. My father is listening to the radio .............at the moment.............
  2. I .......................................................................have toast for breakfast.
  3. We watch the 9 o'clock news ....................................................
  4. My brother is doing his homework .........................................................
  5. My mother goes to the supermarket ......................................................
  6. I read a book or  a magazine in bed ......................................................
  7. My grandmother ......................................................sends me a birthday present.
  8. My brother is playing football......................................................
  9. At school we have our history lesson ......................................................
  10. My father ...................................................... buys a newspaper from the shop near his office.

7) Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous. / Заполните пропуски глаголами в настоящем простом и продолженном временах:

  1. Listen! The birds .............are singing.............(sing) in the garden!
  2. I often .................................................................(buy) fruit from the greengrocer's.
  3. My mother....................................................(drink) tea now.
  4. Look at Tom and Jim! They .........................................................(walk) up the hill.
  5. That man ....................................................(laugh) at the moment.
  6. The cat ....................................................(play) with a ball now.
  7. We always ....................................................(wear)warm clothes in winter.
  8. He often.....................................................(eat) a sandwich at lunchtime.

8) Choose the correct item. / Выберите верную форму глагола:


  1. She ....drinks.... milk every morning.       a) drinks b) is drinking c) drink
  2. We .............. to the park now.       a) goes b) are going c) go
  3. The woman  .............. swimming now.       a) goes b) is going c) go
  4. She often .............. her red dress.       a) wears b) is wearing c) wear
  5. Look! The cat  .............. up the tree.       a) climbs b) is climbing c) climb
  6. John ............... to school now.       a) walks b) is walking c) walk
  7. My cat usually  .............. by the fire.       a) sleep b) is sleeping c) sleeps
  8. I  .............. a letter at the moment.       a) write b) am writing c) is writing
  9. They  .............. in a restaurant every Sunday.       a) eats b) are eating c) eat
  10. Mother always ..............the grass.       a) cuts b) cut c) is cutting

9) Simple Past (Regular verbs) Put the verbs into the Simple Past. / Выберите верную форму глагола:

Yesterday my family and I ....visited... (visit) my grandparents. My mother (1) ......... (help) my grandfather in the garden. My father (2)......... (clean) the windows outside. My brother and I (3) ............(watch) cartoones on television with my grandfather. Later we (4) .............. (play) outside in the garden.

We (5) ................. (climbed) the tree to our tree-house. We (6) ............... (stay) there all afternoon. Then our mother (7) .............. (call) us because it was time to go home. Our grandparents (8) ................. (kiss) us goodbye and we (9) ..............(return) home. We (10) ....................(arrive) home at 8 o'clock. Father (11) ....................(look) for the key, (12) .............. (open) our front door and we all (13) .............. (walk) inside.

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Экспресс-курс "ОСНОВЫ ХИМИИ"


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